Trip RAMblings

Title I Parent Meeting
All Pro Dad Leaders Needed
Are you ready to make a meaningful difference in your child’s life and the lives of other families in our community? We’re excited to announce that we’re looking for dedicated fathers to step into leadership roles with the All Pro Dad program!
What is All Pro Dad?
All Pro Dad is a national program dedicated to helping fathers become the best parents they can be. Through structured activities, discussions, and community events, All Pro Dad equips fathers with the tools and support they need to strengthen their relationships with their children and positively impact their families.
Why Get Involved?
As a leader in the All Pro Dad program, you will have the opportunity to:
- Make a Difference: Guide and inspire other dads while contributing to the growth and success of our community.
- Build Stronger Bonds: Foster deeper connections with your own children and encourage other fathers to do the same.
- Develop Leadership Skills: Enhance your skills in communication, organization, and community building.
- Be Part of a Supportive Network: Connect with like-minded fathers who share your commitment to making a positive impact.
What We’re Looking For:
We need passionate, motivated fathers who are:
- Committed: Willing to invest time and energy into leading and participating in All Pro Dad events and activities.
- Inspirational: Eager to share their experiences, encourage others, and be a role model for positive fatherhood.
- Organized: Able to plan and coordinate events, communicate effectively, and engage with the community.
How to Get Involved:
Interested in becoming an All Pro Dad leader? Please email Lisa Hill at Lisa.M.Hill@gcpsk12.org
Let’s work together to create a supportive and enriching environment for all fathers and their families. Your leadership can make a lasting impact—join us and help shape the future of fatherhood in our community!
Together, we can be All Pro Dads!
Last Day to turn in Drama Club Applications
Career on Wheels
We will host our annual "Careers on Wheels" Day on Thursday, September 19th from 8am to 12noon. All Kindergarten through Second grade students will have an opportunity to explore careers in the following career clusters: Health Sciences, Law & Public Safety, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, and Transportation & Logistics. Each class will visit up to 4 stations and learn from our guest speakers. Students will have a chance to ask questions at the end of the presentations. We are certain that your child will enjoy this event.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day is quickly approaching on Thursday, September 19th. We would love to celebrate all of our grandparents at the Grayson Park Pavilion 9/19 from 6pm-8pm. Join us for games, a photo booth, and refreshments! Scan the QR code on the right to RSVP. The Trip PTA and FRAMily hopes to see you there! The PTA is also looking for 16 volunteers to help make this event successful. If you are available to help on the 19th from 5:15pm-7pm OR 6:15pm-8:30pm, scan the QR code on the left to sign up to help. We appreciate you!
Click to Volunteer- https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0E44AFA82AA4F9C07-51204085-volunteers
Click if you are attending:
Save the Date- Ice Cream Social
Flag Football Registration extended to 9/20
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon...
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held at Trip ES September 23rd through October 4th. Cash will not be accepted. Students can make purchases using eWallet, checks (made payable to Trip ES), or credit/debit cards. Set up an eWallet for your child today!
eWallet: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/tripelementaryschool
Volunteer Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D48ADAF2FA5FECF8-50940949-book#/
Volunteers Needed
Are you interested in volunteering at Trip ES. If so, please sign up using the link below. You will also need to complete the attached form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp3lYSgeJ9FhDVtGZyFrf-oPLMSrXCsHmlO0IFdxQ-vyuDXA/viewform?usp=sharing
PTA Movie Night
Do you love movies, popcorn, and sitting under the stars with friends and family?!? Then we encourage you to join us at Trip's Movie Night Friday, October 4th hosted by our PTA. The gate opens at 6:15pm and the movie begins at 7pm. The cost is $5 for PTA members and $8 for non-PTA families. Scan the QR code to buy tickets in advance. You will need to login in once you scan the code. Bring your own blankets and chairs to get cozy and cash to buy popcorn, snacks, and drinks. We hope to see you there!
Sign up here: https://jointotem.com/ga/grayson/trip-es-pta/store#/Product
GAA Boys & Girls Basketball
Staying Informed with Gwinnett County and Trip!
We have three different platforms that help you partner with us to support your student. ParentVue gives you access to your student's grades, attendance, course history, and more. ParentSquare is a communication platform designed to keep parents and guardians informed. Finally, My Payments Plus (MPP) is the resource used for student meal accounts, registering and paying for student activities, making donations to the school, and more.
All of these tools have web and app versions. Due to the transition from Parent Portal to ParentVue, some parents are having difficulties logging in. Please click here for a help guide to log into ParentVue. Still have questions? Email for help.
Stay informed by visiting Trip's Website and Trip's Facebook Page.
Academic Success
Addressing Concerns at School
Play 2 Learn Information
Updated Contact Information
Parents, please keep us informed of any changes to your contact information such as email, phone number, and address. It is very important that we are able to contact parents or guardians in case of an emergency. Updates can be made on the parent portal. Thanks so much!
Camp Success
Important Reminders:
- Tardy Bell rings at 8:15 am
- No Checkouts after 2:15 pm