OCSD Newsletter

March 2025 | Issue 62
Superintendent's Message
Dear Oberlin School Families,
I am pleased to share some exciting updates with you from the Oberlin City School District!
First, I would like to announce that during the March 18, 2025, Board of Education meeting, the Board appointed Ms. Charlita Anderson-White to serve as a member of the Board until January 1, 2026. Ms. Anderson-White will be replacing Mr. Ken Stanley, who resigned at the February 25, 2025, Board meeting. We are excited to welcome Ms. Anderson-White to the team and look forward to the continued growth and success of our District.
Second, Oberlin Elementary School was named a recipient of the 2024-2025 Governor's Science of Reading Recognition Program! In 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine launched the ReadOhio initiative to improve literacy across the state by providing support for families, educators, and communities. The "Science of Reading" is a research-based approach that helps us understand how students learn to read and write, and shows that all students benefit from explicit instruction in areas like phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. Structured literacy practices, based on this research, help students build the brain pathways necessary for skilled reading.
Our students have been making waves, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements:
OHS Band: Congratulations to the OHS Band, under the direction of Mr. Ryan Jaeckin for their performance at the OMEA Large Group Contest at the Westlake High School (photo above).
LMS Spelling Bee: A huge congratulations to 7th grade student Hiro Bernhardsson, who won the Lorain County Spelling Bee on March 6. Hiro will be representing Lorain County at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C., this May. What an incredible accomplishment!
Oberlin Track Team: Over the weekend of March 7, our Oberlin Indoor Track Team brought home the Division 4 Girls State Championship! The team scored in six events, and we are thrilled to recognize the following athletes: Freshmen: Jasmine McDearmon, Cayman Noble and Kachi'na Smith and Juniors: Aubrey Abeyta, Olivia Hudson and Alyssa Webb. Congratulations to all for their hard work and dedication!
Stop the Hate Poetry Contest: Congratulations to Oberlin High School students Maia Hoyle and Nicholas Stalnaker, both of whom are finalists in the Maltz Museum’s “Stop the Hate Poetry” Contest! This year, over 4,400 students participated in the contest, and Maia and Nicholas are among the top students who will be recognized in April. We are so proud of their inspiring work!
Power of the Pen: Recently, three LMS students attended the Regional Power of the Pen competition and all placed in the TOP 8 out of hundreds of writers! Falon Vargo, 8th place; Alex Karshner, 6th place; and Christina Fridenstine, 5th place. All will advance to compete at the state level! Congratulations!
Community Updates:
Memorial Park Update: The District has been working closely with our architects and construction team to carefully plan a construction route and access road for the new 6-8 building, ensuring that the OHS Memorial Park is preserved and unaffected during the construction process. We are committed to maintaining access to the Memorial Park for parents, students, and community members throughout the duration of the project. We appreciate your understanding and support as we move forward with this exciting development while honoring the significance of the park.
Eastwood Elementary Update: Oberlin City Schools still owns Eastwood Elementary, and we are actively working with the Oberlin Land Trust and other local agencies to explore potential future uses for the property.
As always, I am incredibly proud of our students and the outstanding accomplishments of our District. We look forward to more success and exciting news in the future.
Dr. David Hall
Around OCSD
School is an exciting adventure where every day brings new opportunities to learn, explore, and grow! Every lesson is a chance to unlock new skills, ask curious questions, and make memories that last a lifetime. Learning is not just about textbooks—it's about exploring the world around you and enjoying the journey!
Oberlin Elementary School
Art Students (and Siblings!) Honored
OES siblings Dakota Sepelak, grade 5, and his sister Evelyn Sepelak, grade 4, entered the state/national “Youth Art Month” Flag contest. Dakota received “Honorable Mention” for his graphic design and Evelyn received “Honorable Mention” for her flag design. The Ohio Art Education Association sponsors this event for 'Youth Art Month (YAM)' and each teacher may only enter two works for consideration for the YAM Flag artwork.
OES Students Try Edible Flowers
In an effort to encourage healthy eating, while also promoting curiosity, Oberlin City School District AVI Food Services Department introduced edible flowers to elementary students on Tuesday, March 11.
Thanks to the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grant, all students at Oberlin Elementary School had the opportunity to try edible orchids - the same orchid plant that the vanilla bean derived from, said Oberlin City School District Director of AVI Food Services Mr. Matt Phillips. The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program provides a variety of free, fresh fruit and vegetable snacks to children at eligible elementary schools.
Power of the Pen!
Geography Club "travels" the World!
LMS Geography Club students have been coloring detailed world maps. The project allowed the students to explore different parts of the world while showcasing their creativity and teamwork within the club!
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
The 2025 Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica initiation welcomed 11 new members to the OHS chapter! The group highlights Hispanic culture and language.
Athletic Department News
LC8 Women's Leadership Conference
On Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12 Oberlin High School students participated in the Lorain County Women’s Leadership Conference.
Scarlett Baker, Courage Bielawski, Hazel Eaton, Kamora Hopkins, Joanna Tatum, Larissa Freas, Jayanna Jones, Tamari Adcox, Ava Myers, Lilly Knijnenburg, Sylvia Nisky and Laura Bandy traveled to HoopTech in North Ridgeville along with other Lorain County female students.
“The purpose of this event was to empower female athletes within Lorain County to be leaders within their schools,” OCSD Athletic Director Mr. Danny Zillich said.
The day consisted of multiple speakers and breakout sessions where the focus was about being a female in high school athletics.
"The experience at the Lorain County Women's Leadership Conference not only inspired our female students to be stronger leaders but reminded them that every challenge they face is an opportunity to empower others along the way,” Mr. Zillich said.
Sports Memorabilia Update
We wanted to take a moment and thank the Oberlin City Schools Alumni, community members and stakeholders who voiced their passion and support for Oberlin Athletics, ensuring its preservation for future generations. A decision was made to store the memorabilia rather than auction it off. We greatly appreciate everyone’s valuable feedback, which has helped us safeguard our history in such a meaningful way. Thank you for your continued support!
Stay connected to Oberlin Athletics by visiting the website HERE!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Athletic Director Mr. Danny Zillich at dzillich@oberlinschools.net or Athletic Department Administrative Assistant Ms Diana C. Pierson at dpierson@oberlinschools.net.
Wellness Corner
🌸 Spring Break Reminder, Oberlin! 🌸
With schools out for spring break from March 24-28, you'll likely see more children and families out and about during the day, whether they’re walking, biking or playing in the neighborhood. Please be mindful while driving through residential areas and around parks, and keep an eye out for kids crossing streets or enjoying outdoor activities.
Let’s work together to keep our community safe during this break!
Talking Finances w/ Treasurer Mr. Robert Rinehart
The issuance of the COPS (Certificates of Participation) for $23,000,000 was successfully completed on March 4, 2025. The District is expected to receive the funds by the end of March, and construction for the new middle school is scheduled to break ground in the spring of 2026.
Our next Board of Education meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 22, 2025 inside Oberlin Elementary School's cafeteria, located at 210 North Park Street.
As a reminder, please make sure to register to vote and participate in all upcoming elections to have your voice heard.
Additional information from the Treasurer's Office can be found online by clicking HERE.
News of Note
Oberlin Schools Alumni Association
Are you an alumni of Oberlin City School District? Consider joining the Oberlin Schools Alumni Association! For more information, visit the website by clicking HERE!