Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
October 1-31
Saturday, October 19
PTA Romp and Read from 10:00-11:00 am
GL Playground
Sunday, October 20
11:00-2:00 pm
October 23-November 1
PTA Fall Book Fair
Wednesday, October 23
PTA Fall Book Fair Kick Off and Tres Jardines Food Truck
5:00-7:00 pm
Thursday, October 24
Book Character Parade at 8:30 am
Friday, October 25
Community Circle at 8:30 am - Ms. Bennett's Class Hosting
SLT Meeting - 9:00-10:00 am in Room 224
SideKicks at 11:50 am
Monday, October 28
Flu Vaccine Clinic at GL
1:00-3:00 pm
Tuesday, October 29
School Photos (2nd option day)
Wednesday, October 30
Early Release Day at 12:50 pm
Where Learning Takes Flight
October Design Principle: The Having of Wonderful Ideas
"Words are but the signs of ideas."
~Samuel Johnson
We can’t wait to see you at our Fall Carnival & Chili Cook Off this Sunday, October 20 from 11am-2pm at Glennwood Elementary!
We are still in need of a few more tailgate tents and have a few more volunteer slots available. Here is the volunteer sign up form – CSD middle/high school students are welcome to use this same link to sign up to volunteer for any activities outside of the class booths
Contact President@Glennwoodespta.com with any questions about the event.
Glennwood Book Fair - October 23 - November 1
Book Fair is back for an extended time October 23 - November 1! Brought to us by Little Shop of Stories, 20% of all proceeds benefits the Glennwood Media Center. Kids will shop in school during the day and parents are welcome to shop before, during and immediately after school. On opening day - Wednesday, October 23 - the book fair will be open with additional shopping hours 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm. PTA has secured Tres Jardines food truck (Mexican cuisine) from 5:00-7:00 pm (see menu below), so please come have dinner and shop with us!
We need your help volunteering for a shift to make our Book Fair a success! Please review the available slots and click on the button below to sign up. Thank you!
Any questions? Contact Ginger Schmeltzer, Book Fair Coordinator at gschmeltzer@gmail.com.
Gift a Book for Your Child's Teacher & Classroom
Teachers would LOVE to be able to shop at the book fair for their classroom libraries. We offer families the opportunity to purchase a gift book label in $10, $15 or $20 increments. Your child will fill out the gift label, and we will deliver it to your child's teacher. The teacher will choose a book and place the gift label inside the book as a gift from your family. The labels are available for purchase at check out.
Dear Glennwood Families,
We all share a common goal for our children to be safe and protected from harm. Related to that goal, school counselors are required by OCGA 20-2-143 to present annual personal safety lessons designed to prevent sexual abuse, assault awareness, and prevention education. The Think First & Stay Safe™ program is a research-based program that teaches specific personal safety education through interactive classroom lessons, role-playing, and corresponding activities. Think First & Stay Safe™ enables students to take an active and necessary role in protecting themselves from abuse, assault, and exploitation. CSD school counselors reviewed the program and selected it for our students. This program is also listed on Georgia’s Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention Technical Assistance Resource Guide as a best practice program.
Due to the importance of this topic, I want you to know how you may preview the materials and when the counselor will be presenting this information to your child's class. The materials will be available for preview by contacting Mr. Blase at jblase@csdecatur.net and setting up a time with him. The school counselor will offer the sexual abuse prevention and safety lessons to all K-2 students beginning in November and December.
You can also learn more about the program and research behind this program at www.childluresprevention.com. Please be aware that more information is provided on the website than is actually used in CSD. The plan for CSD includes: the key concepts taught at all grade levels; each grade reviews what was learned in the previous grade(s) and then learns about additional lures or tricks. Specifics are provided here.
If you prefer that your child not participate in the sexual abuse and safety prevention lessons, please send an email indicating your preferences to the school counselor, Jonathan Blase, at jblase@csdecatur.net by Friday, October 25th. Please reach out if you have any questions. Unless notification is received, your child will participate in the lessons.
Jonathan Blase
Glennwood School Counselor
Flu Vaccine Clinic Available on October 28
Glennwood will be holding a flu vaccine clinic on Monday, October 28 from 1-3 p.m. If you or your child would like to be vaccinated, please be sure to bring your insurance card. We will see you there!
Join the PTA Committees
We are still looking for volunteers for the following roles:
Committees (sign up to volunteer or email President@Glennwoodespta.com)- Events Volunteer Coordinator
- Fundraising Chair
UPDATE: 2024-25 Fit Georgia Assessment Waived
We previously communicated that all students enrolled in a PE class in CSD would be taking part in the state’s new Fit GA fitness assessment this year. However, due to continued, unresolved technical issues with the state’s new Fit GA platform, CSD has decided to waive participation in the Fit GA assessment for the 2024-25 school year. While some classes and students already participated in a pre-test, no classes or students will be post-tested this year.
Supper & Sips Returns!
Grab your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate the return of Decatur Education Foundation's highly-anticipated fall FUNdraiser - Supper & Sips! Join us on Thursday, Nov. 14th, from 6-10 pm at The Chapel on Sycamore for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship - all for a good cause. The Supper provides crucial support for DEF, allowing us to continue our work addressing unmet needs, providing enriching opportunities, and supporting our educators.
Get your tickets today! Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email Meagan@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
STEP UP for Decatur Youth!
DEF was founded more than 20 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to ensure that EVERY student in CSD had what they needed to learn and thrive. Today, DEF's mission remains focused on Decatur's kids and educators, and we are still 100% reliant on the support of the Decatur community. DEF puts the community's contributions where they will have the biggest impact on our students, and DEF's Step Up Circle is a special group of supporters that allows us to operate programs like Lighten the Load, Teacher Innovation Grants, behavioral health support, arts programming, and so much more. There are also benefits - for both businesses and individuals - to joining DEF's Step Up Circle (beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Decatur's kids!). Visit https://decatureducationfoundation.org/step-up-circle/ to learn more about the different giving levels.
Día de los Muertos Festival at Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta
Enjoy live music, mariachi performances, stilt walkers, face painting, games, and more at this free event at the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta.
November 2, 2024 - 12:00-5:00PM
Decatur Day of the Dead/Haints and Saints Parade - Oct. 27
This Halloween-themed parade with a Day of the Dead twist is the closing event for a month of Hispanic heritage celebrations in Decatur. Wear costumes and join the evening parade at the Decatur Cemetery at 6 p.m. that ends at the downtown square with a musical jam session and celebration.