Weekly Newsletter
25th October 2024

Important Dates!
Friday 25th Oct - Break up for half term
- Monday 4th Nov - Return to school
⭐Don't forget to check Class Dojo regularly for up-to-date news⭐
Whole School Attendance this week - 93.8%
We are aiming for at least 97% - let's work together to make this happen!!
Please remember that if your child is going to be absent from school you should call school before 8.30am to report this. If they are off for multiple days, you should call school each day that they are off. If your child is suffering from something such as a cough or cold we do recommend that you send them into school and see how they get on. It is amazing how many children perk up once they get into school and we can assure you that if it becomes evident that a child should not be in school we will make contact with yourself as parent/carer.
As a school, our attendance has greatly improved over the last year and this is all thanks to you and the effort you are making in getting your children into school every day.
Weekly Reflection
Our word of the week has been 'good choices' and we have been remembering the saints who have given an example in their lives of how to follow Jesus’ teaching.
Every week in church Christians around the world will say, out loud, what they believe, in their service of worship. They sing and pray and read the Bible together, and will often say what is called the creed (a statement telling what Christians believe). One part of the creed says, ‘I believe in the communion of saints’. This means that those who have died are still joined with people on earth. They believe that when Christians pray here, so the saints in heaven also pray. Once a year the Church celebrates All Saints’ Day. This is when Christians remember the saints who have given an example in their lives of how to follow Jesus’ teaching.
Dark Nights Ahead
We'll soon be setting the clocks back an hour and summer-time will end. The images below will help remind children about road safety and keeping safe in the dark.