September 2024 Bulletin

September 2024
A Message From Mrs. Kleven and Mrs. Patterson
Hello Bobcat Families,
It has been an incredible start to the school year and we are continually humbled by the trust you give us when caring for your students. Our first weeks together have been focused on building relationships and community while practicing our BG C.A.R.E.S norms. We seek to apply the C(cooperation) A(assertiveness) R(responsibility) E(empathy) and S(Self-Control) character traits daily. As a caregiver, ask your student how they demonstrate these traits throughout their days at school.
One of Birch Grove’s goals during the 2024-2025 school year is to implement Highly Operational Practices (HOPs) within our lessons. These practices are research based and effective for increasing student engagement and learning retention. There are seven HOPS and our teachers spent last year learning about all seven. This year we will focus our work specifically on three; Identifying and Situating Learning In The Lives of Students, Building Relationships and Amplifying Student Voice.
You’ve likely noticed an increased focus on safety and security. Both of us see student and staff safety as the utmost priority for our work, in fact, our safety and security systems are what keep us awake at night. Not only is it our primary responsibility to keep your students safe but we also know that there is a direct correlation between safety and school climate. Students who feel safe are more likely to engage deeply and personalize their learning. We invite you to join us as we work together to keep Birch Grove the absolute best place to learn and work.
Thank you for the love and support you show Birch Grove, we feel honored to serve as your administrative team,
Margo Kleven & Lindsey Patterson
Announcements & Important Information
Student Sign-Out & Visitor Procedure Updates
District 279 is transitioning to a digital sign-out system for all students. All adults MUST sign out their student with a photo ID. The first time you sign out your student, you will need to scan your ID at the front desk with one of the BG office staff. Following the first sign-out, you will be able to sign students out at the self-service kiosk. Please take the time to update emergency contacts on ParentVUE to make sign-out by non-guardians easier. Instructions on how to use the kiosk to sign your student out can be found here.
Per District 279 policy, all visitors to Birch Grove must sign in with a photo ID prior to entering the building. To respect our students' instructional time, meetings with teachers will occur outside of school hours (9:30 am - 4:00 pm). These meetings should be prearranged with your child's teacher.
All volunteers are required to complete the volunteer application before being permitted to volunteer at Birch Grove. The volunteer application takes 1-2 weeks to process so it is encouraged to fill this out early in the school year for future opportunities such as field trips and classroom help. This application needs to be completed each school year.
Transportation Resources & Reminders
The Transportation Webpage is an excellent resource to have on hand. Check transportation eligibility for your child, find contact information, read FAQs, and more!
It is highly encouraged and recommended to download the FirstView bus tracking app. This is the quickest and most accurate way to view the status of your child's bus. At this time, FirstView tracking is only available for students busing in-district. There is not currently tracking available for vans and students receiving transportation from out of district.
Please reach out to transportation directly if you have any questions regarding busing for your child.
- In district: 763-391-7244 or BusQuestions@District279.org
- Out of district (NWSISD transportation): 612-789-5128
Please be aware that Birch Grove does not have transportation information on site. Buses may experience delays at the start of the school year as drivers navigate bus routes. The easiest way to locate your child's bus is through FirstView or calling transportation directly to get an estimated arrival time.
Complete the Educational Benefits Application
The Minnesota state legislature passed a Free School Meals for Kids bill into law in the spring of 2023, which allows all in-person K-12 students to receive a free school breakfast and lunch each day, excluding a la carte/special menu items.
However, it’s still important for households to fill out the Educational Benefits application (formerly the free/reduced lunch application) on EduTrakConnect. Depending on income, families who apply may receive free or discounted prices for:
- Field trips
- Clubs, activities and athletics
- Band instruments
- ACT, SAT and AP fees
- Home internet rates with certain providers
- Xcel Energy account assistance for electricity bills
Please fill out the Educational Benefits application today to make sure your family can take advantage of these and other benefits!
Important Information from the Health Office
Important Health Announcement: Protect Yourself and Your Community!
Due to recent outbreaks of measles, pertussis (whooping cough), and chicken pox, it's more important than ever to make sure you and your loved ones are vaccinated. These diseases can be dangerous, especially for young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect against these serious illnesses. If you or your children are due for vaccines, now is the time to act!
Contact your healthcare provider or local health department today to schedule your vaccination and help prevent the spread of these outbreaks. Let’s work together to keep our community safe and healthy!
You may call our school nurse at 763-549-2308 if you have questions.
Feedback Opportunity on Attendance Boundary Considerations
Over the next several months, elementary and middle school attendance boundaries will be reviewed to determine needed changes. These adjustments will reassign the elementary and/or middle school some households are zoned to attend. Our community’s support of Building a Better Future in 2023 is helping to minimize the extent of the changes.
Community involvement matters: There will be multiple ways for staff, students, parents/caregivers and community members to be involved throughout this process. The first opportunity is to share what considerations should be adhered to during the review via this ThoughtExchange. Please note any responses you provide are anonymous and can be completed within minutes. The provided feedback will help the team create draft attendance boundary scenarios. Staff, students, parents/caregivers and community members will then be able to provide feedback on each of the possibilities presented.
Timeline: This first feedback opportunity is open until Oct. 9. Scenarios will be created mid-October through December using the considerations shared. These scenarios will be presented shortly after winter break. Edits may be made based on that feedback, and again presented with the opportunity to share comments. The overall process is expected to wrap up in the spring. The new attendance boundaries will go into effect fall 2026.
Stay tuned: Detailed information will continue to be shared on the district website, district279.org. Any questions or concerns should be directed to BetterFuture@district279.org or 763-391-8990.
Winter Gear Donations
Birch Grove is looking for donations of winter gear. Coats/jackets, boots, and snowpants are most needed. All sizes that would fit elementary age students are welcome! Clothing donations may be new or gently used. Donations can be brought to the Birch Grove office. Please contact Emily Wenz at WenzE@District279.org if you have questions.
What's Happening at Birch Grove?
Welcome Back!
Birch Grove families had a wonderful time meeting teachers, reconnecting with friends, and learning about BG and other programs in the district at Open House. It was exciting to see so many familiar faces and to welcome some brand new Birch Grove Bobcats to our school! Below are some photos from this awesome event!
Information about TAG at Birch Grove
Please contact TAG teacher Kris Happe if you have questions at HappeK@District279.org.
Upcoming Events
September 17th: Picture Day
Birch Grove's picture day will be on Tuesday, September 17th. Kemmetmueller Photography will be taking student photos for District 279 schools. Please watch your email for information from them as they send out communications to families. Please visit the link below for information on how to order photos and a timeline for photo delivery.
If you have any questions, you can call Kemmetmueller Photography at 952-473-2142 or email them at info@k-photography.com.
September 21st: Reading is Fun 5K
The 14th annual District 279 Foundation's Reading is Fun 5K will be held on Saturday, September 21 at Elm Creek Park Reserve in Maple Grove. More than 600 community members will attend this family-friendly event to raise funds to purchase learning resources for media centers (libraries) in Osseo Area Schools. Over the past decade, proceeds from the Reading is Fun 5K have allocated over $117,000 to media centers.
Registration closes on September 8th. Walk-up registration is available on site on September 21st. Virtual registration is also available if you cannot attend the event in person.
When: Saturday, September 21st
Time: Check in begins at 8:00 am, the 5K begins at 9:30 am
Location: Elm Creek Park Reserve Acorn Area
12400 James Deane Pkwy
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Security Protocol & Visitor Requirements
Please read the following information about District 279 security protocols and visitor requirements. This is for visiting any school in the Osseo Area Schools, including Birch Grove. It is important to follow this protocol to ensure the safety of students and staff.
It is highly recommended to complete the volunteer application to make signing into the school a quicker and easier process. Please make sure to bring your ID with you anytime you come to the school.
Contact Information
Margo Kleven, Principal: KlevenM@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Abbie Lecy, Counselor: LecyA@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: RuhlandM@District279.org
Emily Wenz, Psychologist: WenzE@District279.org
Nurse: 763-549-2308
Birch Grove PTO: PTOBirchGrove@gmail.com
Useful Links
Family Resourcs
Child Tax Credit
Exciting news for Minnesota families! Discover the new Child Tax Credit offering $1,750 per child under 18. Don't miss out—check eligibility and claim your credit when you file: https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/child-tax-credit.
Working Family Credit
Minnesota Residents, discover the benefits of the Working Family Credit! You could qualify for a refund, even if you don't owe taxes. Check eligibility details, especially if your income is below $35,000 (joint filers). If you're a part-year resident, adjust your income accordingly for Minnesota taxes. Learn more at https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/site-search?site_search_text=m1nr
Save Receipts for School Supplies!
The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for caregivers who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce caregivers’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible. Most Minnesota caregivers qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Caregivers under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for those who do not owe any taxes. Visit Revenue's website for details.
Homework Starts with Home
Are you or someone you know at risk of losing your housing? The Homework Starts with Home program is grant funded and in partnership with Hennepin County and the YMCA. Here are guidelines of the program:
- Families must have a child enrolled in our school district and reside in Hennepin county.
- Families must meet income guidelines set by Hennepin county.
- Families must qualify for rent assistance of owing back rent and are at risk of eviction in order to receive utilities assistance.
- Families must provide something in writing that they owe back rent or are at risk of eviction (ledger of back rent owed, eviction notice, court date notice)
- Families must reach out before their eviction date/court date. Unfortunately we can't retroactively provide financial assistance if they have already moved.
Please reach out to Kendra Kuhlmann at HSWH@District279.org if you have questions or are interested in learning more about the Homework Starts with Home Program.
Information available in: English | Hmong | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
Earn Money for Birch Grove with Box Tops for Education
Download the Box Tops for Education App and start earning money for Birch Grove by scanning your shopping receipts.
Osseo Area Schools are Hiring!
Osseo Area Schools ISD279 offers varies meaningful job opportunities! Learn more by completing the ISD279 Job Interest Form and our recruitment & retention team will connect with you or by visiting www.district279.org/careers.
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244