Irmo Elementary Family Updates
December 22, 2024-January 11, 2025
Important Dates
12/23-1/7 Winter Break
1/8 Students Return
1/9 SIC F2F Meeting 7:15 am
1/15 PTA Board Meeting 7:15 am
1/16 Early Release 11:40 am (carline opens at 11:20 am)
1/20 Martin Luther King Day-No School
1/21 PTA and 2nd Grade Performance 6 pm
1/23 Strings Concert for 5th and 6th Grades-CRIS 5:30 pm
D5 Cell Phone Policy
In May 2024, the South Carolina Legislature passed Proviso 1.103, entitled Anti-Bullying/School Safety. As a part of this Proviso, to receive state funds allocated for State Aid to Classrooms, all school districts in South Carolina shall implement a policy by January 1, 2025, that prohibits access to personal electronic communication devices by students during the instructional day. For purposes of this Proviso, a personal electronic communication device is considered to be a device not authorized for classroom use by a student, utilized to access the internet, wi-fi, or cellular telephone signals.
On October 28, 2024, School District Five of Lexington-Richland Counties Board of Trustees approved the adoption of Policy JICJ - Personal Electronic Device During the School Day. This Policy states that no personal wireless communication device or device accessory connected to a wireless communication device will be used from the morning tardy bell until afternoon dismissal, which is the conclusion of the instructional day.
However, as with many policies, exceptions are made under specific circumstances. Exceptions are made for emergency situations as determined by the school district; and for students that require personal electronic devices for purposes of their individualized education program (IEP), Medical Plan, or 504 Plan. This Policy does not apply to school buses, field trips, or athletic events.
Parents are asked to remind their child(ren) that the expectation for all students is that personal electronic devices and their accessories are to be silenced and stored away from the morning tardy bell until afternoon dismissal, during the change of classes, and during the lunch period. If the student is seen with a device or device accessory that violates Board Policy JICJ, the student will be asked to silence and store the device away.
In the rare instance when a student refuses to comply, the student will be subject to progressive discipline as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook under “Refusal to Obey” (1.270 or 2.270). Any student who uses a personal electronic device to record and/or distribute inappropriate or disruptive content of other students while on school grounds is subject to disciplinary actions.
It is the District’s hope that parents/guardians will partner with their students’ schools to ensure that all students are aware of the expectations in the District Policy and State Law (effective January 1, 2025). Schools will continue to reiterate these changes via newsletters, websites, and social media.
Questions to Consider When Your Child is Sick
1. Does your child’s illness keep him/her from comfortably
taking part in learning and activities while at school?
2. Does your sick child need more care than the staff can give
without affecting the health and safety of other children?
3. Could other children get sick from being near your child?
If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” please keep your
child out of school until he/she is well.
Here is guidance from DHEC that can guide you further:
Nurse Nobles