Paw Prints Family Newsletter

February 7, 2025- Vol 3 Issue 10
Principal's Message
GNBVT Families,
I want to take a moment to express how incredibly proud I am of our 9th graders for their hard work and dedication during the exploratory program. Their enthusiasm and commitment have been inspiring! Regardless of which shop they were ultimately placed in, they will gain valuable skills and learn from amazing instructors who will teach them the importance of work ethic and what it truly means to be an ARTISAN!—someone who works with their hands, mind, and heart.
As we move forward, I also want to bring to your attention that our 10th graders will be taking the MCAS exams starting in March. While MCAS is no longer a graduation requirement in Massachusetts, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) still uses these scores to assess our effectiveness as a school. This evaluation is tied to our overall accountability rating, which considers factors such as graduation rates, dropout rates, attendance rates, and participation in advanced coursework. Additionally, MCAS results provide valuable insights into the areas where our students need additional support, helping our teachers tailor instruction to meet their needs.
With that in mind, I kindly ask for your support in encouraging our students to take the MCAS seriously and to put forth their best effort. Let’s work together to generate excitement around this opportunity to demonstrate their academic growth, proficiency, and opportunity to attain the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Award.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education. Enjoy a restful and well-deserved weekend!
Principal Williams
Upcoming Events:
Jan 6-Feb 28- BPA Shoe Drive
Jan 17-Feb 14- BPA Professional Clothing Drive
Jan 6- Mar 24- Grade 10 ELA MCAS Tutoring 3-4 pm, Library (Jan 6- March MCAS testing)
Feb 24-Classes Resume
Celebrating Black History Month
A Message from Yolanda Dennis, Executive Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance
Black History Month is a time to honor and reflect on the profound contributions and achievements of Black individuals throughout history. Our school will remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering a community that celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion, embracing the rich tapestry of cultures and beliefs that strengthen our collective identity. Together, we strive to create an environment where every voice is represented and empowered.
The safety, wellness, and success of every student are our highest priorities. We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their background or immigration status, feel safe and valued.
GNBRVTHS is responsible for providing equal access to recognizing the unique challenges that undocumented students and their families may face, and we are dedicated to adhering to established protocols and policies that safeguard their rights and well-being. We will proactively implement measures to ensure our school remains an educational community where every student can thrive academically and personally without fear and feeling unsupported during these challenging times.
Our administration will continue to stay informed about developments in policies affecting undocumented students and families and maintain transparent communication with the school community. Through regular updates and clear guidance from legal representatives and agencies, we will provide the resources and support necessary for all students and families to navigate these challenges.
Together, as a united school community, we reaffirm our commitment to creating a secure, welcoming, and equitable learning environment for all, and our fundamental obligation to avoid any practice that may adversely affect an undocumented student’s ability to obtain a public education. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-998-3321 x563 or email yolanda.dennis@gnbvt.edu.
In Unity and Respect,
Yolanda Dennis
A Message from Maria deMelo, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community Specialist
Dear GNBVT Families,
At GNBVT, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment that identifies and implements practices that ensure the success and well-being of all our students, including those who are undocumented or come from mixed-status families. Undocumented students face unique challenges, including concerns about financial resources, access to legal support, and navigating a complex and often uncertain landscape.
My role at GNBVT is to provide the resources, understanding, and support our students need to thrive. I am committed to assist and distribute updated advisories, provide student support and assist families with tools and resources. With that in mind, I would like to share some resources that may be helpful to your family or someone you know.
To support these efforts, we encourage you to consider the following actions:
The Immigrants Assistance Center has partnered with our school to ensure we have the most current information to help students and families “Know their Rights” and “Plan for a Family Emergency.”
We also have “Red Cards” that families can use in case the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrives at their home. By clicking the link you can access these resources.
It’s important to create a plan prior to an emergency. Do not hesitate to contact me at 508-998-3321 x752 or via email if you have any questions or need additional information. By working together, we can ensure that all students, regardless of their immigration status, feel valued and empowered to achieve their goals. Thank you for entrusting us to educate and empower your children.
In service,
Maria deMelo
Spring Athletics Registration
Spring sports registration is now open, scan the QR code or click on the link below to register now:
ELA MCAS Tutoring
Grade 10 families: After-school ELA MCAS tutoring starts Jan. 6 and runs through Mar. 4, with sessions on Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs, 3:00–4:00 PM. Register by Dec. 13 to help your student strengthen their reading and writing skills. Watch for an email with the registration link!
After Prom
Thank You Everyone!
The After Prom Committee just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who purchased a calendar and supported this amazing cause! Thanks to your generosity, we’ve surpassed last year’s sales and are one step closer to reaching our $25,000 fundraising goal. A huge shout-out to the senior class for really stepping up and making this happen—you all rock! You can check out the winners on our After Prom Facebook page: www.facebook.com/GNBVTAfterProm/.
We are so grateful to the entire Voc-Tech community—senior class, faculty, staff, and everyone who has supported this effort. Together, you’re helping make the 2025 After Prom a night to remember! Thank you again for your incredible support!
Donations Needed for the 2025 After Prom Concession Stand Fundraiser!
We’re gearing up for the 2025 After Prom and need your help to stock the concession stand! The stand will be open in the Field House Foyer, Monday through Thursday, from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM, and your donations will help make it a success!
Items Needed:
Drinks: Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, Gatorade, Powerade
Snacks: Anything that is at least 1.5 ounces (please, no candy)
Donation Details:
Please drop off your donations at the Welcome Center, Attention: Jenn Gaspar.
Donations are needed as soon as possible to keep the stand stocked.
If you’re interested in donating, please complete the Google Form using this link
Your donations will directly support the 2025 After Prom!
Thank you for your support!
BPA Sponsors Shoe Drive- Jan 6-Feb 28th
Join Our Shoe Drive!
Did you know over 600 million people worldwide need shoes? Your gently used shoes can help support MA Business Professionals of America (BPA). We’re collecting shoes—sneakers, boots, sandals, heels, and more for all ages. Our goal is 150 pairs, but every pair helps!
How to get involved:
Gather shoes you no longer need.
Ask friends and family to do the same!
Drop off your donations in the Welcome Center or you can drop off shoes to Ms. Gaspar or Mr. Panayakul.
Why Participate?
Help the environment: Keep shoes out of landfills.
Aid developing nations: Shoes help microenterprises in Haiti, Cambodia, Ghana, and more. Together, we can make a difference! Thank you for your support!
BPA Sponsors Professional Clothing Drive-Jan 17-Feb 14
The BPA chapter is hosting a Professional Clothing Drive to support students who need attire for upcoming BPA events. We are accepting gently used professional clothing in good condition. If you have business attire you no longer need, please consider donating it!
Donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Center from January 17th through February 14th. All items will be provided for free to students, and any remaining clothing will be donated to GNB Voc-Tech or MA BPA.
Let’s come together and help our students look their best for BPA events. Thank you for your support!
From the Attendance Office
Important Message from the Attendance Office
As we are well into Trimester 2 , please be reminded that, all students are expected to be present and on time every day that school is in session. School starts at 7:30 a.m., students must be present in their 1st period class by 7:40 a.m. Students who are tardy to their 1st period class and or school must serve a tardy detention. All tardy detentions and time owed for unexcused absences are served in the cafeteria Monday through Thursday from 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Failure to serve the tardy detentions and or make up time owed for unexcused absences may face further disciplinary action including Saturday detentions and will put restrictions and or limitations on your ability to participate in all school-sponsored extracurricular activities including sports, clubs, and social events such as Spring Fling, Junior Banquet, Mr. Voc Tech, Ms. Voc Tech, Prom, After-Prom and Senior Sign-out. Students who do not meet the attendance requirements may be in danger of not graduating or be promoted to the next grade level.
Students are allowed only allowed 3 unexcused absences per trimester. (1 unexcused absence equals 3 hours after-school).
All students are expected to follow the Dismissal policy regardless of age.
Please refer to the student handbook for more detailed information regarding the GNBVT Attendance Policy.
Perfect Attendance-Trimester 1
Did you Know? Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School students are leading the way demonstrating Preparation, Passion and Perseverance by maintaining a current 97% overall attendance rate.
Congratulations to our Perfect Attendance students for Trimester 1
“Consistency is the key to success. Show up, work hard, and the results will follow. Your attendance today shapes your success for tomorrow.”
Please see the Trimester I Perfect Attendance student listing by clicking the link below:
Principal's List-Trimester 1
From the Guidance Department
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." — Eleanor Roosevelt.
Congratulations to all students on the Trimester 1 Principal's List for earning all A's.
Presentations were recently held with Principal Williams congratulating students with certificates of this accomplishment.
See the student listing below:
Seniors and Families:
Seniors applying to college should check out the Guidance page on the GNBVT website. https://www.gnbvt.edu/admissions-guidance/scholarships You will find Scholarship information that is updated as they are sent our way. This month check out the following:
https://www.gnbvt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Mass-JCI-Scholarship-2024-25_0001_0001.pdf and https://www.gnbvt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/St-Annes-Credit-Union-Scholarship-2024-25_0001.pdf.
Federal Student Aid ID Reminder and FAFSA Is Available
Federal Student Aid ID Reminder: Students should apply now for their Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) before completing the FAFSA form.
FAFSA Is Available Now: The 2025-2026 FAFSA form is now available for all students and parents/guardians. Complete the form to apply for financial aid for college or vocational technical school. Visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa for more information.
College Access Resources
Resources are available to help students afford a college degree:
MassEducate https://www.mass.edu/osfa/programs/masseducate.asp
provides free tuition and fees at the MA community college for all eligible students.
MassGrantPlus https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massgrant-massgrant-plus can provide discounts at the MA four year universities depending on family income.
Eligible, non-US citizens can apply for state financial aid through the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA) https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-application-for-state-financial-aid-masfa
A wonderful, extremely helpful resource is the Seven Hills Educational Opportunity Center https://www.sevenhills.org/programs/education-programs-in-new-bedford which is located on Welby Rd. in New Bedford. The staff will assist you with the FAFSA process.
HBCU College Fair at the Z- Feb 15th
Please contact the staff from the Z that are coordinating the event, with any questions:
Emma York, Associate Director of Education & Community
508-997-5664 EXT. 154
Blair Taylor, Director of Education & Community
508-997-5664 EXT. 129
Cartwheel Webinars
Webinars Offered Monthly!
About Cartwheel: We partner with school districts to provide students and families with rapid access to mental health assessments, evidence-based therapy, medication management and consultation, and parent/guardian guidance. All of our services are via telehealth with licensed clinicians. We are committed to providing affordable care for everyone - including uninsured families and those covered by Medicaid. To learn more about Cartwheel's services, please contact a member of your school’s counseling or guidance team.
From the Health Office
Meet the Nursing Staff...
Casey Clarke
Hello, my name is Casey Clarke, and I’m excited to be in my second year as part of the GNBVT nursing team. I graduated from GNBVT in 2013 in the Medical Assisting program and later earned my Bachelor's degree in Nursing from Husson University. Now in my eighth year as a Registered Nurse, I’ve gained experience working at St. Luke's Hospital as both a medical-surgical nurse and a circulating nurse in the Operating Room.
My passion for education and coaching ultimately led me to school nursing. I recently earned my Master's degree in Educational Leadership to further enhance my ability to support students and staff. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, and exploring the outdoors.
I look forward to working with and caring for your students during their time here at GNBVT.
February is American Heart Month!
Let’s all do our part in working towards heart health and building healthier communities!
To our students, you can have control in promoting your heart health by doing the following:
Health Office Contacts:
If at anytime, you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the nursing staff:
Nurse Ursula Crowell: ursula.crowell@gnbvt.edu- ext 205
Nurse Casey Clarke: casey.clarke@gnbvt.edu- ext 661
Nurse Jaala Duarte: jaala.duarte@gnbvt.edu- ext 204
Upcoming Skills Events
SkillsUSA: Upcoming events
SkillsUSA Week 2/24/25-2/28/25
Districts on 2/28/25
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School
1121 Ashley Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02740
WEBSITE: www.gnbvt.edu
INSTAGRAM: @gnbvoctechhighschool
X: @GNBVocTechHS