The Bee's Knees
Barfield Early Childhood January 2023 Newsletter
Message from Mr. G
Preparations are underway for the 2023-2024 school year. The Barfield Early Childhood Center will hold re-enrollment for families with students returning for the 2023-2024 school year and their siblings that will attend BEC for the first time on Monday, Feb. 13, at 8 a.m. at the Barfield Early Childhood Center. If your child attends BEC to receive Special Education services via an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and you currently do not pay tuition for them to attend, then you do not need to re-enroll them at this time. Per WSD Board policy, all families must provide proof of residency on an annual basis. Registering your student at this time does not meet that requirement. All returning and new BEC families should expect correspondence from the District this summer with information about how to prove residency. If you currently pay tuition for your child to attend BEC or you were awarded a scholarship for the 2022-2023 school year, then you must re-enroll them for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are not sure whether or not you need to enroll your child for the upcoming school year, please call our office.
Children must be 3 years of age before Aug. 1, 2023 in order to attend class in the Fall. Children that turn 5 years old before Aug. 1, 2023 are Kindergarten eligible and are not eligible to attend BEC for the 2023-2024 school year.
Parents as Teachers will be conducting screenings on Feb. 13 and Feb. 27 at the Barfield Early Childhood Center. New students will need to have a current screening by Parents as Teachers completed before school starts in August. Returning students do not need to complete a screening.
Both re-enrollment and open enrollment will be handled in the same fashion. We will create a cue of cars around the building to establish an order established on a first come first served basis. A staff member will be stationed at the merge point at the rear of the parking lot. Your name and phone number will be taken and you will be provided a line number and information about where you are in the cue, including the approximate wait time. You may choose to remain in line or you may opt to leave campus. If you leave campus, we will call you 15 minutes before your line number will be called. If you choose to leave campus you must return to complete the enrollment process. If you do not return your child will not be enrolled.
- Returning students do not need to be present to re-register.
- Updated immunizations (if applicable).
- Registration fee ($35.00 per family).
- Check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express). Exact cash is accepted.
- The sibling, along with a completed enrollment packet and the information above.
Kevin Garcia
Important Dates
Jan. 12 - No School for BEC students
Jan. 13 - No School for BEC students
Jan. 16 - No School PK-12, MLK Day
Jan. 17 - No School PK-12 Professional Development Day
Jan. 18 - First Day of Second Semester
Feb. 2 - BEC PTO Meeting @ 6 p.m.
Feb. 13 - Re-Enrollment for 2023-2024 Opens
Feb. 20 - No School PK-12, Presidents Day
Feb. 21- BEC PTO Fundraiser Chick-fil-A Dine Out @ New Hawk Ridge (Lake St. Louis) &
Wentzville locations 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Feb. 21 - No School PK-12, PD Day
Feb. 27 - Open Enrollment for 2023-2024
Dressing For Winter, A Timely Curriculum Chapter
Note From the Nurses
Winter Safety
It is important for parents and other caregivers to be aware of snow safety for preschoolers to help keep them safe during these winter conditions. We all know that children love to play in the snow, but they are not concerned with the dangers that the cold and wet snow can bring. It is up to the parents and caregivers to make sure that they remain safe. We have included some snow safety tips to make sure our kiddos are safe.
- - Encourage them to walk slowly and pay close attention to where the ice and snow may be slippery
- -Make sure they eat a snack before going outside. This will give them the energy boost needed to stay warm and enjoy their time in the snow.
- -Apply sunscreen. The rays of the sun can reflect off of the snow, still causing damage to skin.
- -Always remember to dress in layers including waterproof outerwear for the top layer.
- -Please remember to have them wear a helmet whenever they are sledding, ice skating, or skiing.
--It is also important to make sure that students are sent to school in winter appropriate clothing (coats, hats, gloves, etc)
Thank you,
Barfield Nurses
Jackie Page, RN
Sheila McAlister, BSN, RN
District News
WSD Belonging and Culture Family Survey
As part of the WSD’s ongoing efforts to meet the goals within the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), district surveys will be administered to students in grades K-12. BEC students will not be completing the survey. But we ask that BEC families and staff please take the survey. The surveys are designed to solicit feedback about the sense of belonging created within each building as well as perspectives regarding building/department culture. Each school and department within the district will use this survey data to understand the current reality and to make improvements moving forward.
Families may begin taking the survey starting Jan. 4, by clicking here. The survey will remain open through Jan. 20.
The district windows for students to take the surveys are Jan. 30-Feb. 10 and May 1-19.
For more information regarding these surveys, including logistics about the administration of the surveys, a preview of the surveys, and information on how to opt-out, please check out our WSD Belonging and Culture Survey page.
Parents As Teachers
Too Many Cute Pics from the Polar Express....Here Are a Few....
On behalf of the BEC PTO and the BEC Staff, I want to thank everyone for all the donations that helped make Polar Express an amazing event for our students!
The next BEC PTO fundraiser is our Nothing Bundt Cake Bundtlets fundraiser starting on Jan. 23; it goes through Feb. 7. We will be sending the order forms home Jan. 18-19. See the flyer below for details.
BEC Students Are Too Cute!
About Us
Location: 2025 Hanley Road, Dardenne Prairie, MO, USA
Phone: 636 561-5757