FCBands Weekly Cadence
July 20, 2020
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Band program right now.
July 22, 2020 Band Parent Meeting (Zoom)
Hello Franklin Central Band Parents!
I would like to invite you to join us on a Zoom call on Wednesday, 7/22, at 7:30 p.m.
The band directors and board members will update parents on the ever changing status of the marching band season.
The meeting is open all band parents and students. Fundraising opportunities for individual student accounts as well as fundraising for the entire band program will be one of our topics. The Zoom parent meetings are a great time to ask any questions you may have about the FCBand program.
Thank you for supporting our students!
Brad McQueen
FC Band Boosters
Marching Band Camp Information
Hello Marching Flashes!
Our first week of practice is wrapped up and the students have mastered social distancing, wearing masks in the sweltering heat of July, and performing some great music. By now you have already received the disappointing news about the ISSMA competition season being cancelled. Also, we await decisions from BOA, the schools hosting invitational competitions and IHSAA for football games. Obviously, many questions remain to be answered but we will continue to practice and be optimistic. The Band Camp schedule for this week has been adjusted and we have instructions for the school Kick-off that conflicts with our schedule. Please read closely.
Band Camp: Monday, July 20 to Friday, July 24
Winds and Percussion: 9am to 1pm, Football Stadium
Color Guard: 6pm to 9pm, East practice field/grass lot behind the school.
Meals: There will be no meal breaks during band camp but plenty of water breaks.
Theme Days
Monday - Show Shirt Day
Tuesday - Superhero Day
Wednesday - Hawaiian Day
Thursday - America Day
Friday - Section Color Day
FCHS KICKOFF 2020-21: Book Pickup and School Photos. Monday, July 20 and Tuesday, July 21 (See the Kickoff email for details)
Freshmen – Monday, July 20 Kickoff starts at 7am. Please be at practice ON TIME at 9am.
Sophomores – Tuesday, July 21 Kickoff starts at 7am. Please be at practice ON TIME at 9am.
Junior – Tuesday, July 21 Kickoff starts at 10am. Please be at practice by 10:45am.
Seniors – Monday, July 20 Kickoff starts at 10am. Please be at practice by 10:45am.
Color Guard – Please arrive at practice at 6pm confident that you nailed the photo many hours ago.
All Students – Do not show up to practice before your photo. We want you to look amazing.
50/50 Raffle Tickets
- All money and tickets must be returned by Friday, July 24.
- If you need more tickets, see Mr. Sears, Mr. Smith or send an email to raffle@fcbands.org
- If you do not plan to sell raffle tickets, there is no shame, please return tickets ASAP so that someone else can sell them.
Closed Practices
For the time being, parents are only allowed on campus to drop off and pick up students. Please stay in your car. Parents are not allowed to enter the school building or attend practices. School policy will be updated in mid August depending on conditions. The school is allowing a nurse and the marching band liaison, Travis Sears, to be on campus during practices. If you are a medical professional, please let us know if you would be interested in helping. Please contact marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org.
Health Screening Form
All students must complete the online health screening form immediately before arriving to school. All forms are time stamped. For the safety of everyone, please be sure your child is answering each question carefully and honestly. The forms must be completed before every practice. The form can be found on Canvas.
Social Distancing Guidelines/Safety Precautions
In order to ensure a safe environment for students, staff, and volunteers, we will be following appropriate social distancing guidelines and safety precautions for upcoming practices and band camp.
Photos and Banners
Yes! We will be doing button photos and senior banners in August. We will also have a t-shirt for this marching season. More information to come!
If you have any questions, please send an email or see me at pick up or drop off. We are going to make the most of this!
Travis Sears
Marching Band Liaison
Senior Questionnaire
Marching Band Fees
50/50 Raffle
Hello FC Band and Color Guard Families!
We need your help. Our Community Day may have been canceled but the 50/50 raffle ticket drawing is still happening on July 25th! The more raffle tickets sold the more funds we will have for the band and color guard programs and for the owner of the one lucky winning ticket!
Please review the “raffle ticket manual” link, accessible via the Weekly Cadence and on our band website at fcbands.org. The document should have all of your answers regarding the ‘What’ ‘Why’, ’How’, and ‘When’ questions you may have about the raffle ticket sales.
If after reading the short raffle ticket ‘manual’ you still have a question, please send your emails to raffle@fcbands.org. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Five raffle tickets were sent home with your student last week. Please return the entry tickets and payment to Travis Sears, Marching Band Liaison as soon as possible. He will be available at the start of each practice. He will also have more tickets available if you need them. If you cannot sell your tickets, please return them so another student can sell them. There are only 1000 tickets available. The last day to return entry tickets and money is Friday, July 24th.
Thank you for supporting the students and the FC Band and Color Guard programs!
2nd Annual 2020 Holiday Craft Fair
Upcoming Fall Mum Fundraiser - Kickoff July 27th
The Franklin Central Band Program
Mark your calendar
- Zoom Parent Meeting - Wednesday, July 22nd @ 7:30pm
- BAND CAMP - Monday, July 20 - Friday, July 24 - Click Here For Times
- First Day of School - Monday, August 3
- Visit the Band Calendar for more events