SCCS Home Bulletin
December 11, 2024
The mission of Sioux Center Christian School is to disciple God’s children by equipping them with a knowledge and understanding of Christ and His creation so that they can obediently serve God and others as they work and play.
Every Student TREASURED, Every Student TRAINED, Every Student TRANSFORMED
Did You Know?
The SCCS Society was formed before the Wright Brothers flew the first powered flight and
our school has been around longer than Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
In February of 1903 the SCCS Society was formed. Less than a year later (Dec. 1903) the Wright Brothers flew the first powered flight in history. Since then, many significant things happened in the world. To name a few:
- Two World Wars were fought.
- Women were allowed to vote in 1920.
- In 1923 a woman hiccupped for 12 straight weeks.
- Penicillin was discovered in 1928.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947.
- The first human entered space in 1961.
- The first call on a mobile phone was made in 1973.
- The internet was born in 1989, and
- SCCS built/expanded at least 8 times.
A couple of weeks ago I gave a tour of the Blazer Center. I was looking forward to showing off the new space to a few alums ('68 & '70). I thoroughly enjoyed hearing them reminisce as we roamed the halls. They remembered not having any room to sit on the bench during basketball games because sidelines were so close to the walls. They even indicated that they were "asked" to stand in the hall a few times for misbehaving - they didn't go into much detail about those memories, but you should ask them!
My time with Roger & Henry was so fun. I will never forget the looks on their faces when they shared their stories.
It's easy to say we've been around for more than a century, and we can categorize the sacrifices that many people have made through the years. But our age and the sacrifices that were made to keep SCCS afloat aren't what make this place special. SCCS is special because of the deep relationships that have been formed between students, teachers and churches ... literally for generations. The love that drives sacrificial giving makes those connections possible. Relationships help create bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.
The Blazer Center is going to be an incredible place for our students to learn and play. The sacrificial giving of our families and churches have made it possible. I can't wait to hear their stories and memories. They will fill the halls forever.
Exciting news!! Generous donors, wanting to encourage giving, have committed $150,000 in matching gifts!
The match will apply to immediate gifts given and monthly/quarterly/annual gifts started while the match is in effect. Give soon so your gift can have DOUBLE the IMPACT! Give online HERE or drop off or mail your gift to school. Thank you for considering YOUR role in the GIVING STORY of SCCS and the Blazer Center! Questions? Give Paul Ross, director of development a call, text, or email | pross@siouxcenterchristian.com | 712.541.1707
At SCCS, we keep Christ's birth the focus of Christmas. That will never change! It is also fun to celebrate this season with each other! That's why we invite you to join in Festive Fun in December. Here’s the plan:
- Friday, December 13: Ugly or not-so-ugly sweaters – wear your Christmas attire!
- Friday, December 20: Red and green – dress the colors of Christmas!
Wear your good-natured sweaters, light necklaces, flannel, colored apparel – whatever you already have! Hats that go with the theme are OK. Parents, we ask that you carefully discern the appropriateness of student festive apparel as we seek to celebrate with each other while still keeping the true focus of Christmas on Christ’s birth. Also, all clothing should still fit the school dress code.
- Please check the online calendar for upcoming events (http://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/calendar.cfm)
- Because of an all staff/faculty meeting and Christmas Party, the office will close at 2:20 on Wednesday, Dec. 18.
- There will be no Aftercare on Wednesday, Dec. 18 and Friday, Dec. 20.
- School will dismiss for the Christmas Break at 1:05 on Friday, Dec. 20.
- There will be no school December 23-Jan. 3 for the Christmas break. Classes will resume on Monday, Jan. 6.
- The school office will be closed Dec. 23- Jan. 3 for the Christmas break.
- TRIP Office Christmas Break Hours: Open 8:00-1:00 on Monday, Dec. 23, Monday, Dec. 30 and Friday, Jan. 3; Closed Dec. 24-27 and Dec. 31-Jan. 2
We have a limited selection of youth and adult Trailblazer gear (hoodies $30, t-shirts $16) and Truth t-shirts ($15) available to purchase in our “Mini Apparel Store” in the school office. We also have SCCS Cookbooks for $5 (they’re almost gone!) All proceeds go to the Blazer Center. Remember to shop before Christmas break begins, since the office is closed during break.
Looking to borrow 2 Blue wingback arm chairs to use from Jan 3-Jan 20 for Beauty and the Beast Jr. Contact Eileen Buiter (712-578-8624) if you have some chairs we could borrow. Thank you!
We will be using Bloomz Alert to notify families of any weather related announcements (early outs/late starts/no school). Weather notifications will also be posted on Facebook, our website, KTIV and KSOU.
Bloomz Alerts are automatically sent through the Bloomz app and the email you have attached to Bloomz. If you would like to receive text notifications, please add your phone number to Bloomz using the instructions below.
Optional SMS/Text Notification:
- If you are using a mobile app, make sure to click the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to expand the left navigation menu.
- Click your profile picture icon.
- Select Account Settings.
- Click Edit Phone Info.
- Update the phone number, enter your current Bloomz password, and click Add Primary Phone to save this information.
We value the partnership between our parents and school! We want to invite you into the school so you can experience what’s happening in the classroom. Each grade level will be hosting a Parent Visit Day again this year. You are invited to join us for some time in the classroom and a pizza lunch on us!
1st Grade visit day will be on Friday, December 13. Join us at 10:15 in the band room followed by a classroom visit and pizza for lunch. Looking forward to seeing you here!
Below are the dates for the Parent Visit Days this school year. Dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. More information will be sent out later.
- January 24 - 6th grade
- January 31 - 5th grade
- February 28 - 7th grade
- March 7 - 3rd grade
- March 14 - 2nd grade
- March 28 - 4th grade
- April 3 - Kindergarten
- May 1 - TK
You are invited to our Christmas Instrumental concert on Tuesday, December 17, at the BJ Haan Auditorium, starting at 7pm. This concert will feature our 4th – 8th grade orchestras and our 6th – 8th grade bands. The orchestras will be sharing a variety of Christmas and winter songs that include “Pacem Noel” and “Inverno” (an arrangement of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons - Winter). The 6th grade band will be playing an arrangement of Christmas Carols, “The March of the Tin Soldiers”, and an energetic new composition, “Against All Odds”. The 7th-8th grade band will perform a compilation entitled “Christmas Joy, the Nutcracker, and an exciting piece, “Above and Beyond”.
Students need to wear nice dress clothes. Students will sit with parents when not performing.
Families are asked to stay for the entire program (which is expected to be less than an hour). All the instrumental groups deserve a full audience, plus it is encouraging to students when classmates stay to hear their performance. We hope you can attend! A freewill offering will be received for our Music Department and may be placed in the containers by the auditorium entrances.
You are welcome to attend our Christmas chapel on Wednesday, December 18 at 1:30. You may also join our livestream (and recording) at https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/currentfamilies/livestream.cfm
Sign up to bring food for Teacher Appreciation Social (Dec 18)
We are so blessed to have amazing staff at SCCS! Now it’s our turn to bless them this Christmas season!
The annual December Teacher Appreciation Social is set for Wednesday, December 18. We would love to bless the staff by having a variety of snacks and appetizers for them to enjoy after school, while we show them our appreciation for all they do for our children.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up. There are a few items still needed, so please click here to sign up for as many food items as you would like to provide for the social: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/CKRY2991
We ask that your food item(s) be brought to the school office by Noon on Wednesday, December 18. If you are unable to get your food item(s) to school on that day, please contact Kara Dieleman to make other arrangements (712-578-9776). If you have your food item in a container/crockpot that you need back, please label it with your name for pickup in the school office the next day.
Save the date for our 7th & 8th grade musical, Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR. on Friday and Saturday, January 17 & 18, at the Te Paske Theater. Forty-two 7th and 8th grade actors plus 13 crew are diligently memorizing lines, learning music, and practicing choreography in preparation for their January performances. If you’ve ever attended an SCCS production, you know that our 7th and 8th graders put on an amazing show that glorifies the Creator who gave them such talents and determination!
We hope you will put this performance on your calendar and make plans to attend!
Pertussis (also know as whooping cough) has been on the rise in our state and there have been confirmed cases in Sioux County. Pertussis is an infection that is spread from person to person by coughing or sneezing. It can cause a severe cough that lasts for weeks or months. If you do take your child to a healthcare provider and they test positive, or if you have any questions, please contact Nurse Jenny.
Sioux Center Christian School invites you to consider the opportunity to work with a dedicated faculty and staff, passionate parents, and fantastic students through the following position openings:
- 5th-8th Grade Band/Choir Teacher (Full-Time)
- Tier 3 Learning Center Teacher (Full-Time)
For more information on these positions and details on how to apply, go to
Did you know you can give a gift in which you get 75% of the gift BACK?!
This is possible when you give to NICSTO, an Iowa School Tuition Organization. Any Iowa taxpayer (or S-Corp, LLC, Estate, Trust, or C-Corp) can make a gift in which 100% is directed to Sioux Center Christian School students, but 75% of your gift comes back to YOU as an Iowa TAX CREDIT certificate - deducts right off your Iowa income tax bill!
As parents, you may donate to NICSTO fox the income tax benefits even if your students receive a NICSTO grant!
To learn more about this giving opportunity, head to https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/supportsccs/nicsto.cfm
Forms are available online and by the TRIP window.
Have you checked the lost and found table located by the office? Lots of stuff waiting to go back to it's owner! Everything left on the table at Christmas Break will be donated to Melissa's Hope Chest.
- Thanks to everyone who signed up to help with dishwashing this year! If you would like to help out you can sign up here. If you have questions, contact Ashley Keith (akeith@siouxcenterchristian.com).
- You can find the lunch and dishwashing schedule here.
- If you would like to eat lunch with your child, please contact the school 24 hours in advance of when you would like to eat. The cost for a lunch is $5.00 and can be charged to your family's lunch account as you go through the line. Thank you!
We believe all our faculty and staff are amazing and encourage you to take the time to nominate one (or more) of your children’s teachers!
Complete the nomination form (printed copies are available by the TRIP window) and return to our school office or mail to/drop off at Pella Corp. by the 25th of each month during the school year.
Each month a winner is chosen from our local schools and receives a $500 gift from Sioux Center Pella Corp, which can be used in their classroom to impact learning!
We are extremely grateful to Pella Corp for this program that serves to encourage and bless our faculty and staff!
- Community Events & Forms (https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/currentfamilies/officehandouts.cfm) is the place to check regularly for camp information, registration forms, and more! Currently there is information for:
- Youth Soccer Clinic (American State Bank Sports Complex)
- Winter Baseball Camp (American State Bank Sports Complex)
- Sioux Center Rec Winter Track Classic
- Western Cheer Camp
- Sioux Center Rec and Siouxland Sports Academy Basketball Skills Camp - 3rd-8th grade
- Unity Christian Dance Camp
- Unity AAU Knights Volleyball - 4th grade
- Unity AAU Knights Volleyball - 5-th-8th grade
- Jr. Wolfpack Registration Link
Email: sccsoffice@siouxcenterchristian.com
Website: siouxcenterchristian.com
Location: 630 1st Ave. SE, Sioux Center, IA
Phone: 712-722-0777
Facebook: facebook.com/siouxcenterchristian