Student Memo
Hopkinton High School 2024 - 2025

Week of 1/27/25 - 1/31/25
Start of Semester 2!
Monday, January 27th: A Day
Tuesday, January 28th: B Day
- Flex Block
- Lunar New Year
Thursday, January 30th: C Day
- Flex Block: Emergency Response Drill
There are several important deadlines coming up for the 2025 Yearbook! Purchase a yearbook by 1/24 to save $10, purchase by 1/24 if you want your yearbook personalized (your name on it), and (for senior parents mainly or anyone with senior friends) tribute ads are due by 1/31!
We also need pictures! If your parents went to HHS we need pictures of them back in high school (lots of fun throwback pictures in the 2025 yearbook!) and we need pictures of anything you'd like to see in the yearbook plus cars, classes (fun experiments and projects!), siblings, activities and clubs, sports, the musical, etc.
For links and more information, see the attached google doc with info. that was sent out to parents and caregivers.
Congratulations Hopkinetics 2602 E + K on tournament champs! E won judges award. K won excellence award. Great day hosted in our own school.
Senior Capstone Experience
Please check out the website below for more information about the Senior Capstone Experience.
Attention Sophomores:
Hopkinton High School will be offering the PreACT for SOPHOMORES only on Saturday, March 22, 2025. The PreACT is a 10th grade multiple-choice assessment that helps students prepare for the experience of taking the ACT test and provides information regarding their future performance on the exam.
The fee for the PreACT is $45.00, cash or check. Please make checks payable to Hopkinton Student Activities. Registration for the PreACT will be February 24th through March 7th. Registration forms will be sent to sophomores through email or you can stop by the Counseling Office to pick one up. Please see Ms. Kampersal with any questions!
There will be no late registrations accepted.
Senior Scholarship Workshop
Attention SENIORS:
The HHS Counseling Office is hosting a Scholarship Workshop in the Counseling Office during Flex Block next Tuesday morning. This workshop will cover:
*How to find and apply for local scholarships
*Tips and tricks for completing scholarship applications
*Answers to any questions you may have about the process
Spots are limited, so be sure to sign up today with Ms. King in your Adaptive Scheduler today!
Scholarship Opportunities
Click on this link for scholarship application requirements and deadlines.
Sign up for a scholarship information session during Flex Block on January 28th with Mrs. O'Loughlin and Mrs. King to learn more!
Awareness Saves Live: Anorexia: A Hidden Struggle. We’re high school students involved in HOSA, dedicated to raising awareness about anorexia. To learn more about how to identify anorexia, signs of anorexia, and loved ones who are struggling with it come to out presentation! 13 Main St. Hopkinton, MA February 1st from 2:00pm-3:00pm. A presentation about Anorexia followed with games and prizes! Sign up here.
Muslim Student Association
❄❅❆Muslim Student Association Winter Sale!❄❅❆
We are selling hot cocoa powder with vegan marshmallows!
$2 for 1 cone
$5 for 3 cones
**We will have venmo available**
Buy them in the atrium next Monday, January 27th!
Bollywood Dance Club
Hopkinton Bollywood Dance Club Bake Sale!
Jan 28th Tuesday and Jan 30th Thursday After school until 3:30!
Chocolate chip - 2 for $2
Sugar cookies- 2 for $3
Brownies - 2 for $3
Chips- 1 bag for $1
Samosas - 4 for $1
Earrings - 1 pair for $5
Marginal Literary Magazine
Due: The Tuesday After Midterms (January 28th)
Anyone may submit. All media welcome.
Multiple submissions encouraged.
Win Prizes! Get published in HHS's award-winning magazine!!
Jewish Student Union
Jewish Teens Unite
Havdalah & Pizza Party
Saturday Feb 1st at 7:30pm
Chabad of Milford
34 Cedar Street, Milford, MA
Jewish Student Union at HHS is teaming up with Chabad of Milford to bring Jewish teens from Hopkinton, Holliston, Franklin, Grafton, Bellingham, and other towns together for a fun night of games, prizes, pizza, and Havdalah!
Use the google form to RSVP by Jan 26th
Want to learn more about Havdalah and this event? JSU meets every Wednesday at 2:30pm in room A106! Everybody is welcome!
Multicultural Night
Please join Diversity club and friends for our annual Multicultural Night on February 7th in the HHS auditorium at 6pm!! Get ready to be captivated by a variety of performances, savor delicious cuisine from around the globe, and discover fascinating insights into diverse cultures! Please fill out this form or scan the QR code if you or your club would like to participate in food, performances, presentations, or activities.
Challenge Success Club
Celebrate National Hot Chocolate Day at HHS on Friday, January 31st! Challenge Success Club will be offering FREE hot chocolate in the atrium from 7:30 to 7:50 on January 31st. We hope to see you there! Please reach out to kwilson@hillers.org with any questions.
*Please note: Hot Chocolate is Non-Dairy Swiss Miss and Contains Tree Nuts
Animal Rights Club
Join us to make no-sew blankets for Baypath on January 28th at 2:30 in room A316!
Volunteer hours will be given for each blanket made.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending!
Contact us with questions:
Seniors: Are you suffering from senioritis? The cure is SENIOR-WRITE-IS!
Enter your best writing to Marginal's Senior-Writs-Is contest. The top entries will receive gift cards to Amazon ($40 & $20). Send your work to Mr. Lally.
Multiple submissions allowed
All submissions are eligible for publication in Marginal
All writing topics are welcome
DEADLINE: The Monday After Midterms
UMass Lowell's 4th Annual Regional High School Art Exhibition
UMass Lowell is thrilled to invite High School students in Massachusetts and New Hampshire to submit artwork for our regional high school exhibition. Accepted work will be on display in the University Gallery, a professional contemporary gallery on UML's beautiful South Campus.
The dates of the exhibit are March 20-27, 2025
Entries Due: January 30, 2025
Students notified: February 14, 2025
Work delivered: Thursday March 13 - Saturday March 15
Awards: Thursday March 27
Students take their work home with them at the end of the reception. Work must be picked up by Saturday March 29th. We do not have storage. You may ship your work here, but return shipping is not available.
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
The power of Now! Check out our books on display that inspire, motivate, and empower you to take action and embrace the journey ahead.
Seal of Biliteracy
Dear Junior & Senior Students and Parents/Guardians:
We are pleased to announce that, once again, Hopkinton High School will be offering language assessments to students to determine eligibility for the Seal of Biliteracy. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in language study, granting students highly deserved recognition for demonstrating proficiency (writing, speaking, and reading comprehension) in at least two languages. Students are eligible to earn the Seal if they are a junior or senior and have been studying a world language since middle school, or if they are a native or heritage speaker of a language other than English. In order to be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy, students will be tested using DESE-authorized Seal of Biliteracy assessments. There is no cost to juniors or seniors for these optional exams.
All students who demonstrate scores of “intermediate high” or above in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the language tested and have a Grade 10 MCAS score in English Language Arts of 472 or above, will be eligible for The Seal. Students who score “advanced low” or above in the language tested, and have a score of 501 or above on the Grade 10 English Language Arts MCAS will be eligible for the Seal with Distinction.
In order to accommodate the large number of students testing, testing dates will be separated by language. Students testing in Spanish will be taking the exams for the Seal of Biliteracy in school on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Students testing in French, Chinese and all other languages, will be taking the exams for Seal of Biliteracy in school on Thursday, March 20, 2025 and Friday, March 21, 2025. A make-up date for all languages is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Students will test in the morning on these days and return to class once they have completed the specific components given on those days. Seniors who took a Seal of Biliteracy exam last year, wanting to retake certain components of the exam, can do that as well on the dates specific to the language in which they are testing.
Students interested in taking an exam for the Seal of Biliteracy should plan to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, during FLEX block in the auditorium. During this meeting, students will receive additional information about these exams and have the opportunity to sign up for the actual exam. If you are interested in taking an entire exam or at least one component for the Seal of Biliteracy, please use this link to express your interest in taking the exam and to sign up to attend the informational meeting. Note that this link does not sign a student up for any exam.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Evan Bishop, Principal
Ashley Bell, District World Language Subject Matter Leader (abell@hopkinton.k12.ma.us)
Jennifer Cuker, Director of English Language Acquisition, Equity & Access (jcuker@hopkinton.k12.ma.us)
Wipe Out Stigma
Wipe Out Stigma is a statewide youth advocacy group that was created to empower students in promoting mental health. We meet online weekly to engage in legislative advocacy regarding youth mental health. WOS has helped students from around the state meet with state and federal legislators, as well as testify at the State House. Use this link to sign-up.
K-1 Math Night Volunteers
Mrs. Shelly Moran, Director of Elementary Math, is looking for volunteers to lead kindergarten and first grade students and their families in playing games related to learning addition and subtraction math facts up to 10. You do not need to be a math scholar to do this kind of math. The plan is for this event to be fun and educating, all at the same time.
About the event:
- Marathon Math Night is scheduled to be Wednesday, February 12th from 6 - 8pm.
- We'll have an informational session after school in the HS library at 2:30 prior to the event (yet to be determined).
- At that time, you will learn how to play the game you will be assigned.
- During the night, you will lead the game and engage with students and the families.
- These hours can be used as volunteer hours for your various organizations.
- Want more information or have questions? Reach out to me, Mrs. Moran at smoran@hopkinton.12.ma.us.
Aviation and Maritime STEM Expo Boston
The Massachusetts Port Authority and the Federal Aviation Administration are hosting an Aviation and Maritime STEM Expo at Logan Airport on Thursday, May 29, 2024, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
This Expo is open to 8th grade and high school students. Please click this link to RSVP by Friday, February 16.
If you have any questions, please contact STEMEXPO@massport.com.
BULLYING We welcome both parents and professionals to join us for this extremely important discussion. This virtual workshop addresses: What Parents Need to Know? What are some strategies and tools for dealing with bullying? How to address bullying in the IEP?
February 11, 2025 7:00-9:00 Virtual via Zoom
Hopkinton Center for the Arts
The Teen Advisory Board at the HCA is hosting its third annual Teen Open Mic Night. Performers are invited to showcase their talents in everything from singing to poetry recitation. Join us for a night of performances with friends, food, and fun!
When? Friday, January 31st, 7-9 pm
Where? Hopkinton Center for the Arts
Entry fee: $10
Food/snacks available for $1
Questions? Email hoparts.tab@gmail.com
HopSwap is coming up and our HPTO event chairs are looking for volunteers. They are forever grateful for the help they have received in past years from HHS students and are hopeful for a strong showing again this year. Volunteers are needed on March 18th between 3-8pm. Students can sign up for the time frame that works best for them. They will be moving and sorting donations. Pizza will be provided.
Link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yQNYxnpo97K2Cfkw33CtqyfTKcP3Jyjh99lfF3Zbn80/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Hopkinton Parks and Recreation
Parks and Rec needs a few good volunteers! We are running several one-day fun trips over February Vacation and are in need of more chaperones.
This is a great way to complete service hours and go on a fun trip or two over winter break.
Trip dates: Feburary 18-21. Details for each trip can be found under Programs>February Break Fun on our website: www.hopkintonrec.org
Hillers Connects
Hillers connects, calling all hillers clubs, reach out for us to promote events/draw in members. were here for support. Reach out to kmartinez@hillers.org or dphatherley@hillers.org.
Hopkinton Public Library
Are you interested in the science of life and animals??? Calling all students grades 3-6: Join the Young Scientists’ Association (YSA) Biology Workshop for an interactive and engaging science event filled with interactive science events and hands-on learning experiences. Join us in the Hopkinton Public Library in the Children's Programming Room on February 1st from 2-4. We hope to see you there!