Week of 2/10
HMS Weekly Update

Week of February 10, 2025
Dear Ranger Families,
Most students have completed their midyear iReady diagnostic assessment. The midyear diagnostic brings a wealth of comparison data to inform and celebrate student progress. Please be sure to ask your child about their iReady progress. As a reminder, students are expected to complete 40 minutes and pass one lesson in both reading and math each week.
As we are sure you are aware, flu season is upon us! To keep our students and community healthy, please remind your child to wash/sanitize their hands frequently, and to cover coughs and sneezes. Students should stay home if they are feeling unwell and/or are running a fever. If your child misses school due to illness, please be sure to call in and report your child's absence.
We have a lot of additional information below, be sure to check it all out!
As always, please reach out with any question or concern that you may have!
All our best,
Mr. Endres and Ms. Coalter
Mon Feb. 10th.- Unity Day- Wear shirts with positive messages of love, unity, or equality.
Tues., Feb. 11th- Heritage Day: Each class will wear a different color to represent meaningful values shared in the Black community. Wear black to represent the melanin that is shared in our identity. Wear yellow to represent the sun and the hope for prosperity. Wear green for Mother Nature and the appreciation for our Earth. Wear red for the blood running in our veins and to remember those that sacrificed their lives for equality.
Wed., Feb. 12th- I have a Dream Day- Wear PJ's... Remembering Dr. King's iconic speech and keeping the dream alive for equality.
Thurs., Feb. 13th- Culture Day- Dress in attire that represents your culture.
Fri., Feb. 14th- Spread Some Love Day- Bring in a Valentine's card to give someone.
Important Dates
Monday, February 10th- Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, February 12th- College Credit Plus meeting, HTHS Auditorium, 6:00 pm.
Monday, February 17th- No School- President's Day
Friday, March 7th- End of the Third Nine Weeks
Monday, March 10th- No School for Students; Staff Inservice
District Technology Information
Please take a few moments to read and understand the information presented by District Technology department.
Behaviors we want to see from our students.
- Respect yourself, others and property. (Respectful)
- Maintain a safe and clean environment. (Safe)
- Engage in productive work. (Responsible)