August 13, 2024
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Important Dates
Aug. 13: New Family/Kindergarten Orientation - 5:30 pm
Aug. 14: Teacher and Bus Assignments available on ParentVue - 2:00 pm
Aug. 20: Teacher Meet and Greet - 2:15 pm
Aug. 21: First Day of School (Grades 1-5) - 2:00 pm dismissal
Aug. 22: First Day of School for Kindergarten - Full day for all
Aug. 23: Spirit Day - Wear your South spirit wear or blue/yellow!
Save the Date: Mark your calendars for picture day. Fall pictures will be taken during the school day on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Look for order information to come in future newsletters and on our school website
South Elementary Important Information
Please take a moment to review the following linked documents before the first day of school:
New Family Orientation Slide Show
NEW this year: All new and returning families are required to fill out an online School Dismissal Form no later than Tuesday, August 20th. Sharing your child(s) dismissal information for this school year allows us to provide a safe and efficient dismissal!
Upcoming Safety Drills
We will be practicing the following emergency drills in the first few weeks of school: bus evacuation, fire, disaster, and lock down drills. If you would like to refrain from having your child participate in the lock down drill, please notify Mrs. Alt and Mrs. Bauer via email by Monday, August 26th.
New Family/Kindy Orientation
We are excited to have you join the South Sabre Cat community! This is your opportunity to tour the building, do a scavenger hunt, and have a treat from our PTO. There is no formal presentation so feel free to come anytime between 5:30-6:30pm.
Important: Our nurse will be here so please bring in all of your medical forms or email them to her at at your earliest convenience. Thank you!
Teacher Meet and Greet
Teacher Meet and Greet is a time for all families to meet the teachers, bring in your school supplies, complete paperwork, sign up for volunteer opportunities, purchase a student planner, and turn in medical/physical forms. Kona Ice will also be here for anyone wanting to purchase a cool treat (20% goes back to South)!
First Day of School
- Grades 1-5 ONLY attend on Wednesday, August 21st. Please note: it is an early release day - 2:00 pm dismissal.
- ALL students (K-5) attend for a full day of school on Thursday, August 22nd. Regular 3:30 dismissal for ALL.
Teacher Assistant Program
Our Teacher Assistant Program (TAP) is seeking volunteers to help out in our workroom. TAP's job is to assist teachers with clerical and prep work such as laminating, copying, cutting, etc. This allows teachers more time to focus on teaching. Email for more info.
Communication Expectations
As we launch the 2024-25 school year, we’d like to remind families that teachers, staff and principals prioritize teaching and learning and engaging with students during the school day. They are not expected to monitor their email while school is in session. Please allow 24-48 hours for an email response. If your concern is urgent, please contact the school’s main office. Thank you.
Volunteering and Visiting Procedures
All volunteers are required to complete an annual online application including a background check, completed by Raptor, one week prior to your visit. Visitors must present a driver’s license or state ID upon entry. Click here for more volunteering and visiting procedures and information.
Save-the-Date: PTO Meeting
Please join us for our first PTO meeting of the 2024-2025 school year on Monday, September 23rd at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria. Come learn more about Supporters of South and ways to support our teachers and school!
Spirit Wear Sale
Shop the South Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You'll save 30% off the entire site! New product lines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: South Elementary PTO
- Sign-up for our Remind messages! Simply text @ebkd7f to the number 81010
For any questions please email
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.