Hendricks Hotline
"It's a GREAT day to be a Hurricane!"
Special Person's Night
Visit the Book Fair, make a craft in the classroom, check out the latest Hendricks spirit wear and enjoy a sweet treat in the cafeteria! The fun starts at 5:00 with the opening of the Book Fair! Classrooms will be open at 5:30! We hope to see you there!
College Go Week
It was a great week to be a Hurricane! Students participated in our first bus evacuation drill! They did an amazing job! Students are gearing up to end our first nine weeks strong!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! We are looking forward to talking with you about your student's progress! Please let your student's teacher know if you have any questions regarding scheduling!
We conducted a severe weather drill and a lock down drill this week. We discussed procedures for each drill. Staff and students did a great job!
The Book Fair is coming to Hendricks! The Scholastic Book Fair will be here next week!
Monday, Sept. 23 - Friday, Sept. 27 in the HES Library. Also during our Special Person's Night on Thursday, Sept 26. starting at 5:00 p.m.
More info on our website: www.scholastic.com/bf/hendrickselementaryschool2
There is still time to order! If you would like to order pictures, please visit:
Use Code: 86723EB
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Tilley
2024 Volleyball Game Schedule
Bundle Up!
Lunch Fee Support
We are providing Universal Free Breakfast for all Shelbyville Central students this year!
We encourage all families, regardless of income, to complete and submit a short, confidential school meal application prior to the start of the school year to ensure that there are no gaps in meal benefits for students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Parents or guardians can submit this application online at https://nutrilinktechnologies.com/products/free-and-reduced/ during Registration or in person at your child’s school office. It’s an easy and confidential way to ensure your child stays well-nourished at school.
Spirit Wear
New Attendance Law Important Information
This communication is to inform you of a new Indiana state law regarding school attendance that took effect in July 2024. This legislation impacts all students in grades K-6 and introduces stricter measures to address truancy.
The law aims to place more focus on attendance as a statewide priority by requiring state and local officials to hold regular meetings about the issue.
The new requirements for schools focus on students who are in kindergarten through sixth grade. If those students have five unexcused absences, schools must meet with the parents and create an attendance plan. The Attendance Plan developed may include wraparound services, disciplinary action the school may take if the student does not meet attendance requirements, and referrals for services such as counseling.
The law requires schools to report students who are truant — meaning they have missed 10 unexcused days of school — to the prosecutor and/or the Indiana Department of Child Services.
The school district is committed to complying with this new legislation and ensuring the regular attendance of all students. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with these new requirements and to address any attendance concerns promptly.
If you have any questions regarding this new law or require assistance, please contact the school administration.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
October Breakfast/Lunch Menu
If you need to register for a Car Rider Number for the 2024-2025 school year, please use the attached link. You will only need a car rider number if your student will be picked up in the afternoon!
Please be sure to check Infofinder at http://www.infofinderi.com/ifi/?cid=SCS5QTZ7SAUC for your bus and bus stop information.
If your student will be riding the bus to the Boys & Girls Club or Girls Inc., he/she will need to have a membership. Students will not be permitted to ride the bus to the Boys & Girls Club or Girls Inc. if they do not have a current membership! Students riding the bus to the Boys & Girls Club or Girls Inc. must enter the building after exiting the bus. Students will not be permitted to get into a car before entering the club.