Back To School Newsletter
August 15th, 2024
Message from Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong
Dear Norfolk Public Schools’ Families:
As we prepare to enter a new academic year, I am filled with excitement for the journey ahead. August 19th marks a new beginning, where we have the opportunity to come together as a community dedicated to learning, growth, and achievement. Coming on the heels of a Summer School semester in which all of our programs were fully funded by the school division, I look forward to maintaining our forward momentum alongside you during the 2024-2025 school year.
This year, our mission remains steadfast: to ensure that all students maximize their academic potential, develop skills for lifelong learning, and become successful contributors to a global society. The educators and staff of Norfolk Public Schools are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and inclusivity, where diversity is celebrated, and every voice is valued. We will continue to focus on our three "Big Rocks"–Literacy, Attendance, and Accountability–to ensure "Equity and Excellence for All."
To our students, you are our future leaders, thinkers, and creators. We encourage you to embrace this school year and explore new ideas, challenge yourselves, and discover your passions. Remember, each day is a chance to learn something new and to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Parents and guardians, your partnership is invaluable. We sincerely thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Together, we will continue to support and empower them to reach their fullest potential. We warmly invite you to take advantage of our many opportunities to volunteer throughout the school division before, during, and after school.
To our dedicated teachers and staff, your expertise forms the foundation of our success. Everything we do throughout the school division is meant to support and facilitate your work in the classroom. Your commitment to our students and our mission is truly commendable, and I am grateful to call you my colleagues.
As we embark upon this new school year, let us approach it with enthusiasm, resilience, and unity. May we embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead, knowing that there is no limit to what we can achieve together as a community. I look forward to a rewarding and successful school year filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences for all!
2nd Annual Unity In The Community Back 2 School Celebration
Norfolk Public Schools collaborated with the City of Norfolk to present the second annual Unity In The Community Back 2 School Celebration at Scope on Saturday, August 10th. Together, we hosted more than 2,000 students with their families to provide back-to-school supplies, health screenings and vaccinations, helpful resources, food, and entertainment.
Master of Ceremonies for the celebration was DJ Scandalez from WNSB Hot 91 Norfolk State University. Faith-based organizations provided fun activities such as face painting, a scavenger hunt, and a bounce house. Over 40 vendors provided educational and community support resources to attendees. During the event, students participated in a building activity sponsored by Home Depot.
Following greetings from Norfolk Mayor Dr. Kenneth C. Alexander, Norfolk Public Schools’ Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong, and Deputy Director of the Norfolk Health Department Dr. Annie Williams, attendees were entertained by performances from Teens With a Purpose, The Booker T. Washington High School Performing Arts Academy, and Underground Performing Arts Collective.
Volunteering and Partnering with Norfolk Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools values its partnerships with families and community stakeholders. Therefore, Norfolk Public Schools welcomes volunteers to assist with educating students in a variety of ways. Volunteers can serve as mentors, tutors, chaperones, and more. If you are interested in volunteering with us, visit the Community Engagement webpage and apply today!
Literacy Focus
The Norfolk Public Schools Literacy Plan offers parents and community stakeholders an overview of the division’s work to promote literacy achievement.
For a more comprehensive view of Norfolk Public Schools Literacy across grade levels, parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the Norfolk Public Schools Literacy website to discover important information relating to curriculum and high quality instructional materials, effective literacy instruction, resources available to students and families at home, and opportunities to continually build our community of readers and writers in Norfolk.
The Norfolk Public Schools Literacy Plan and website are easily accessed without the help of links when visiting the Norfolk Public Schools homepage by clicking on “NPS Literacy” under the “Our District” tab.
The vision of Norfolk Public Schools Literacy is to facilitate strategic, authentic, and engaging literacy instruction in order to develop college and career-ready learners who are able to read, write, communicate, and think critically in a global society.
Through the collaborative efforts of all Norfolk Public Schools’ stakeholders, this vision will be realized for all of our students!
September is Attendance Awareness Month: You Miss School, You Miss Out!
School attendance is critical to student success!
Attendance Awareness Month is September and Norfolk Public Schools is committed to reducing chronic absenteeism; however, we need your help!
Here are a few reasons school attendance is so important:
Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade.
By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances of graduating.
Research shows that missing as little as two (2) days every month, or 10 percent of the school year, can have a significant impact on students and their ability to learn.
Please keep the lines of communication open by letting us know if there is something standing in the way of getting your child(ren) to school. We want to help so that we can continue to build on our promising growth in academic achievement in the coming year, as well as strive toward equity and excellence for all… no matter what!
Together, we can overcome the barriers to attendance and engagement. You can help by:
Making sure your child(ren) arrive(s) to school on time, every day.
Talking to your child(ren) about the importance of reporting to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.
Scheduling family trips and vacations during scheduled school breaks.
Providing a written explanation for your child’s(ren’s) absences before they occur or on the first day they return to school.
Contacting your child’s(ren’s) school(s) if you have concerns or questions.
Making sure your contact information is up to date and you are receiving important school/division information.
Please stay connected by following Norfolk Public Schools on Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, and the division website to learn more about Norfolk Public Schools’ attendance campaign activities and incentives throughout the school year!
School and Student Information at Your Fingertips
Open Houses, Important Dates, and Contacting Schools
To stay up to date on events and information for your child’s school, find individual school web pages under the Schools + tab in the top right corner at, or simply type the school’s name into the search bar. Each school’s page offers the latest school announcements and information, as well as important dates to mark on your calendar – such as Open House! Bookmark the full 2024-2025 Norfolk Public Schools Academic Calendar that includes teacher work days, early release days, holidays, and end of quarter days.
Grades, Attendance, and More on ParentVue
The ParentVue online portal allows parents and guardians to see real-time information about their student, including calendars, attendance, schedules, grades and report cards and emergency contacts. Login to Parentvue and find additional resources here.
Learning Support/Special Education Services
Additional information for parents and guardians of students with disabilities can be found under Learning Support.
Support for English Language Learners and Their Families
Norfolk Public Schools offers translation services through The Language Group. This on-demand translation service helps to eliminate communication barriers between our families of English Language Learners and school division staff. Find more information on The Language Group here.
Norfolk Public Schools offers translation for its website, Click the “Translate” option under the “District Home | Schools” blue button on the top right side of the home page.
Additionally, Norfolk Public Schools offers this newsletter each month in Spanish, along with a Spanish-language Facebook page, Norfolk Public Schools en Espanol.
Be on the lookout for information pertaining to the opening of the Norfolk Public Schools International Welcome Center early this fall! The new facility will be located at Rosemont Center.
Before and After School Care
Norfolk Public Schools continues to collaborate with childcare providers throughout the City to ensure parents/guardians have access to before and after care programs for their child(ren) during the 2024-2025 school year.
These programs are hosted in various school buildings and the City of Norfolk's recreation centers to support parents/guardians who work before and after school hours.
Please be aware that most programs do not include before care options. Providers and site locations will be continually updated throughout the school year.
For a listing of the 2024-2025 Elementary Schools Before and After Care Programs, click here.
Check your child’s(ren’s) school website or call the school(s) for more specific program information.
FREE Tutoring and Student Resources
Did you know that there are a host of FREE resources for your child(ren) to succeed this school year?
NPS’ students in grades 3 through 12 can receive tutoring in math, science, social studies and English language arts.
Norfolk Public Schools and FEV Tutor are providing students with free, high-quality, live, one-to-one virtual tutoring and homework help. Schedule a session, or access live tutors around the clock for last-minute homework help and coursework support.
Virtual tutoring sessions can be scheduled in advance or requested on-demand. Simply visit and login with Clever.
If you have any questions, you can contact FEV Tutor directly at or 855-763-2607. FEV Tutor's Support Team is happy to answer any questions and work with you to create a personalized tutoring experience that best suits each student.
For additional student learning resources, please visit Norfolk Public Schools’ Learning Resources page.
October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
We look forward to recognizing National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and wearing orange with you as we unite and stand against bullying on Unity Day, October 16th!
Norfolk Public Schools and VectorSolutions provide students, parents/guardians, and staff a safe way to report bullying and student-related matters any time, any where, on any device. Through the Vector Alert Tip Reporting System, you can text us, call us, e-mail us, or report using the website or the mobile app, while remaining anonymous. Every tip is taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.
Download the Vector Alert Tip Reporting System app to your device today!
For complete details about the tip reporting system, click on the video embedded with this story and visit
Summer Leadership Institute
Held at Granby High School, the 2024 Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) provided administrators throughout the district with two days of professional development and networking. Along with more than 30 choice breakout sessions (with topics ranging from trauma-informed teaching to improving math instruction and from literacy improvement to equity for English language learners), SLI participants heard from Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong; the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities; and leadership, diversity, equity, and inclusion expert Curtis Hill.
New Teacher Institute Prepares New Division Educators
More than 400 new full-time teachers took part in Norfolk Public Schools’ 2024 New Teacher
Institute August 6-8th. The unique professional development opportunity offered participants the chance to engage with fellow educators just beginning their teaching careers and veteran professionals alike. Attendees heard from Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong, keynote speaker Mr. Robert Jackson, and Norfolk Public Schools Teacher of the Year Mrs. Melissa Hales. Welcome to Norfolk Public Schools, new teachers!
Summer Programs Serve Thousands of Norfolk Public Schools Students
During the scorching summer days, nearly 4,700 students from across the division enrolled in Norfolk Public Schools' diverse range of summer programs to experience a refreshing blend of learning and enjoyment! From engaging in literacy camp, arts, and music in programs like Camp Einstein, Summer Arts Academy, and Green STEM Summer Experience to making strides in extended school year classes, participants thrived across various educational contexts.
Additionally, rising middle and high school students benefited from the 6th and 9th Grade Transition Programs, where they familiarized themselves with their new schools, bonded with classmates, and connected with their future teachers.
Community Partner Corner
United Way & Norfolk Public Schools Provide Summer LEAP Program
United Way of South Hampton Roads and Norfolk Public Schools collaborated to support the Summer LEAP (Learning & Enrichments for Academic Progress) Program to prevent summer slippage and provided a safe place for students through extended day enrichment activities. This program was established in 2012.
Summer LEAP completed their five-week summer program on July 18, 2024. The four schools that participated in the program were Chesterfield Academy; P.B. Young, Sr. Elementary; Southside STEM Academy; and Ruffner School. Students in grades PreK-8 had the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities such as cooking, photography, steel drums, arts and crafts, STEM activities, screen-to-script, karate, yoga, and other physical activities, to name a few. Literacy was also incorporated into enrichment activities daily. The program provided great experiences and engaging learning opportunities for our students.
Norfolk Public Schools welcomes positive, collaborative, meaningful partnerships between our schools and our communities to enhance student academic learning and success. For more information on community engagement, contact Ms. LaEunice Brown, Community Engagement Coordinator, Office of Communications & Community Engagement, 757-628-3459.
Military Servicing Our Schools Day was August 8th!
Military Servicing Our Schools Day is a partnership with the military to provide direct support to schools and teachers to prepare for the start of the school year. Enlisted military members donated time on August 8th to help with tasks such as moving desks and books, working on bulletin boards, cleaning, and sprucing up gardens to get our schools ready for the upcoming school year. Thank you to the US Navy for providing volunteers to help in 16 of our schools this year.
2024-2025 Athletic Season
The 2024-2025 athletic season is underway for both middle and high school sports. In order to participate, student athletes must meet the following requirements:
have a valid physical, dated after May 1, 2024; review the Norfolk Public Schools athletic website for a complete schedule
participate in the annual concussion education training for parents and athletes
have a completed Sudden Cardiac Form signed by a parent/guardian (found in the student handbook)
be eligible for participation. All first-time 9th graders are eligible. All first-time 6th graders are eligible. High school student athletes must have passed a minimum of 5 year-long courses and have a GPA of at least 2.0 (from previous school year or cumulative GPA); middle school students must have passed 5 of the 8 courses (from the previous school year or cumulative GPA), and have a GPA of at least a 2.0 from the previous school year.
This information can be reviewed on the Norfolk Public Schools Athletics webpage. Student athletes should contact their school’s athletic director for additional information pertaining to the school in which they attend.
As we gear up for another successful season, athletic programs across the city are focusing on positive sportsmanship for all involved, including coaches, student athletes, and fans. Each of these individuals plays a critical role in displaying positive sportsmanship during athletic events.
Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong, building principals, athletic directors, and members of the Norfolk School Board expect all participants to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner during athletic contests.
Coaches: Model integrity, fair play, and respect to officials
Student Athletes: Practice self-control, have a positive attitude, and be supportive in all situations
Fans: Cheer in a supportive manner for your team and maintain self-control; acknowledge outstanding effort from both teams
We all play a part in ensuring a positive experience for our student athletes.
The Department of Athletics encourages everyone to get involved and to stay involved. Join a team, volunteer with your school’s athletic department, or attend an athletic event. Check out the Norfolk Public Schools and school athletic pages for schedules, team information, and ticket purchases.
Capital Improvement Projects
Capital improvement projects were underway throughout the Summer Semester. Highlights and recent developments include:
New duct work at Booker T. Washington High School
Lighting and fencing on the newly constructed tennis courts at Booker T. Washington High School
New HVAC units at Suburban Park Elementary School
A new rooftop, HVAC units, and bard units at Azalea Gardens Middle School
Demolition of the gymnasium floor, in anticipation of new hardwood floors at Lake Taylor High School
New HVAC units at Little Creek Elementary School
New HVAC units at Willard Elementary School
We’re Celebrating
National Attendance Awareness Month
Celebrate National Attendance Awareness Month with us this September! Join us as we highlight the importance of regular school attendance and its impact on student success. Throughout the month, we'll share tips, resources, and stories that inspire a culture of attendance excellence. Together, let's ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive in school and beyond.
National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness and support those affected by suicide. Join us in honoring this important month by learning about mental health resources, promoting open conversations, and fostering a supportive community. Let’s strive make a difference in preventing suicide and promoting mental well-being for all.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with us from September 15 to October 15! Join our community in honoring the rich cultures, histories, and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx individuals. Throughout the month, we'll showcase events, stories, and achievements that highlight the diversity and resilience of our Hispanic community. Let's come together to recognize and celebrate the vibrant tapestry of Hispanic heritage.
Connect with Us
Stay connected and up-to-date on all things Norfolk Public Schools by subscribing to this, our nationally award-winning newsletter, NPS Now! Like us on Facebook, follow us on X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, e-mail us at, or call us at 757-670-3945!
Our platforms offer a listening ear and a view into daily life at Norfolk Public Schools while supporting the division as it works to strengthen relationships, build partnerships, and inform students, parents/guardians, and community members about how they can affect public education in Norfolk.
Additionally, please ensure that your family’s contact information is current with your child(ren’s) school(s). That helps us contact you with important information such as school closings for inclement weather or division-wide announcements.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Strategic Plan Description And Update
In September 2022, the City of Norfolk School Board approved the implementation of a five-year strategic plan for Norfolk Public Schools. The plan, Continuing the Drive: Equity and Excellence for All, was developed over the course of a full year and included input from students, families, staff, and community members about their goals and desires for the future of Norfolk Public Schools.
The plan outlines the steps Norfolk Public Schools will take to build on success and continue to improve. We know that although the path forward will be challenging, it is necessary to support each student and all stakeholders. We also know that in partnership with our community, we can accomplish the goals set forth before us.
The entire Strategic Plan with links to objectives and measurement tables is located online at Please read the plan and follow along as Norfolk Public Schools continues the drive toward Equity and Excellence for All.