"Paw Prints"
Farley School's Newsletter Update
The Book Fair is Coming!
Dear caregivers,
In the next couple of weeks we will have some very exciting things happening at Farley. On March 26th and 27th, caregiver teacher conferences will be taking place either at school or held virtually. The portal to sign up for conferences opened this past Wednesday (3/12). We are hoping that you had a chance to log in and sign up for a time to talk with your teacher about your student. If you still need to log in scroll down to the conference section for website information. You will have approximately 15 minutes with your teacher to talk about your child's experiences in school, the successes and the skills that your students is still developing.
We are thrilled to share that again this year we will be offering our book fair during the week of March 24th through March 28th. Scholastic Book Fairs will be set up in the main lobby of the building for your student to peruse books and perhaps make a purchase. Before or after your conference time you may choose to shop with your student as well.
There is an additional book vendor being offered this year during the same window of time. We are pleased to welcome Smokely books, who is a very small book vendor offering titles in Portuguese. We're thrilled that we can provide an opportunity for our students in dual language as well as native Portuguese speakers to access exciting titles in Portuguese. This book vendor will require cash only sales. Additionally we will be opening our book fair to the public so others in our community may access the Portuguese books and the Scholastic books on the evening of March 26th which is also the evening of conferences.
We are so excited about these upcoming events and look forward to seeing you soon!
Anne (she, her, hers)
Anne Duke, Assistant Principal
C.A. Farley Elementary School
March/ April
March 26th (+evening hours) and 27th- Parent Conferences
Grade 3- April 3rd and 4th
Grade 4- April 7th and 8th
Conferences are coming!
Spring conferences for Farley School will take place on March 26th and 27th with evening hours on March 26th. Partner (dual language or departmental models) teachers will also have one other school day available for conferences. The parent portal will open on March 12th via the PTC Fast portal. To do this sign in to https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/C_A_Farley_Elementary_School.
Classroom Highlight
Graphic Novels are a hit with 4th graders!
During this library time, the fourth graders raced to the graphic novel section of the Farley library! Graphic novels can be a great tool for encouraging elementary students to read. Their engaging illustrations and visual storytelling make complex ideas easier to understand, helping young readers build comprehension skills. The combination of text and images can also support struggling or reluctant readers by making stories more accessible and enjoyable. Additionally, graphic novels often feature diverse characters and creative plots, sparking imagination and fostering a love for reading at an early age. Take a peek at the book selection at the book fair. Your student might love to have their own for their home library!
BANDFEST! Friday, April 4th from 6:00-8:00pm at Hudson High School
This year we are excited to announce that our Farley Band students will join the Forest Ave Band students, the Mulready Band students, the Quinn Middle School Band students AND the Hudson High School Band to perform together on Friday, April 4th, from 6:00-8:00pm! The three elementary bands will perform together on the stage, as will Quinn Middle School, and Hudson High School! The highlight of the evening will be the combined band performance, with ALL of our band students, 4th-12th, performing the piece of music "Star Wars!" together!! This is a wonderful opportunity for all students to come together and share their talents with other students across the district for families and friends!
Farley Elementary School "Night of the Arts!" Thursday, June 5th, from 5:30-7:00PM
Please join us on Thursday, June 5th, from 5:30-7:00pm for the Night of the Arts celebration! Come walk through the Gallery of the Arts and see both the Farley Elementary School Band and 4th Grade Chorus perform live for you in the cafetorium! Please mark your calendars now and watch for additional information in the coming weeks!
YSAP Family Survey
Help Shape Youth Substance Use Prevention Efforts in Hudson!
Hudson Public Schools and the Hudson Youth Substance Awareness and Prevention Coalition are seeking input from parents and caregivers about youth substance use in our community. Your feedback on this quick, 6-minute survey will help guide our focus areas and support local programming. Your voice matters, and we truly appreciate your time in helping us create a healthier future for Hudson’s youth.
Ajude a moldar os esforços de prevenção do uso de substâncias por jovens em Hudson!
As Escolas Públicas de Hudson e o grupo YSAP (grupo de conscientização e prevenção ao uso de drogas entre adolescentes de Hudson) estão buscando a opinião de pais e responsáveis sobre o uso de substâncias por jovens em nossa comunidade. Sua contribuição nesta pesquisa rápida (de 6 minutos) ajudará a orientar nossas áreas de foco e apoiará programas em nossa comunidade. Sua voz é importante e agradecemos imensamente seu tempo em nos ajudar a criar um futuro mais saudável para os jovens de Hudson.
¡Ayude a dar forma a los esfuerzos de prevención del uso de sustancias entre los jóvenes en Hudson!
Las Escuelas Públicas de Hudson y la Coalición de Concientización y Prevención de Sustancias Juveniles de Hudson están buscando la opinión de los padres y cuidadores sobre el uso de sustancias entre los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad. Sus comentarios sobre esta encuesta rápida de 6 minutos ayudarán a guiar nuestras áreas de enfoque y respaldarán la programación local. Su voz importa, y realmente apreciamos su tiempo para ayudarnos a crear un futuro más saludable para los jóvenes de Hudson.
Ede Fòme efò prevansyon jèn yo nan Hudson!
Lekòl Piblik Hudson yo ak Konsyantizasyon Sibstans ak Prevansyon Prevansyon Hudson yo ap chèche opinyon paran yo ak moun kap bay swen yo sou itilizasyon sibstans jèn nan kominote nou an. Fidbak ou sou rapid sa a, sondaj 6-minit ap ede gide zòn konsantre nou yo ak sipò pwogram lokal yo. Zafè vwa ou, epi nou vrèman apresye tan ou nan ede nou kreye yon avni an sante pou jèn Hudson a.
Click the images below to find information about HYBS and how to register your child to play softball or baseball for the town! If the registration fee is an issue, please contact Mrs. Mielke at semielke@hudson.k12.ma.us.
Each year, Grade 4 caregivers and Home and School join forces to create our spectacular Farley yearbook. In order to have the most colorful yearbook possible, they needs lots of pictures! They are hoping to get a jump start on collecting pictures from families now. They have created an email where pictures from families can be sent. If you have any photos, both past and present (and future), that would be great for the yearbook, please email them to: farleyyearbook2025@gmail.com Thank you!
Please read the following reminders from Ellen Schuck, the district's Head of Technology:
Aspen Parent Portal accounts are automatically created for new families at the beginning of the year. An email with account information is sent to a child's first contact. If you have not logged into your Aspen Parent Portal account and need help with your credentials, please fill out an Incident IQ ticket-directions can be found in the next paragraph. The district technology department will be happy to assist you.
The Technology Department uses a ticketing system for reporting all problems with hardware and software (Chromebooks, iPads, Aspen, student Google accounts, etc.). We ask everyone to complete an online ticket instead of sending an email.
- Parents can submit a ticket using the online Guest Repair Form.
- Students in Grades 5-12 are encouraged to use Incident IQ. You must sign into the program using your @student.hudson.k12.ma.us Google account.
- Please CLICK HERE for a video on how to submit a ticket.
Check out our other Aspen videos located on the district website.
Lots of families have been reaching out about how to order Farley Spiritwear. Each year, Home and School organizing this for us. If you would like to order some Farley-inspired clothing and accessories head over to this link: https://www.cafarleyspiritwear.com/
The FOURTH draft of the Farley Family directory is now available. Thank you to Sarah Tracy for creating this resource. If you still want to be part of the directory, please still sign up!
Here is the link to last year's directory: Farley Family Directory
Still want to sign up? Click this link: https://forms.gle/eEQg6ZaSBnDqoDko7
Please email her @ sarah.tracy97@gmail.com if you have any questions
Here is the link to join online: meet.google.com/goh-pzio-oev.
Please take a moment to read the following message from Kali Coughlan, the Manager of the MetroWest Food Collaborative:
Dear Hudson Families,
The MetroWest Food Collaborative is a program run out of the Hudson Health Department. Its mission is to actively join with the community to strengthen the local food system by advocating for policies and programs that support equitable access to nourishing, affordable and culturally appropriate food. Recently, the MetroWest Food Collaborative hired Giuliana Bacoccini to do SNAP & WIC Outreach in MetroWest, specifically focusing on Hudson, Framingham and Milford. This outreach pilot aims to maximize participation and address the "SNAP & WIC gaps" for families. Ms. Bacacconi's role is to increase SNAP/WIC awareness, education, and provide direct application support. Below, please find information on on ways Ms. Bacacconi is able to assist families.
We are now one month into the 2024-2025 school year and I know that you have many hopes and dreams the days to come. To make sure those hopes and dreams are realized, I want to ask for your commitment to making sure your child attends school every day possible this year. The evidence is clear: children with good attendance are more likely to be successful in school and in life. Research shows that high attendance rates in elementary school are directly linked directly to high student achievement. Every day counts. Missing school even 10% of the time has a significant negative impact on reading and math achievement as children progress through school.
Good attendance starts early. Research has shown that the attendance habits established Kindergarten through Grade 2 have lasting effects on students throughout their education: children with high attendance in the early grades continue to have good attendance; and students with low attendance in the early grades are more likely to have low attendance—and lower academic performance—throughout their elementary and middle school years.
As caregivers, you are your child’s most influential teacher, I am asking for your support in helping your child get to school every day and to get to school on time by 8:35 every day. We realize that every family faces challenges. Please let your child’s teacher know if your family needs help dealing with a challenge to your child’s good school attendance. We will do our best to help you and your family ensure that your child’s school attendance stays on track.
Like last year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has mandated that families, whose children have 5 or more absences or 5 or more tardies be formally notified, in written form, of their child’s attendance. While Farley keeps accurate records of which absences are “excused” and “unexcused” the DESE does NOT distinguish between “excused” and “unexcused” absences.
Each school in the district will be emailing these letters home twice month. Please do not worry if you have received one of these notifications. We understand that kids, especially elementary age, get sick more often, have medical appointments, etc. We also understand that Covid-19 and the flu are still an issue. Farley staff always reaches out personally if attendance or tardies are a true concern. We like to work with families to help rectify any attendance issues that arise.
Farley Elementary School prepares all of its students with the academic and social-emotional skills they need to thrive as thoughtful, creative, and curious citizens who value diversity and lifelong learning.
Farley Elementary School is a safe and inclusive community where everyone feels seen and valued. We inspire and empower all of our members to grow, explore, and ignite a love of learning. We value creativity, curiosity, global citizenship, and equity and believe our cultural and linguistic diversity makes us stronger.
Farley Elementary School
Email: rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://cafarley.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 119 Cottage Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6153
District Resources:
Civil Rights Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Title IX Coordinator- Jennifer Allard jnallard@hudson.k12.ma.us
Director of Student Services- Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
District 504 Coordinator-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
McKinney Vento Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us
Foster Care Point of Contact-Catherine Kilcoyne cakilcoyne@hudson.k12.ma.us