Capitol Hill Community News
December 2024
Principal's Message
Capitol Hill Community,
As we end 2024 and take a two week break from our normal routines, I want to take a moment to wish you all a peaceful, relaxing, and meaningful winter break. This break will allow our community needed rest and recuperation that will prepare us for a strong finish to the 2024-2025 school year.
Thank you for continuing to trust us with your precious children. They bring us so much joy and are truly the reason we all come to work everyday. Capitol Hill is a great place to learn and be!
- Mike
My Core Values
Honesty and Transparency
Student First Decision-Making
Listen to Understand
Realize We Are All Humans
Important Dates
Welcome our new Admin Assistant I -- Megan Dixon!
Please join me in welcoming Megan Dixon to our Capitol Hill staff. Megan has been selected as our new Admin Assistant I and will be starting in early January. Megan comes to us with a number of teaching and administrative experiences. She rose above a deep candidate pool and demonstrated her passion for creating a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment in our office & a passion for developing systems that will help our school run smoothly! I'm confident that Megan will take on this new opportunity and make a significant impact on our school culture. Congratulations Megan :)
A little bit about Megan: I’ve always loved kids! Before joining Capitol Hill, I worked with youth of all ages in different capacities, including as a recreational therapist in mental health settings, tutoring, providing before and after school care, and teaching preschool. In my leisure time I enjoy hiking with my husband and dog, partner dancing, rock climbing, yoga, and listening to old thrifted records.
Holiday Giving Program 2024!
Thank you to you all for giving and participating in our annual Holiday Giving Program. Together, we were able to support eleven families in experiencing a bright and joyful holiday season! A huge thank you to Melissa who planned and organize this so well! This program was a huge success this year :)
This is yet another demonstration of our community leaning into one of our CORE Values: Inclusivity and Kindness. Thank you for making a special impact for these eleven families and demonstrating our collective commitment to being inclusive and kind!
Important News
Standards Based Grading - PPS Announcement
This is a message for those of you who have students entering MS in the coming years.
Capitol Hill is a great place to learn!
Capitol Hill School
Email: msauers@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/capitolhill
Location: 8401 SW 17th Ave
Phone: 503-916-6303
Principal @ Capitol Hill Elementary Portland Public Schools