Barry Bulletin
Barry Elementary Family Newsletter August 2024

Welcome Back!
It is with great excitement that we welcome everyone to the 2024-25 school year at Barry Elementary! We are just shy of two weeks away from the first day of school!! Dr. Wheeler and I are honored to have the opportunity to serve as the leaders at Barry. We have dedicated staff members who are eager to provide students with meaningful learning experiences that encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and a love of learning.
We are excited to see students and families at our Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, August 15th from 5:00-7:00pm. We will have staff members available for questions and information available to help you locate your child's classroom. There will also be an opportunity to stop by our cafeteria to gather information on various programs offered throughout the district. Students are welcome to bring school supplies that evening as well.
We are anticipating another great year full of new and exciting experiences for all of our students! We look forward to partnering with families to support our Barry students. Please don't hesitate to reach out at any time with questions or concerns.
Kacie and Mindy
Platte County School District Website
If you need information related to school in Platte County, please see the button below. It will direct you to the Platte County website, specifically for parents!
Support for Behavior
Moving into the 2024-25 school year, Barry's commitment to supporting the whole child remains steadfast. That being said, we have seen an uptick in disruptive and physical behaviors over the last two years that are not conducive to learning. As parents, we want you to know that our greatest commitment is to your child's safety and wellbeing, which are prerequisites to any meaningful learning. In an effort to ensure a safe and caring environment that supports our learners, here are some of the steps our district and building are taking this year:
- Safe & Civil Schools Professional Development: "Safe & Civil Schools" is being implemented district-wide. This professional development focuses on creating calm, structured learning environments for all students and equips teachers to be able to do so.
- Focus Room: Our District Office approved the addition of one Behavior Support Specialists at Barry Elementary. This staff member will work alongside students who are on a structured plan for behavioral support outside the classroom. Mrs. Gill (our former paraprofessional) will work in the brand new Focus room to provide support for students outside of the classroom.
- Board Certified Behavior Analyst: Our District Office is also contracting with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) from Summit Behavioral Health to consult on individual cases at Barry. This individual will help build out and execute behavior plans as needed.
It is our expectation that all students and staff are safe at school. Please know that if your student is struggling with disruptive or physical behaviors, we will be reaching out to partner with you as the parent or guardian. If you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Ambrose at ambrose.kacie@pcr3schools.org
Several returning families have not completed our re-enrollment process through Parent Portal. Please complete as soon as possible, so we can finalize plans for the 2024-25 school year (student classes and schedules, transportation, etc.) this summer!
Here are some common issues our families have run into:
You have to do this via Parent Portal https://platte.powerschool.com/public/home.html (which is different from last yearβs enrollment for our first year in PowerSchool). If you havenβt created an account, youβll need to contact the school or district office for your studentβs access ID and Passwords to set up your account.
This has to be completed via a browser, not the PowerSchool app (if you do it on a browser on your phone, turn it horizontally to view the left-hand navigation).
Sometimes there are issues with who is listed as Contact 1 or the βrecord not being foundβ. If this is an issue, contact the school or district office.
When you sign into PowerSchool, the left hand navigation has a link at the bottom titled "Returning Student Registration 2024-25."
If you have any questions, as always, feel free to reach out to our front office staff to help you.
New Dismissal Times
Our plan is to start the car rider dismissal process at 3:43pm. Please do not show up prior to 3:40 to ensure we do not have traffic congestion on 87th Terrace. Thank you for your cooperation!
NEW Drop Off and Pick Up Routes
Due to the extension of Pathfinder's parking lot we are adjusting our parent drop off and pick up route. Please be sure to look at the map and watch the video for further details. Looking at this ahead of the first day of school will help our arrival and dismissal process move much more smoothly! Thank you in advance for your help!
Safety Notes:
1. DO NOT pass other cars
2. DO NOT Back up
3. K-5th grade loading zone - If you are securing your child's seatbelt we will ask you to move up in line. Do not get out of your car in the loading zone. Early Childhood and Self-Contained - you may secure your child's safety belt/harness in the loading zone but be mindful of passing cars to the left.
Coming-In the Building
Visitors to the building: you will always need to bring your ID with you when you come into the building. We will scan your ID into our safety system Platte County uses to ensure the safety and security of our students.
Y-Club- Before and After School Care at Barry
YMCA Y-Club enrollment is underway for the new school year!
The Before and After School Program available to families in the Platte County R-3 School District is Y Club. With Y Club before and after school, children in kindergarten through 5th grade will enjoy and benefit from homework enrichment, physical activity, and small and large group activities with a focus on building community and youth voice and leadership. Full-time and part-time Y Club is available at Barry Elementary, along with Y Club on days when school is out of session for inclement weather, seasonal breaks, and other days off (enrollment permitting). Operating hours are each weekday from 6:30 a.m. until school begins, and again after school until 6:00 p.m.
Spots are limited so please complete the 23-24 Y Club Enrollment Form at KansasCityYMCA.org/Yclub to secure your spot.
If you have any questions about the Y Club program, please contact YMCA at 816-360-3390.
π Dates to Remember:
August 12 - Teacher Lists posted on front door of Barry Elementary 10am!!!
August 14 - Teacher reveal letters will be emailed by end of day
August 15 - Meet the Teacher Night 5pm-7pm
August 20 - First Day of School
Sept 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Sept 16 - PLD - NO SCHOOL
Sept 19 - Board of Education Meeting
Early Check-outs
We ask that students be checked out NO LATER than 3:15. This is helpful as dismissal is our busiest time in the building. This will also ensure our dismissal team has time to be informed of changes. Please note that any check-outs before 3:50 reflect as an early dismissal on your students attendance.
Important Reminders!!
π½Head over to our new website!π½
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for parent volunteers the first and second day of school to help greet bus riders and help new and returning students to their classrooms! More details in the sign up genius link!
Spirit Wear
We are excited to partner with the Barry Elementary PTA to offer Spirit Wear for the 2024-25 School Year! A portion of the proceeds from each sale will be donated back tot he PTA as a fundraising opportunity. The Pre-sale will be available until Friday, August 30th at 6:00pm.
π Notes from the Nurse
Hello Barry Elementary families and caregivers!
My name is Angela Bach and I am the Barry Elementary nurse. As we are quickly approaching the start of the 2024-2025 school year, I wanted to send a quick email with important health information. Please see the following and come see me at βMeet the Teacher Night!β on August 15th from 5-7pm. My office is right inside the front doors on the left!
All students must be compliant with immunizations per the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Per district policy, students who are not compliant, will not be permitted to attend or participate in school activity.
If you are unsure if I have received your Kindergarten immunizations email me at bach.angela@pcr3schools.org.
The nurse can give medications at school! ALL medications (prescription and over-the-counter) must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian, and a Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed for each medication. Do NOT send any medications to school with the student including cough drops. District Medication Policy and printable authorization form.
Emergency Medications for common health conditions such as Food Allergies, Bee/Wasp Sting Allergies, Diabetes, Asthma, Seizures, etc. are a necessity and can save your childβs life! Emergency medications MUST be brought to the Health Room prior to or on the first day of school. Emergency medications MUST be accompanied by a current (2024) Action Plan signed by your childβs provider. More information can be found here on the district website.
Students in grades 4-12 may carry certain medications during school hours with the following information on file in the health room:permission to self carry form.
Daily Wellness Check
If your student has an elevated temperature (100 degrees or above) and/or symptoms of a cold, cough, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea, etc. in the evening or morning before school, keep him/her home. A child should be fever/symptom free for 24 hours, without medication (Tylenol or Motrin, etc.) before returning to school. Please contact the school health room immediately if your child has contracted a communicable disease or is hospitalized.
Emergency Contacts
In case your child becomes ill or is injured during school, we need to be able to contact the parents/guardians or whomever you designate as an emergency contact. Children are very upset when they are ill and for them to stay extended periods of time at school when they need to be home is unfair to them and to the other students who come to the health room. Please be sure to check with the front office and ensure your contact information and contact information for emergency contacts is up to date.
I look forward to a great year, serving the students, families and staff of Barry Elementary! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
π Important Links
Barry News Network
This is a link to our BNN channel, where students get the daily news and happenings of Barry Elementary!
Barry'd Treasures
Please visit our Barry School Store website!
If you have any questions, want to volunteer or make a donation, please contact Blaire Zessin or Teddi Weber.
Treasure Chest Support
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building).
Community Events
π Safe Schools
Bullying and Safety Concerns: Online Reporting System
Safety is one of our districtβs top priorities, and to help safeguard our school community, our District uses Safe Schools Alert, a tip reporting service by Vector Solutions, that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration.
You and your child can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, or any safety issue you're concerned about through this online reporting system. On the homepage of the District website (www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com) and on each school building's homepage there is a Safe Schools quicklink which links to the reporting tool. Every tip Vector Solutions receives about our District is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. Tips may also be submitted anonymously if you prefer. Together, we can make our District a safer place to learn.
Get ready for the new school year and eliminate the need for cash with LINQ Connect. Whether it's meal account payments or school fees such as school swag, yearbooks, field trips and more, LINQ Connect has you covered. To get started, simply download the brand-new LINQ Connect app from Google Play or the Apple Store or visit LINQConnect.com. Once you're in the LINQ Connect portal, you'll discover a world of possibilities. β’ Set up one-time or recurring payments for your student's meals β’ Effortlessly view past transactions β’ Establish spending limits β’ Transfer funds between students β’ Receive handy low balance notifications Get ahead of the game and make the upcoming school year a breeze by utilizing the convenience of LINQ Connect - the ultimate payment platform for all your school-related expenses.
ALERT! New Prices!
Breakfast: $2.00 (K-12)
Lunch: $2.80 (K-5)
Milk: $0.55 (K-12)
π Lunch Visitor Sign Up & Menus
Parents & Guardians,
We love that many of you take the time to come eat with your children! To help the staff in the lunchroom we would appreciate if you could please follow the expectations listed below:
- Please only invite your specific children to eat with you.
- Help your children follow the lunchroom expectations the rest of the cafeteria is asked to follow like remaining at the table until their class is dismissed.
- When you have finished your lunchtime, please return to the front office rather than making rounds through the cafeteria to say hello to other students. The other students would love a wave though!
Thank you for wanting to be a part of our school community and we'll see you at lunch!
Lunch Sign Ups and Menus
ATTENTION: This school year 2024-2025 we will only allow lunch visits ONCE PER QUARTER. This is to ensure that everyone is getting the opportunity and time slots that work for them. Also, we understand if younger siblings have to accompany but they MUST stay at the table with you and can not roam freely in the lunchroom. You will be asked not to return for lunch if the issue persists.
Here is the link to Nutrislice for the menus. You can also access it on the district website under Food Service. If you click the link, then choose Barry and then bookmark it, it should take you to Barry menus each time. If there are changes to the menu for the week, they will be updated here first.
We Want To Know...
No Photo List
We love showing off our Barry Pirates! If your child is on the NO PHOTO list we won't be able to include them in our newsletters or social media posts. If you are, or think you may be on the list and no longer want to be please call the office and we will gladly fix that for you!
Keep us updated!
New phone number? Change your email? Please call the office so we can update your information!
Calendar and Contact
π School Hours of Operation
Regular school day office hours run from 8:15am - 4:15pm.
- Students can enter the building- 8:30 a.m.
- Official start of school- 8:50 a.m.
- Dismissal- Car Riders and Y-Club-3:35 p.m.
- Dismissal-Bus Riders- 3:50 p.m.
Contact Us!
Principal: Kacie Ambrose
Email: ambrose.kacie@pcr3schools.org
Assistant Principal: Dr. Mindy Wheeler
Email: wheeler.mindy@pcr3schools.org
Website: https://barry.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/
Location: 2001 Northwest 87th Terrace, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-436-9623