BJS Federation of Schools
Staff Bulletin Tuesday 12th September 2023

July 2024
Federation Vision
Working together to secure the best possible outcomes for children, in line with the culture and diversity that exists within each school.
Leaders will support and empower each other to ensure no school is left behind.
We will be relentless in our mission to enable each school to set high expectations for all, ensuring these expectations are met.
Excellence Everywhere, Every day for Everyone
BJS Federation Priorities 2023-2024
- Continued progress on the teaching of early reading skills- achieved
- Continued progress on closing the vocabulary gap- achieved
- Continued focus on high quality teaching and learning- achieved
- Nurturing community awareness and knowledge on SEND, to enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children- achieved
'Making sure the past has a future'
I want to say a massive thank you to all of our support staff and teachers. An incredible amount of work goes into ensuring our children are safe and that high expectations are set and met by our children, and this could not have been achieved without you.
I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Federation's Executive Senior Leadership. Kenneth Baffoe, Zenia McIntosh, and Martinet Ackerman, your leadership has been inspiring. Kathryn Congdon, your dedication to our students with special needs is commendable. Martine Auton, Jacqui Napier, Florence Kirk-Buaku, Alice Mansell, Cidalia Fraga, Susan Banton, and Antonia Jenkins, your contributions have been invaluable.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with you all this year. Thank you for going the extra mile daily and simply doing what it takes! As a group and individually, you are an asset to the federation, where we now successfully have joint approaches to Leadership, Curriculum, SEND, Administration, and Finance.
This collaboration has led to many successes, including the vast majority of children making significant progress and meeting and exceeding National expectations at the end of each key stage at our schools.
A big part of a school's evolution is losing great people. We appreciate your hard work to all who will leave at the end of the academic year. However, with a combined service of 35 years, I give a special mention to the premises team. To the people who are often watching when nobody else is, making themselves available when nobody else can, and doing what nobody else should, I know the community will join me in saying we are deeply grateful to you and for you.
Your years of service are a testament to your reliability and sense of community, to which you will always belong. We wish you well in your future endeavors.
8 Years Service from August 2016
20 Years Service from May 2004
7 Years Service from January 2017
My final goodbye goes out to our year six pupils, of whom I expect great things.
Thank you to everyone who attended our school events over the year, helped on trips, and supported teaching and learning activities.
I wish you all a safe and peaceful Summer Holiday break.
Click the image to visit the reports
Bonneville 'Outstanding' in all areas!
Shout Outs!
Thank you all for your hard work, with a special mention for...
Ms Bowes from Stockwell
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Year 6 Federation Team!
Thank you for supporting all of the children through their SATs tests. Our children were settled, confident and showed great resilience as a result of all your teaching and nurture.
Ms Bishop from Bonneville
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Ms McCarthy from Bonneville
For completing her first Early Career Teacher year.
Ms Emenyeonu form Jessop
For completing the Qualified Teacher Status qualification.
Ms Nahar from Stockwell
A High Level Teaching Assistant who will be embarking on her Qualified Teacher Status training from September.
Ms Ponce from Jessop
A High Level Teaching Assistant who will be embarking on her Qualified Teacher Status training from September.
Ms Lindars from Bonneville
For completing her first Early Career Teacher year.
Mrs Abdullahi from Stockwell
Mrs Da Silva from Bonneville
A High Level Teaching Assistant who will be embarking on her Qualified Teacher Status training from September.
Cross School Federation Staff
For representing our schools with such depth to Ofsted.
You really made our vision come alive!
Ms Brown from Jessop
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Mr Levy from Bonneville
For completing the (ELSA) Emotional Literacy Support Assistant training.
Ms Gomes from Jessop
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Ms Prevost from Stockwell
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Our value for July is 'Hope'
What's next!...
BJS Federation Parent App
Please remember to download our App (BJSFederationofschools) from the Google Play Store or App Store in preparation for September.
Hopefully, most of you now have your login details and were able to attend the webinar on Tuesday, 16th July.
Federation Activities
The Big One
Children from each school's band and choir came together to showcase their skills with a medley of songs.
For those who attended, I am sure you would join me in congratulating the children who delivered with great confidence and enthusiasm.
Thank you for supporting and being the perfect audience for our children.
Federation Art Trip to the Hayward Gallery
On Monday, July 15th, 12 children from each school across years 3- 5 had the opportunity to visit the Hayward Gallery for ‘Primary School Takeover’. This was the most wonderful exhibition by Tavares Strachan: There Is Light Somewhere. The exhibition highlights Strachan's innovative approach to celebrating unsung explorers and cultural pioneers, whose stories have often been overlooked due to bias. In shining a light on these hidden histories, the artist highlights our shared yearning for belonging and recognition.
The gallery was closed to the public and was ‘taken over’ by a primary school team that led workshops and explained the artwork to the visiting children. We had an absolutely fantastic time and were so inspired by the artwork that we saw!
Imagine a Story Project
Year 4 had an exciting trip to the book launch of their ‘Imagine a Story’ project at the South Bank Center. The children are all now published authors, and we are so proud of them! They had a brilliant time meeting the author, Lisette Auton, and illustrator, Chanté Timothy, of the project. The children heard their part of the story being read aloud and then learnt how to draw one of the characters.
All the children left with a copy of the book to take home and big smiles.
What a special day to remember!
Year 6 Transition Social
Every year, we host our annual ‘Year 6 Transition Social’, an event at which our children can meet other children within our federation who will be going to the same secondary school as them in September.
We know this can be an anxious time for our children, so an opportunity to get to know a familiar face is beneficial.
Last term, we successfully hosted the 'Year 6 Transition Social' for the third time, a testament to its effectiveness and the positive impact it has on our children.
The day it ended with children visibly more confident about moving on and looking forward to seeing each other in the future.
This is a truly unique occasion for our year 6 children, a special event that is exclusive to those attending a school within our federation of schools.
I am sure many of our children will begin seeing more friendly faces this year!
Thank you to our Chair of Governors, Fiona Morris, for coming along too!
Spanish Performance
On Wednesday, 26 June, Joy4Kids performed a show in Spanish for 240 children in our Federation. 80 children from each school participated in an interactive production at Bonneville. It was an incredible opportunity for the children to put their Spanish learning into practice in order to follow the storyline.
Never has it been clearer, just how much Spanish our children have learnt.
Thank you to Ms Donoso for your amazing teaching and Ms Monet for your leadership and organisation of this event.
Our value for July is 'Hope'
The Governing Board
This year governors have maintained a sharp focus on:
- Supporting the delivery of high quality provision and opportunties for children
- School finances
- The changing landscape of education, to ensure our schools are best positioned for the opportunities and challenges of the future
Governor Away Day 2023-2024
Parent Governor Elections Outcome
Thank you to everyone who voted for our new Parent Governor.
Overall, 95 votes were cast across the federation.
Congratulations to Claire Tyler, who was elected the new Parent Governor for the Federation.
The Board
Fiona Morris
Chair of the Board
Nick Hiley
Chair of Finance Resources and Personnel Committee
Andrea Parker
Executive Headteacher
Tim Ross
Tina Wakefield
Chair of Teaching Learning and Wellbeing Committee
Paul Todd
Portia Eyeson
Parent Governor
Jacqui Napier
Staff Governor
William Brown
Summer Holiday Clubs and Activities
The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.