MMS Back to School
Dear Parents,
The start of school is just around the corner and we are so excited to welcome your student to Marquardt! Hopefully your summer has been filled with fun! We have been busy here at Marquardt Middle School getting ready to welcome everyone back on Wednesday, August 14th.
START TIME- 7:45am, Students enter the building at 7:30am
END TIME- 2:45pm
LATE BUSES- Monday- Thursdays: 3:45 pm, Tuesdays-Thursdays: 4:30 pm
Students’ team assignments will be sent out to parents via text message and email on Friday, August 9th, 2024 at 5:00 pm. On the first day of school students will begin by meeting with their teams and Connections teachers, then will be given their individual schedules. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Included in this newsletter you will find all the important information you need to know in order to help your child have a successful start to the school year. If at any time you have questions that we can help you with to ensure a smooth transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office.
Dr. Rebecca Gabrenya
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL- Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 7:45 am
This will be a FULL day of attendance. School will begin at 7:45 a.m. and will dismiss at 2:45 p.m. Please note breakfast will not be served on the first day of school.
First Day Orientation
As we return to school, we will plan to have the first day of school to be an orientation for all students. On this day, students will engage in team building activities, learn about lockers, understand their schedule, tour the building, and much more.
The success of students depends on their ability to be at school. Students must come to school everyday unless they are sick. At MMS, we do track and report chronically truant students. Please try to arrange any appointments outside of school hours. Also, please note that students that are not in attendance can not participate in after school activities.
One of the District's goals this year is to improve student attendance. The District is excited to launch a new MSD15 H.E.R.O. Campaign which stands for HERE, EVERY DAY, READY and ON-TIME. Why does attendance matter? Regular attendance is critical in ensuring excellent student performance. So when we're here, every day, ready and on-time... we move the needle on student success. So, let's show up TOGETHER!
No child can be at school prior to 7:30, which is when supervision starts, unless they are enrolled in a zero hour class (band, orchestra, or choir). Zero hour students will enter the building at 7:00 and zero hour classes will begin at 7:08am. Additional information regarding ZERO hour and bus route information will be coming out in a separate newsletter.
Bus riders are dropped off in the center bus lane. No car traffic is ever allowed in the center drive before or after school due to bus traffic. This is a student safety issue. 6th graders who are dropped off by parents in the morning should be dropped off in front of the building on the 6th grade side and will walk around to the side to enter the building. 7th and 8th graders dropped off by parents will enter at the northeast end of campus and enter through the appropriate doors. Please see the attached map for a visual.
Band and Orchestra
Instrumental Musical classes will begin on August 14th and runs from 7:08 – 7:38am. All zero hour students, regardless of whether they take the bus or get a ride, will not be allowed to enter the building until 7:00 and will enter through door 4E by the performing arts center. Prior to 7:00 there will be no adult supervision, so please remember there are no drop-offs until 7:00am.
Laptop Information
Marquardt Middle School is a 1:1 school which means each student has access to a school issued laptop. This device is used throughout the school day in all of your child’s classes. All students will be given their devices in the first or second week of school. We ask that students get into a regular habit of charging their laptops every night so they are fully charged each school day. Please speak with your student about being responsible with their computer equipment to avoid damage that may result in a bill.
Picture Day
Student photos, including I.D. pictures, will be taken by Lifetouch on Wednesday, August 21st. Picture packet forms are attached at the bottom of this newsletter. You can order online at mylifetouch.com and enter code EVTCX4WHJ. Students who wish to purchase their pictures using check/money order or cash with exact change on that day need to complete a picture day form and send it with their child on Wednesday the 21st. They will give the form to the photographer.
Extra-Curricular Activities
All students planning on trying out and participating in a sport need to have a physical within the last year on file with our school nurse. Any student participating in a club or sport will need to be in good academic standing in order to participate. Cross Country, girls volleyball, and boys soccer begin in the first and second weeks of school so book your child’s physical as soon as possible. More information will be shared with your child during our daily announcements and at the Back to School Fair. If you have questions about your child’s physical, please contact our school nurse Carolina Risolvo at crisolvo@d15.us.
School Supplies
Please click here for the School supplies for the start of school. We ask for parents to please supply the items included in the supply list for a successful year. Together we can help your child be prepared for school. Please note that some teachers may request a few more items throughout the year as needed.
Health Forms
Remember that school health forms are due by the start of the school year. MSD15 forms and requirements can be found here: https://www.d15.us/families/health-services. Also, if your child is considering joining a sport they will need a physical with in the past year in order to participate.
Master Schedule Updates
We are very proud of the master schedule we have built that aligns to a middle school philosophy where teaming and opportunities for our students are at the center of their educational experiences. We have a 9 period day that includes- 2 periods of ELA, 1 period of math, 1 period of science, 1 period of social studies, 1 period of physical education, 1 period of exploratory (6 week rotations of Art, Music, Speech & Drama, Applied Science, Global Studies, and Innovator’s Space), a 30 minute period of Connections, and lunch. Classes are 41 minutes and offer students an engaging, well-rounded educational experience to promote academic and social emotional skills. A copy of the bell schedule can be found below.
Each student at the middle school is assigned to a grade level team. There are 3 teams per grade level. This means that students will be organized with a consistent group of teachers who meet together on a regular basis and really get to know your student. Each team has 2 ELA/SS teachers, 1 math teacher, and 1 science teacher. They collaborate daily and work really well together to give their best to your child. It is our goal to work together along with you as partners in education to support our kids!
Main Office
If you need to drop something off, pick up your child, or stop by the school for any reason, you will come to the main office. Please see the attached map for the location. We ask all of our students to have their phones off an away for the day but if they need to call home all they need to do is ask a staff member. If your child is not feeling well they should go to the nurse so they can receive the appropriate attention and support.
If you need to pick up your child during the school day: Please call the school 5 minutes before you arrive. Once you arrive, please enter the main office and sign your child out. When you arrive on campus pull up by door 1S, which is the main office door.
MSD 15 Breakfast and Lunch
All MSD 15 students are eligible for FREE Breakfast and Lunch. Breakfast will be served in the morning before the start of 1st period. Lunch will be served daily at school with several options to choose from each day. Students will have 30 minutes to get and eat their lunch.
Parents all have access to PowerSchool as this is the program that was used for registration. Parents should regularly check PowerSchool to track students progress, grades, and attendance. If you plan to download the app, you will need the code DHJG to connect to Marquardt Middle School.
Cell Phone, Smart Watch, and Headphone Policy:
Please note that cell phones are allowed on the middle school campus but need to remain off and away in students’ lockers during the school day. Students are not allowed to keep their cell phones on them or in their laptop bags. If a cell phone is not off and in a student's locker during the instructional day, then it will be taken and parent pick-up will be required. Additionally, students are not allowed to have smart watches or airpods. Students will be told to them to keep those items in their lockers off and away or at home. Please talk with your child about keeping their cell phone off and locked in their lockers if they do bring one to school. It’s important to note that Marquardt Middle School is not liable for any lost or stolen devices.
Dress Code
According to our Parent Student Handbook, students are expected to wear clothing in a neat, clean, and well fitting manner while on school property and/or in attendance at school sponsored activities. We ask students to refrain from wearing pajamas, hats, hoods, and bandanas while at school. We also ask that students wear items that do not contain inappropriate images or text such as alcohol or weapons. Clothing with holes, rips, tears, and clothing that is otherwise poorly fitting, showing skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school. The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment. A great rule of thumb is shoulders to midthigh to be covered. Please see the Parent Student Handbook for more details.
Save the Date
Our Back to School Fair for parents and students is Tuesday, August 27th at 6pm! Make sure to add this to your calendar as you will hear important information from your child’s teachers/team as well as have a chance to learn about all the extra-curricular activities we offer to get your students involved and enhance their middle school experience.
Parent Contact Info
All MMS parent information and newsletters will be sent via email and text. Please make sure the office always has your updated email address and phone number on file. It’s crucial for effective communication to ensure you do not miss any information. Also, please text the word “yes” to 87569 in order to receive important communication for MMS.
Please note breakfast will begin on the second day of school 8/15/24
School Supplies
Zero Hour Bus Routes
Arrival and Dismissal Map
The Marquardt Middle Parents Auxiliary (MMPA) is responsible for all fundraising, the 8th grade dance, book fairs, sponsoring student activities, and promotion festivities just to name a few. The goal of our parent organization is to raise funds to bring in and host activities that enhance our students’ middle school experience. Without this parent organization’s support, many of these events may not occur this year. We are hoping we are able to continue the tradition of the 8th grade dance but we need more parents to serve on our MMPA parent committee to make it happen! We are asking that parents attend a meeting so that Marquardt Middle School students can continue to enjoy all these special events and services. If you are able to help in any way, please contact: Dr. Gabrenya at rgabrenya@d15.us.
The MSD15 Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC) will be hosting its Planning Meeting for the 24-25 school year on Thursday, September 12 at 6:00 pm at the MSD15 Administration Center (1860 Glen Ellyn Road). During this planning meeting, parents and guardians will participate in a meet-and-greet and receive information regarding the program, BPAC elections, a calendar and a general overview of the year to come. All are invited to attend, please come as you are! Childcare and refreshments will be provided.
El Consejo Asesor de Padres Bilingües (BPAC) del Distrito Escolar Marquardt 15 organizará su reunión de planificación para el año escolar 24-25 el jueves, 12 de septiembre a las 6:00 p. m. en el Centro Administrativo (1860 Glen Ellyn Road). Durante esta reunión de planificación, los padres y tutores participarán en una reunión y recibirán información sobre el programa, las elecciones de BPAC, un calendario y una descripción general del próximo año. ¡Todos están invitados a asistir, por favor vengan! Se proporcionará el cuidado de niños y refrescos.
Marquardt Middle School
Dr. Rebecca Gabrenya
Email: rgabrenya@d15.us
Website: https://middleschool.d15.us/
Location: 1912 Glen Ellyn Road, Glendale Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 630 858-3850