Cougar Clips
17 January 2025
Happy Friday Kipling Families,
The 2025 Kindergarten Registration online form is available! To register your new student please visit our registration page. If you want to register in person, you can by visiting the District Office at 517 Deerfield Rd. on Friday, January 31st between 7:30am-4:30pm. On this day, you can ask any registration questions you may have, drop off any documents, and most importantly, have a photo op to celebrate the start of your child’s school journey, a small souvenir to take home, and an opportunity to meet some of the friendly faces they will see every day!
If you have an incoming Kindergartener for the 2025-2026 school year it is important that you complete the registration process as soon as possible as our staffing decisions are based on the number of fully registered students. Please share this information with friends and neighbors.
Please note that only those students who are fully registered will receive an invitation for our spring Kindergarten Round-Up.
After completing the online application, you will need to provide all required documents (listed on the registration website). Please reach out to our registrar, Rosa Castillo (rcastillo@dps109.org) with any questions.
Just a reminder there is no school on this Monday, January 20th in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
All my best to you and your families over the long weekend!
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Winter Weather Information/Guidelines
-Please ensure your child wears or brings gym shoes in their backpacks on days they have P.E.
-Many factors are considered when deciding whether recess will be held inside or outside. These include temperature, wind chill, and the conditions of our playgrounds and blacktop areas (e.g., snow, ice, or water).
-Generally, we will go outside if the temperature is at or above 15 degrees with the wind chill, assuming the playgrounds and blacktop areas are safe.
-The decision to go outside is often made just before recess, so it's important for students to come prepared every day. All four elementary buildings will be utilizing accuweather.com to make this determination.
-Please make sure your child has proper winter clothing, including a coat, hat, gloves, boots, snow pants, and other necessary items. Students will not be allowed in the snow without snow pants or snow boots.
-To prevent mix-ups, please label all items with your child's name. Additionally, we encourage all students to have a change of clothes at school.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to keep our students safe, warm, and ready to enjoy the winter weather!
Kipling PTO
Don't forget to log in/sign up at the PTO site. Visit https://kiplingpto.membershiptoolkit.com/home to get started.
Send a Valentine to someone special, and the PTO will deliver it right to their door!
We would like to send a reminder to purchase a Kipling 2024/25 yearbook before the deadline of January 31st. Please place your order on our PTO website Kipling PTO Yearbook before it is too late!
If you are not sure if you have ordered a book, please check your order history before ordering a duplicate book. Please email lauren.h.stein@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Be on the lookout for details on how the PTO will help you say Happy Valentine's Day to all of your admirers next month.
Please feel free to email ptokipling@gmail.com for any questions!
Seeking Cultures to Showcase
Thank you to the Strobel family for filling our Cultural Collection case with your beautiful and rich Chilean artifacts. Thank you for taking the lead this year for our school community. We all have so many unique and special cultural perspectives and lived experiences to share with each other and I am very proud and eager to learn about each of yours.
In an effort to ensure inclusion of diverse populations and perspectives, we are looking for other Kipling families to use the Kipling Cultural Collection to teach the Kipling community about your culture! Display objects may include 6-8 traditional or cultural objects, a family video describing the significance of each object, recipe, flag, map, music, etc - anything to bring your vibrant culture to life!
Volunteering at Kipling
We need volunteers to help compost during lunch periods. This is a great chance to help the planet and see your kids in action!
The LMC is looking for volunteers every day between
8:50-11:20am and 12:50-3:25pm (Wednesdays 12:50-2:25pm)
Sign up for a slot and come in any time you are free.
DPS109 Info
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 is Open!
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is OPEN! Families of ALL incoming Kindergarten and NEW 1st-8th grade students, please visit our registration page and begin the registration process now.
In-Person Registration Completion & Celebration
Starting kindergarten is a BIG deal! Stop by the district office with your little one on Friday, January 31 between 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. to ask any registration questions you may have, drop off any documents, and most importantly, a photo op to celebrate the start of your child’s school journey, a small souvenir to take home, and an opportunity to meet some of the friendly faces they will see every day! Again, that’s Friday, January 31st from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm at our district office, located at 517 Deerfield Rd. (across the parking lot from Kipling School.)
Missed a Tech Tip? We got you covered!
In October, we began sharing weekly tech tips in our newsletters to encourage digital safety. If you missed a tech tip or just want to review them, we have a Digital Hub for you to view them at your convenience. Make sure to keep your eyes open for more tech tips to come in the following weeks.
Report Cards
Report cards will be available to view in Family Access next Friday, January 24th at 3:30pm.Upcoming Important Dates
-Mon 1/20: No School, MLK Jr. Day
-Fri 1/24: Report Cards Posted, 3:30pm
-Wed 1/29: 2nd Grade Music Show, 5:30pm
-Fri 1/31: Winter MAP closes