Shiloh Scoop
Fall 2024 edition
What will we be voting on at our annual meeting this year?
Rental Restrictions Overview
Email chris.shilohhoa@gmail.com with any questions for the zoom call.
Rental Restrictions Town Hall
Please join us for a Zoom call where we will answer any questions about the rental restrictions vote coming up in January. Please submit any questions before the meeting to chris.shilohhoa@gmail.com.
Dawn Bourg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rental Restrictions Town Hall
Time: Nov 20, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 8762 3870
Passcode: 557083
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024, 06:00 PM
Your 2025 Annual Fee Explained
Your Annual Fee has two parts:
A more detailed explanation will be provided at the Annual SF POA meeting.
2 Board Member positions opening this year:
There are two Board Member positions opening this year, as Gary Nixon and Dawn Bourg's terms are expiring. Both Gary and Dawn have decided to run for these positions again. However, these are open positions. If you would like to run for the Board, please contact cneville@cmacommunities.com. She will give you the information on the bio that will need to included before the vote in January.
Online Voting
The Shiloh Farms Board will be sending out a sample dummy ballot to test the online voting platform. You will receive an email from Election Buddy. This is a secure email and will only allow each household to vote one time. The email will be sent to the email address you submitted through the google form. If you feel like you did not sign up for online voting or if you do not get a voting email, please contact dawn.shilohhoa@gmail.com. Please make sure to check all email addresses before saying you did not get an email (remember only one email per household can be used and it could be your life partner's email). The test email will go out on November 19th. Please participate in this very short vote so that we can work out any kinks before the actual vote in January. Also, please remember that you will not be able to vote online if you did not give permission to use your email via the google form. THANKS!
Shiloh Farms annual Halloween parade
Thank you so much to Brittney Roach for volunteering this year to keep this tradition alive! According to Lisa Larkin, Shiloh Farms has been doing this since 1999. Thanks for participating and making Shiloh Farms such a special place to live.
Shiloh Farms Fall Festival
The Fall Festival was a huge success this year and very well attended. We would like to thank Christy Louella and Amy McCulley for volunteering for this event again this year. They always do such an incredible job! Thank you to all the neighbors that volunteered to help with set up, working booths, or break down. These events simply cannot happen without the support of neighbor volunteers!
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Please join us for our Annual Cookies with Santa. This is a perfect opportunity to get pictures with Santa. All are welcome (doesn't matter if your kids are 2 or are teenagers). Stay tuned for a sign up genius as we get closer to the event. The new clubhouse will be decked out in new Christmas decor.
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 04:00 PM
6025 Shiloh Road East, Alpharetta, GA, USA
Exciting Pickleball News!
The neighborhood can expect permanent pickleball courts
The temporary pickleball courts were a success and clearly showed the demand. The pickleball committee carried out some detailed investigations into a permanent court, oversaw a feasibility study and completed some detailed design work. The Board is currently in the process of obtaining competitive quotes for the work, and has made budgetary provision for a permanent court. We hope to start building the courts in 2025. We will also keep the temporary courts available for use once the permanent courts are built so we will always have at least 4 courts available for play.
Pickleball reminder
Please remember to take care of all pickleball equipment and store it properly if you are the last to use it. Please also remember to sign up for courts on Reserve my Court. If you have not reserved on Reserve my Court and someone tells you that they have a reservation, please vacate the court. The person with the reservation takes priority. If you have a reservation, please politely tell the people playing that you have a reservation.
Wishing all of our Shiloh Farms neighbors a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Neighborhood information
As a reminder, all information about our neighborhood can be found on our website. You will also find all previous editions of the Scoop in the E newsletters/Misc section. This website is a great resource for both new and old residents.
Shiloh Farms POA BOD
Director: Gary Nixon President Belmont gary.shilohhoa@gmail.com
Director: Dawn Bourg Vice President Crofton dawn.shilohhoa@gmail.com
Director: Chris Keith Treasurer Belmont chris.shilohhoa@gmail.com
Director: Natalie Ingram Secretary Crofton natalie.shilohhoa@gmail.com
Director: Matt McCulley Member at Large Ridgefield mattmcc.shilohhoa@gmail.com
Association Manager (CMA):Carrie Neville404-835-9216CMA cneville@cmacommunities.com
Shiloh Farms Clubhouse: 6025 Shiloh Road East Alpharetta, GA 30005