Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
January 10th, 2025

Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Dear Families and White Tigers,
Welcome to 2025! It has been a wonderful start to the new year. As we reach the midpoint of this school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve accomplished together. It’s been a joy to see our students grow academically, socially, and emotionally, supported by the dedication of our amazing staff and the unwavering partnership of our families. I personally believe that we have the best students, but I am quite biased. 😎
Fifth grade families, please be sure to carefully review our newsletters! There will be many updates moving forward. The transition to middle school is an exciting time and we look forward to supporting you and your future middle schoolers.
Next Friday, we will have another Den of 10!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions!
- Principal Kaylee Santille
Email: ksantille@wscloud.org
Phone: (614) 450-4800
This Week in Wellness
We’re knocking the rust off of us from winter break and getting our heart rates through the roof!
Counselor Updates
Counselor Update!
The first part of the school year focused on coping skills. Each grade level received 3-4 lessons around Emotion Identification, how emotions impact our brain, and Coping skills (deep breaths, rainbow grounding, hand pushes/noticing body signals).
Next 8 classrooms received an extra scoop of Unstuck and On Target Executive Functioning Curriculum after our MTSS meetings in the fall (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support).**
This month, all classrooms are completing Friendship Lessons with me.
Kindergarten/First: I messages/Kindness
I feel…..
Because…. Or I need….. See Here for the example used in my lesson!
Second/Third: Healthy Friendship
I messages, “Drama” vs Healthy actions
Fourth/Fifth: Respect/Differences
What respect looks, sounds, and feels like
**MTSS is a Worthington Elementary-wide process where every student is reviewed for any delays or concerns in Math, Reading, and Executive Functioning, and if needed interventions are put into place. Our next review is the week of Jan 21st and you will be contacted as needed.
2025 MLK Celebration
2025 MLK Celebration
Join the Worthington community to celebrate and honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Please find more information in the linked flyer below.
Worthington Science Day
Worthington Science Day
On Saturday, January 25th, Worthington will once again hold its annual Science Day. Open to students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, Science Day consists of four different events for students. Registration will close for Science Day on January 19th, 2025. Registration for the Design Challenge will close when the event capacity is met or on January 19th, 2025, which ever comes first.
*Please note that any student that signed up for Wilson Hill Science Fair will have an opportunity to present their project to their grade on January 23rd, 2025! Students will set up first thing in the morning in the Art Room.
For more information, explore the links below.
January 2025 WABFE Newsletter
The Worthington Alliance of Black Families and Educators (WABFE) has released its January newsletter. Please find it included below.
Worthingway 6th Grade Informational Night
Worthingway 6th Grade Informational Night
Worthingway is excited to welcome all 5th grade students and families to an information session on February 12th at 6:30pm in the gymnasium (6625 Guyer Street). We expect that this will last about 30 minutes. The goal of this event is to give families information about scheduling for 6th grade courses and a general welcome to middle school. During the week of February 17th, Worthingway staff will come visit each elementary school to pick up student scheduling requests. If you cannot attend this event, scheduling forms with information will be given to students the following day at their current school.
Please Note: This year we are aligning this event with our Parent/Teacher conference night. Expect a full parking lot. Street parking is available if there are no spots available.
The Annual WEF Gala Returns January 31!
The Worthington Education Foundation (WEF) is thrilled to announce the return of our annual fundraising gala Friday, January 31, 2025, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Brookside Country Club, 2770 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio 43235. Get your tickets now for a fun-filled evening featuring heavy appetizers, a silent auction with art from our talented high school students and staff, a chance to meet the most recent WEF grant recipients, music, and a special presentation on sparking creativity by Sarah LaGrotteria, Worthington parent and CEO of Just Bloom School. Semi-formal/dressy-casual attire suggested. A limited number of tickets are available for this special event. Gather your friends and help the WEF "light a spark" for our students!
Beach Day: Jan. 31st!
Blue Jackets Power Play Challenge: Special Offer
A message from Mr. Swallie:
Congratulations! Your son/daughter has completed all five challenges of the Blue Jackets Power Play Challenge.
Each participant that completes the challenge is eligible for this exclusive offer for one (1) COMPLIMENTARY ticket to a select 2024-25 home game with the purchase of at least one (1) specially priced ticket.
Additional tickets for family and friends are also available for purchase at a special rate. Enjoy the game, and Go Jackets!
Offer cannot be redeemed at the Nationwide Arena Box Office. Available while supplies last. No refunds or exchanges.
Questions? Reach out to Alec Rivers at (614) 246-3852 or email us at arivers@bluejackets.com
Repeated Information Below:
Parent Portal Changes
Worthington Parent Portal Changes
Starting Jan 3, 2025, the old www.worthington-portal.org site will no longer be accessible. The vendor who owns and supports the system our portal site is built on is no longer supporting it.
The items from the old portal are now available from your Infinite Campus portal in the “More” section in “Parent Access Links”. Here is a guide to help you navigate this change: Parent Access Link.
We also recommend updating any browser bookmarks you may have.
Kindgarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration Opens January 6th, 2025!
We are thrilled to announce that kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 6th, 2025. Visit our kindergarten Welcome Center website for information about the registration process and requirements.
We are excited to announce that starting in the 2025-26 school year, Worthington Schools will be offering universal, no-cost all-day kindergarten for all students. This program will provide a strong foundation for learning and allow us to better meet the needs of every child in our community.
For more details about Worthington's All-Day Kindergarten, you can read Superintendent Dr. Bowers blog or watch a presentation about kindergarten from a recent board meeting.
We can’t wait to welcome our newest learners to our schools!
Lunch Support Needed!
Please join us as a volunteer during lunchtime! Students need support and encouragement to finish their food, guidance in the lunch line, and reminders about volume. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Wilson Hill Lunch Schedule:
K 10:45-11:00
1st 11:00-11:15
2nd 11:15-11:30
3rd 11:30-11:45
4th 11:45-12:00
5th 12:00-12:15
St. Vincent de Paul Giving Room
Want to Recognize a Staff Member?
We are providing you with the opportunity to share "shout outs" to Wilson Hill teachers and staff members who have shown particular kindness or service to a student and/or their family. If you have a shout out to share, please fill out this form and the recognition will be shared during our next staff meeting. Thank you for taking the time to share how our Wilson Hill staff members are positively impacting your student and your family!
Join the Wilson Hill PTO!
Be a part of something GREAT...JOIN the Wilson Hill PTO and be as involved as you'd like. All of your membership fee will go directly to supporting the students, staff, and community of Wilson Hill Elementary.
By joining the PTO you:
- have the opportunity to vote at all PTO meetings
- you receive access to the Wilson Hill School Directory
- you receive a quarterly PTO newsletter and have opportunities throughout the year to volunteer and be as involved in the PTO as you choose
Meeting Dates:
September 10 @ 7pm
October 8 @ 7pm
November 12 @ 7
January 14 @ 7pm
February 11 @ 7pm (Meeting in Conference Room in the office due to Book Fair)
March 4 @ 7pm
April 8 @ 7pm
May- TBD