Counseling Corner
What is Happening in Guidance?
Growth in Guidance!
Last month we learned the importance of having good Manners & taking Responsibilities for our own actions. "Taking Ownership" of our choices is the right thing to do!
Oct 23-26th "Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week"
Oct 23- Put Drugs to Sleep! (Pajama day)
Oct 24-Team Up against Drugs (Wear Team Jersey)
Oct 25- Don't get mixed up in drugs- (Mix Match day)
Oct 26- Character Day (school appropriate)
Unity Day! Oct 18th (WEAR ORANGE)
RCPS Definition:
“Bullying” means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power balance between aggressor and the victim and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. This includes both in-person and cyberbullying.
“Student conflict” means ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument or peer interactions that are incidental