Board Bulletin
August 26 2024

Embracing the Future of Public Education in our Community
As we look forward to the start of a new school year, School Board Chair Shannon Sinning authored the following column on behalf of the School Board articulating the vision we’ve laid out for the Mankato Area Public Schools. We’re excited for the transformative work that lies ahead as we focus on our new mission of Excellence, Equity, Empowerment. Every Student, Every Day.
In January 2023, the MAPS School Board, consisting of seven dedicated members, embarked on a journey towards what we believe will improve the future for our youngest community members. The Classroom to Boardroom strategic planning process involved school board members engaging with students, teachers, parents, staff, district leadership, community members, and businesses. We set out to listen to all voices to prepare our district for the next phase of public education in our great communities.
As technology rapidly transforms the landscape for our young people, so too does our understanding of our community’s workforce needs and best practices in education. We know that public education must adapt. Change can be difficult and sometimes uncomfortable. The MAPS School Board recognizes that some will be excited and energized by changes to the educational landscape, while others may be concerned that we are changing too much or too fast. The Board has challenged district leaders, school principals and ourselves to forge new opportunities, much like any well-run organization. New endeavors sometimes come with growing pains, and that’s okay. However, maintaining the status quo poses the biggest risk of all.
MAPS continues to lead the way in public education, and just a few months after committing to our new roadmap, we are already seeing results. As MAPS staff embarks on the extensive learning work that will underpin our new strategic plan, so too will the School Board. In the coming months, you will see the Board take action on a new structure for our meetings that will engage members in key governance and policy questions associated with our district’s new direction.
The Board will continue to be transparent in our work and deliberate in inviting all invested partners to engage with our public schools. Your involvement is crucial. Together, we can deliver the future-focused education our children deserve.
School Board Approves Contract Extension for Superintendent
- The big picture: The School Board at its August meeting unanimously approved a new contract with Superintendent Paul Peterson, extending his employment until June 2028.
- Background: This new contract follows a positive review of the superintendent’s performance conducted by the Board in July.
- The contract: Included in the contract are adjustments to Superintendent Peterson’s compensation that reflect his performance and continued dedication to MAPS. Under the agreement, Dr. Peterson will receive increases in his compensation that align with recently approved agreements for MAPS employee groups and with the compensation of Superintendents in similarly-sized districts across Minnesota.
- New release: You can read the news release here.
School Board Elections
The big picture: At the general election this November, MAPS residents will have the opportunity to vote for four (4) members of the School Board.
The candidates: Seven candidates filed to run for School Board:
Christopher Kind (incumbent)
Liz Ratcliff (incumbent)
Erin Roberts (incumbent)
Tracy Frederick Corcoran
Tim Flynn
Elizabeth Hanke
Joel Hollerich
- Candidate information: Each candidate filled out a candidate profile when filing for election. Those profiles can be viewed on the district’s elections website.
Construction Tour
The big picture: School Board members had the chance to tour the construction progress at the schools undergoing improvements this year as part of the community-approved facility referendum.
Exciting improvements: Construction crews and district staff have been hard at work to complete this summer’s projects for the start of this school year. As a reminder, projects in Phase I include:
Center for Learning - classrooms, gym, and district warehouse is complete
Washington Elementary - secure entrance and student services space
Bridges Community School - secure entrance and remodeled special education space
Roosevelt Elementary secure entrance, student services space (the additional classroom and storm shelter will finish later this year)
Dakota Meadows Middle - secure entrance, remodeled student services and special education space (the storm shelter/gym and pool will finish next year).
- Keep updated: The district’s bond construction website always has the latest updates.
Cell Phone Roundtable
The big picture: Members of the School Board, students, and district staff recently participated in a roundtable discussion with Senator Alice Mann on potential legislation on cell phones in schools.
Ahead of the curve: Last year the MAPS School Board adopted a new policy restricting cell phone and mobile device usage in our schools. With one year of implementation of the new policy complete, this roundtable offered a great opportunity to share lessons learned.
- Looking forward: In the coming months, the School Board will hold a work session to review our cell phone policy and determine whether any improvements need to be made. As we start the year, the School Board would like to remind all families that the Board policy prohibits cell phone/mobile device usage (including earphones and smart watches) at all times during the school day grades K-8 and permits use only during lunch and passing time grades 9-12. Your help in reinforcing this with your student will help ensure that all students can focus on academics.
School Forest & Prairie Restoration
The big picture: At our July school board meeting, the School Board unanimously passed a resolution creating a new school forest and prairie at the site of the Center for Learning.
- Outdoor learning: Over the past several months, MAPS Center for Learning staff have been in the beginning stages of developing a School Forest and Prairie Restoration to provide a natural habitat as an outdoor learning space for students and families. Partners involved in this planning include: Henry Panowitsch from the Many Rivers Prairie Enthusiasts, Vanessa Zachman with the MN Department of Natural Resources, Laura Duffy with MN DNR School Forest Program, Julia Battern science teacher at East High School, and MAPS facilities and maintenance staff. Expansion of the school forest began with the planting of 16 flowering shrubs donated by the DNR in partnership with East High School. The MAPS facilities team has now started the process of preparing the prairie land and will be monitoring the prairie land to determine when the ground is ready for planting. The Prairie Enthusiasts will assist in continuing to care for the prairie as it develops, and we will continue to work with the DNR to identify the trees and shrubs to establish the forest. With the school board’s approval, the application process to officially register the site as a school forest is underway.
Summer Programing Update
The big picture: If you think MAPS goes quiet in the summer - you would be sorely mistaken. At our August meeting, the School Board heard an impressive update from our staff leading our summer programing for preschool to adults.
A new take on summer learning: Over the past few years, MAPS has worked to significantly redesign our summer academic programming for elementary, middle and high school students. More than 1,000 students (and adults through ABE programming) participated in a variety of summer academic programs focused on hand-on learning and social/emotional support. The Board commends all staff involved in making this future-focused education available to our community.
A whole lot of meals: This summer, MAPS operated 10 sites providing free breakfast and lunch to all students. In just the months of June & July 38,000 meals were provided to kids in our community. Thanks to our great food service staff for their hard work!
- Get the details: You can see the summer programming presentation slides here.
MAPS Staff Spotlight
Staff Spotlight
Danica joined MAPS food service in October 2022 and from the moment she arrived her energy and commitment have been unwavering. Her efforts have not only made summer lunchtime smoother but she has created a warm, welcoming environment for youngest students. Her attention to detail and genuine care have not gone unnoticed.
Thank you Danica for your dedication and heart for service!
Mr. Hiniker's commitment to MAPS has been demonstrated by his years of service, along with his growth in his many roles within the district. He is a true leader and is committed to serving others by putting others' needs before his own.
Jason's journey from custodian to Facilities Operations Coordinator is a testament to his dedication, expertise, and invaluable contributions to our organization. His unwavering commitment to excellence serves as an inspiration to us all, and we are grateful for his continued leadership and exceptional service!
Out and About
School Board member Chris Kind (and former members Judi Brandon and Ann Hendricks) attended the open house at the MAPS Center For Learning.
School Board Members Kristi Schuck and Patrick Baker welcomed the 65 new teachers to Mankato Area Public Schools, including these new teachers at Rosa Parks Elementary and Bridges Community School.
Monday, September 2, 2024
*District Offices Closed
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
*Classes begin for 9th grade
*K-8 Conferences
*5:30 p.m. - School Board Meeting - Mankato Room
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
*Classes begin for 10-12th grades
*K-8 Conferences
Thursday, September 5, 2024
*Classes begin for K-8th grades
Mankato Area Public Schools
Email: maps@isd77.org
Website: www.isd77.org
Location: 10 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-387-1868
Facebook: facebook.com/ISD77MAPS
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS