CCS Update 12.10.24

Volunteer of the Year award from ARC!
Congratulations to our Meal Prep Team!
On Friday, December 6th, 2024, the CCS Meal Prep Team was honored as Volunteers of the Year by the ARC of Southern MD. Several students and staff attended the ceremony which included dinner, awards, and some awesome dance moves! Each week, the students and staff on the Meal Prep Team engage in the following activities:
- Mondays: Inventory of ingredients/supplies then shopping for needed items
- Tuesdays: Meal preparation (mixing, chopping, baking, etc.)
- Wednesdays: Cooking meals and final touches (decorations, packing, final assembly), then delivery to the ARC by lunch time
- Thursdays: Prep meals to sell to CCS staff
- Fridays: Discuss ingredients and price comparisons/budgeting
Our students focus on safe kitchen skills, budgeting, reading and following recipes, loading and unloading groceries into correct locations, individual meal preparation, etc.
Student members of the CCS Meal Prep Team:
Kayleigh, Ashleigh, Joy, Noah, Kasey, Connor C.
Main staff on the CCS Meal Prep Team:
Ms. Duty, Ms. Elliott, Ms. Muffley, Mrs. Prorock, Ms. Bostic
Additional staff who have supported/support the CCS Meal Prep Team:
Ms. B. Smith, Mrs. N. Smith, Ms. Jedrey
Congratulations to the students and meal prep staff for your partnership with ARC and your dedication to developing our students' life skills while performing a valuable community service!
We owe a debt of gratitude to Anderson Mechanical & Combustion Performance for their financial sponsorship of this program, beginning last school year. Anderson Mechanic's patronage helps provide this wonderful opportunity for our students. Thank you!
Two hour late arrival on Wednesday (tomorrow)!
Winter Spirit Week
Epilepsy Walk and Bridge Dedication
On Tuesday, 11/26, CCS raised $57 for The Epilepsy Foundation during our walk for epilepsy awareness. Mr. Enfield walked with our students in memory of his wife Nicole Enfield, our much-loved former middle school teacher. Ms. Elliott read an emotionally touching letter about Mrs. Enfield before we walked down to see the new bridge dedicated in her name.
Student artwork on display
A collage of CCS student's artwork is on display at the Board of Education.
One of the hallways at the Board of Education is more colorful, thanks to our student's vibrant artwork. There are two types of media in the display: Paper collages and black scratch paper with watercolor. The following students created the art:
Tyasia, Joy, Kayleigh, Connor C., Garrett, Evan, Kasey, Connor P., Noah, and Chaz.
Classic Photography retakes
Morning of Dec. 18th
Classic Photography will be at CCS the morning of December 18th to take photos of students who were absent on Nov. 7th or students who would like a retake. Please encourage your student to be photographed for our school yearbook.
Important Dates
Wednesday, 12/11: 2 hour late arrival for students
Wednesday, 12/18: Classic Photography retakes
Friday, 12/20: Last day before winter break
Thursday, 1/2/25: 2 hour late arrival for students--Welcome Back!
Friday, 1/17: End of 2nd marking period; 2 hour early dismissal for students
Monday, 1/20: Schools and offices closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. day
Monday, 1/27: 2nd marking period report cards available
Friday, 1/31: Schools closed for students
Gift Card Fundraiser
Thank YOU!
Thank you to all who ordered in support of our student activity fund! The activity fund helps offset costs of the many outings that our students participate in, incentives for positive behaviors, and classroom celebrations. The money in this fund is constantly being spent and our fundraisers help us to replenish it. We are grateful for your participation in our fundraisers.
Night to Shine
Save the date!
Registration is open for ✨ Night to Shine ✨ on Friday, February 7, 2025! Please check the links below for information.
Guest Registration: https://forms.gle/wyWepa5sGfwjA48p7
Volunteer Registration: https://forms.gle/KGPZEWUp9AqhBPyR7