Ridgewood Middle Bulldog Bulletin
November 8th
Hello Ridgewood Families!
It was a great, but short, week here at RMS!
Today we celebrated our Veterans at our annual Veterans' Day Breakfast. It was such an honor to pay tribute to those who have served our country! Check out some pictures below.
We also competed with the other Fox C-6 Middle Schools this week in a penny drive for less fortunate families. as of this morning RMS had raised $324.38 which puts us in 2nd place behind AMS and their $1,071.21. There is still time to donate online until 11:59 tonight. See the info below for how to donate.
November 13th will be RMS night at Sugarfire 55 in Arnold! 10% of the subtotal will be donated back to RMS. See the details below.
The nomination window is now open for the 2024-2025 RMS Teacher of the Year and RMS Support Staff of the Year! Please see the info below to nominate your child's favorite teacher or staff member!
Just a reminder, Thanksgiving break will be November 27th - 29th. School will not be in session those days.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Courtney Meagher
Building Principal
Ridgewood Middle
Fox C-6 Penny Drive for Less Fortunate Families
Our building goals are as follows:
$100 raised - play music one day during lunch
$250 raised - Pajama Day
$500 raised - Mr. Meagher and Mrs. Baker have to kiss a pig
$750 raised - Grade level lunches outside
$1000 raised - Mr. Meagher spends night on RMS roof
Raise the most money of all the middle schools, a dunk tank to dunk select staff members
If you would like to donate online, the link to donate to the penny drive goes live on 11/6 at 12:01 am through 11/8 at 11:59 pm.
Hat Day
We will be fundraising money on Monday, November 11th (Veterans Day) with a school-wide HAT DAY!!! If you want to wear a hat, please bring in $1.00. All proceeds will go to Dude's Playground in Waterloo, IL.
Holiday Help
The holidays are just around the corner! If you need help during the holiday season, please click on the flyers below to get information about assistance or to be come a sponsor for those in need.
Yearbooks are on Sale!
Order your Ridgewood Middle School yearbook for on $25! All 52 pages print in full color and it is bound in a hard cover! Orders are due by December 31
CHADS Coalition at RMS
In an effort to reduce depression and suicide among our students, our school has invited CHADS Coalition for Mental Health to deliver the evidence-based Signs of Suicide® (SOS®) program during one class period. The evidence-based program is designed to help students recognize the symptoms of depression or warning signs of suicide in themselves or their friends and teach them the appropriate action steps they should take to get help. This presentation is in line with the grade level curriculum for Health/Physical Education classes and has been approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
CHADS will be visiting with our 7th grade students on November 14th, and our 8th grade students November 21st during their social studies class. For more information on the program or how to opt out, please follow the link below:
Attendance and Activities at RMS
Good attendance leads to academic success! If the kids aren't at school, they are not getting the instruction that they need! Of course, if any student has a fever or is sick we always want them to stay home so everyone can stay healthy. If students are not coming to school for reasons other than appointments (Dentist, Doctor, Funeral, etc.) and sickness on a regular basis (attendance rate below 90%), they will not be able to participate in any of the RMS after school activities or qualify for attendance incentives.
2024 - 2025 RMS Teacher of the Year Nominations are Open!
The Fox C-6 School District is proud of the many outstanding certified teaching members who enhance and promote student learning. As a way to honor our excellent teachers, the District has developed a Teacher of the Year award. Qualifying teachers will have the opportunity to be nominated for their Building’s Teacher of the Year. If selected as the Building’s Teacher of the Year, they will be eligible to apply for the Fox C-6 School District’s Teacher of the Year. Thank you for your assistance in recognizing and honoring our many outstanding teachers. Please see the nomination form and guidelines below. The deadline to nominate is December 15th!
2024-2025 RMS Support Staff of the Year Nominations are Open!
The Fox C-6 School District is proud of the many support staff employees who play critical roles in developing and supporting a nurturing school climate. As a way to honor outstanding support employees, the District has developed a Support Staff of the Year recognition program. All Support Staff awardees are dynamic support employees who are dedicated to supporting and improving the culture, climate, and lives of students and their communities through their work. Thank you for your assistance in recognizing and honoring our many outstanding support staff employees. Please see the nomination form and guidelines below! The deadline to nominate is December 13th!
RMS Clubs
Now that the school year is in full swing, clubs have begun at RMS! To see what clubs are active at RMS, click here! Some clubs run all year and some are seasonal, so check back periodically for more information!
Upcoming Events
November 13th - RMS Night at Sugarfire
November 27th - 29th - No School for Students
December 6th - RMS Winter Dance
December 17th - RMS Skate Night
December 18th - Winter Band Concert @ Rickman Auditorium
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break - No School
January 10th - End of First Semester - Half Day for Students (dismiss at noon)
January 16th - Volleyball Intramurals @ FHS
January 20th - MLK Day - No School
About Us
Email: Click Here
Website: http://www.foxc6.org/ridgewoodms
Location: 1401 Ridgewood School Road, Arnold, MO, USA
Phone: 636-282-1459
Facebook: facebook.com/RidgewoodMiddlefoxc6
Twitter: @RidgewoodMS