Warren Wildcat
January 2025 Parent Newsletter
January 2025 Events
6 Second Semester Begins
10 Grade level color - shirt only
13 Pet Supply Drive Starts
15 National hat Day- wear your favorite hat
20 MLK Day- No School
22 101st Day
29 Professional Development Day- No School
January 2024
Dear Warren Elementary Families,
Happy New Year 2025! We hope you all had a restful and joyous holiday season. As we begin the second semester, we are excited to continue working together to support your child's growth and success.
Important Reminder:
- First Day Back: January 6, 2025
- School Start Time: 7:42 AM
What’s New This Semester?
- Focused Learning: We’ll be diving deeper into our curriculum with engaging lessons to ensure students are ready for the upcoming state assessments in April.
- New Goals: Teachers are working with students to set academic and personal goals for the semester.
- After School Activities: Fine Arts and Tutoring will start the week of January 13! Stay tuned for information about upcoming events, and activities to keep your children involved and thriving!
Reminders for a Great Start:
- Attendance is Key: Please ensure your child arrives on time and attends school every day. Make sure they are here earlier if they need breakfast.
- Communication: Keep an eye on ClassDojo, emails, or our school website for updates.
- Stay Engaged: Help your child establish strong routines for homework and reading at home.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
- January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
- January 22 101 st day
- January 29: No School Professional Development Day for Teachers
The mornings are cold so please make sure your students are dressed for the weather.
Remember, Warren is a uniform school, but if you need any help with uniforms please reach out to the front office. If your child will be bringing their own lunch, please make sure it is a healthy lunch full of brain food like protein, fruit, and free from soda, candy, and chips. Please Keep the Hot Cheetos, Takis, and any hot chip at home. Students end up sharing them and causing problems.
Please remember to help your student get to school on time. It is very important that your children are on time each day. Tardiness is not acceptable and has a negative impact on their learning. The bell for students to line up, rings at 7:42 a.m. Start of school bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Students are considered tardy after 7:50 a.m. All tardy students must sign in at the front office and receive a tardy admit slip to class.
Thank you for being a part of the Warren Elementary family. Together, we can make this semester a fantastic one!
2nd Quarter Benchmark Testing Scores
You can now see how your student did on their 2nd Qt. Benchmark test. View the score on TUSD Clever.
Puppy Supply Drive
Warren 5th graders are collecting Dog supplies for the homeless and individuals who need help taking care of their dogs. This is their community serve project for STARBASE. There is also class competition! Please provide, food, dog shoes, collars, leashes, blankets, supplies, and toys.
101 Days of Puppies, I Mean School 😀
Warren Celebrates the 101st day of school.
January 22nd, 2025 will be our 101st day of school. We celebrate this day in honor of 101 Dalmatians! There will be lots of Dalmations on campus that day and maybe even Cruella de Ville!
Don't Dump Food in Parking Lot
Please do not dump leftover cereal and milk or any other food in the parking lot. It is bringing stray animals and rodents to our campus.
Time to Register for the 2025-26 School Year
It is time to register for the 2025-26 school year. Please take a minute to register your child so we can make sure all of our teachers come back!
Kinder Kickoff - February 4th.
Warren will be having their Kinder Kickoff on Tuesday , February 4th from 9-11. Please stop by anytime during those hours to visit the classrooms and tour the school.
Family Life Curriculum
The Family Life Curriculum will be taught in January to the 4th and 5th graders. The curriculum can be viewed on the TUSD sharepoint website. More information will be coming out from Miss Martinez and Miss Richart.
From the Health Office
Warren Is Turning 50!
If you would like to help plan Warren's 50th Birthday Party, Please reach out to Laurie Elling by email to get more information and to help.
Field Trips, Volunteer, etc.
In order for parents, guardians, and family members to help out at school or go on a field trip, they MUST be cleared by the district. Everyone must complete the Volunteer form on TUSD Job Website. See Below.
Spirit Days and Uniforms
Warren is a uniform school. We try to incorporate Spirit Days and Weeks. During these Spirit Days, students must still be in uniform bottoms, unless it meets the criteria of the Spirit Day. For example during Stripe Day students could be in stripes, tops and stripe bottoms or stripe dress. If students wore a striped shirt they should have been in uniform bottoms. We saw a lot of jeans that day, which is not allowed. Thank you for you attention in this.
Hot Shots Photography
Warren will be trying out a new photography company, Hot Shots. They will be here on Wednesday, April 9th with the Easter Bunny for pictures.
School Dismissal is 1:55PM and Wednesday 12:55PM
Now that tutoring has started and teachers are in meetings, we need to bring the students in the building. Please make sure you pick up your student by 2:10 pm or 1:10pm on Wednesday. After 2:10 PM, (1:10 PM on Wednesday) you will need to come in and sign your students out. Thank you.
Jackets and Hats
Please make sure you label or write your child's name in their jackets and hats. Now that it has finally gotten cooler, students will be leaving them everywhere.
Character Strong - Perseverance
OMA- Opening Minds Through The Arts
We recharge educators' passion for teaching and assist them in developing techniques that fully engage the multiple intelligences of all students.
- Arts are part of classroom instruction in all OMA schools
- Specialists, classroom teachers, and artists work together with students
- Promote community bonds with artists and organizations, including UA
Creative expression and the arts are the oldest tools humans have used to explain their world and order their reality.
Mr. Floyd is Warren's fantastic OMA teacher, please consider donating your tax credit to Fine Arts at Warren so he can continue his incredible work.
Warren loves having volunteers on our campus. If you are wanting to volunteer in your child's classroom, go on a field trip, or anywhere else on campus, you must apply to be a volunteer. It is easy and we really appreciate all the help you can give. Thank you!
Water Bottles and Free Breakfast & Lunch
It is recommended that your child brings a water bottle every day. The drinking fountains are open, but water bottles are encouraged.
We will also take donations of water. Thank you
Free lunch and breakfast will continue at Warren
All Warren students will still receive FREE Breakfast and Lunch for the 2024-25 School Year. You do not need to fill out any paperwork. Please check out the school menus.