OMS Friday Knight Live
January 24, 2025
In This Newsletter:
- 2024-2025 Yearbook Orders due 2.14
- Thank you to parents from Sources of Strength
- Basketball Schedules
- Volunteer for basketball concessions
- Community Celebrations & Observances
- Securly Home Information
- Conferences Save the Date
- 8th Grade Celebration Video
- Coming Up @ OMS
2024 - 2025 Yearbook Orders Close Friday February 14th
Friday February 14th is the last day to order 2024-2025 yearbooks!
Order today to prevent end of the year tears! There will not be extra yearbooks to purchase at the end of the school year. The price is $25 and orders are placed through ParentVUE. Go to FEE and click on Pay Fees (blue button) then Optional Fees will appear. Search for YRBOOK Yearbook 24-25 OMS. Add it to your cart and check out.
Yearbooks are passed out at school during the final days of school. Online ordering closes at 11:59pm on Friday February 14th.
Thank you OMS Parents – YOU are Sources of Strength
Thank you OMS parents for the wonderful breakfast food and drink for the staff today! We appreciate your kindness, time, and how quickly you volunteered to help. YOU are a source of strength for us all.
Boys Basketball Schedule & Rosters Added
The schedules for our five (!) boys basketball teams have been updated. Click HERE for the 2025 OMS Basketball schedule. Please note that there are games where there will not be any bus service from OMS. The updated schedule contains a link the the 2025 OMS Boys Basketball Team Rosters.
Lots of Home Basketball Games! We need you!
OMS families, we have now doubled the number of home basketball games for January and February! We need your help – without volunteers we cannot run the concession stand. Click HERE to volunteer at the concession stand.
Community Celebrations and Observances
Community Celebrations and Observances - to promote awareness and appreciation of our Blue Valley families.
Some February Celebrations & Observances:
Black History Month - created to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and rich cultural heritages of African Americans. Black History Month highlights the triumphs and adversities that have helped shape the United States.
World Hijab Day - February 1 - recognizes the millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab. Inviting women of all identities to wear the hijab for one day, it promotes understanding of other cultures and personal freedoms of religious expression.
Magha Puja Day - February 12 - an important Buddhist festival celebrating the gathering between Buddha and his first disciples. Some families will attend temple, meditate, listen to teachings, perform giving alms, and hold candlelight processions.
The Lantern Festival - February 12 - the last night of Lunar New Year celebrations. Occurring on the first full moon of the lunar year, it serves as a symbol of unity and completeness. Some families will light colorful lanterns - some with riddles written on them, dance, and eat sweet rice balls or dumplings in soup.
Maha Shivaratri - February 26 - a solemn Hindu festival that marks the “overcoming of darkness and ignorance” in life and the world. Some families will celebrate by chanting prayers to the god Shiva, fasting, and meditating on virtues of honesty, charity, and forgiveness.
Securly Home
Have you ever wondered how to monitor your child’s usage on their Blue Valley device? We have parent tools that allow you to receive notifications to ensure your child is using their device safely. School staff members monitor these devices during the school day and intervene, when necessary. However, parents can receive alerts if concerns arise when students use devices after school hours–including weekends and school breaks. Check out the Securly Home Parent Portal App here.
Save the Date: Spring Conferences
It may be January, but we are already looking forward to connecting with our families at our spring conferences next month.
OMS Conferences are Wednesday, February 12th and Thursday, February 13th. There are both walk-ins and zoom options. Sign-ups for zoom conferences will be available January 31st in ParentVue. More specific information will be in upcoming newsletters.
8th Grade Families: Celebration Pictures
Students will begin making slides to be included in the 8th grade celebration video. Your students will work on these in their flex class. Please make sure your student has digital copies of a baby/young child picture and current picture for the video. All pictures must be school appropriate.
Coming Up @ OMS
Monday, January 20th- No School; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Friday, January 24th- Friday Knight Club 5-7 p.m.
Helpful Repeated Information
Green Team Challenge
Our Green Team is sponsoring a challenge to collect 1,000 pounds of plastic film to keep it out of our landfills and oceans. What is plastic film? Plastic grocery bags, soda case plastic wrap, bread bags, ziploc bags, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaning bags, and so much more!
Once the 1,000lb limit has been collected, it will be recycled into an outdoor bench for our courtyard!
Current Plastic Weight Turned In: 480 Pounds 1.24.25
Pull Tabs/Pop Tabs are being collected to help raise money for the local Ronald McDonald House. Pull those tabs from soda, vegetable, soup, fruit, tomato sauce cans and so many more!
Current Pop Tab Weight Turn In: 46 pounds 1.26.25
New Semester - New Clubs and New ASK Schedule
Please refer to the OMS website for the 2nd Semester Clubs and Activities. In addition ASK, after school homework sessions, have also changed. ASK takes place Monday-Thursday from 3-4 p.m.
Second semester course fee payment is now open
Middle school course fee payment for the second semester is open and online now. Your ParentVUE login and password are required to pay course fees.
Course fees are assigned based on your student’s enrollment. Some seventh and eighth grade exploratory/elective classes include course fees.
Course fees are assigned for the first semester only.
Questions regarding fee payment should be directed to OMS bookkeeper, Andrea da Valinha Lopes.
Parents Still Make a Difference Newsletter
This month’s newsletter has articles on physical activity links to academic gains, how to talk about tough issues, note taking, family meetings, and more!
BV Unmuted Upcoming Legislative Session
In the latest Blue Valley Schools’ BV Unmuted podcast episode, Superintendent Dr. Tonya Merrigan discusses the upcoming Kansas Legislative session and the district’s five priority positions with Board of Education members Gina Knapp and Jan Kessinger and Chief Financial Officer Jeremy McFadden.
🎙️ To listen to the podcast episode, visit www.bit.ly/BVPriorities.
8th Grade Families- Save the Date for Future Husky Night
February 3rd for Future Husky Night
8th grade families join us at Blue Valley Northwest High School to meet administrators, counselors, and teachers. Find out about elective classes and graduation requirements. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out about becoming the BVNW class of 2029!
Other important dates and times:
Monday, Feb. 3—BVNW counselors come to OMS during Hr. 1 to meet with all 8th graders to discuss enrolling for high school.
Wednesday, Feb. 19—BVNW counselors will come to OMS to meet with students individually to verify their class selections for 9th grade.
No Outside Restaurant or Fast Food
Parents/Guardians please do not bring in restaurant or fast food for your student for lunch. If your student is coming in late or returning from an appointment please have them eat lunch before they return to OMS. Restaurant/fast food is not allowed in the cafeteria.
13th Annual Battle of the Bands
Friday, Feb. 21, 2025, 6:30-10 p.m.
Join friends for a great adult night out with live music, a silent auction, a wine and bourbon pull and more! Proceeds from this annual fundraiser support music and performing arts programs throughout the district, and YOU can be part of the fun! Check out our new location at Fiorella’s event space in OP for a great over-21 night out. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and YOU choose the “Best of Blue Valley” live band when the competition wraps up at 10 p.m. Bands are made up of BV parents, teachers and staff and funds provide significant funding for performing arts programs including band, orchestra, choir, theater, debate and competitive speaking. Get tickets today at Event Details.
Can’t make it to the event in person? No worries! Visit Silent Auction to start your bid on incredible auction packages and see what your school submitted. Check back frequently as more items are added to the offerings every week. The auction will close on Friday, February 21 at 8:45 p.m. and you do not have to be present to win!
Young Medicine- Lakewood Elementary
Modern Thieves- Mission Trail Elementary, Leawood Middle, Blue Valley North
KC Prime- Leawood Elementary and Leawood Middle
Hope to see you Friday, February 21, 2025, as we Rock the Valley for BV Schools!
You can also vote by donation for your favorite adult school-affiliated band, and the winner receives a $1,000 grant to their school of choice. The 2025 band names, order of performances and school representations are as follows:
PTO Concessions Help Needed
Can you help with concessions for home basketball games? Boys home game schedule is now loaded!
Click HERE for PTO Concessions sign up
PTO Memberships & Donations
The OMS PTO needs your donation! All donations help support staff needs and student activities. If you have not already given to the PTO this year, please click this link:
https://omspto.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/156152925. We appreciate your support!
If you have questions, please contact Debra Burgess at dhburgesskc@gmail.com Thank you!
Reminder of OMS Procedures
OMS families, every school has procedures in place for the safety of our students and to provide the best learning environment for everyone. Each year we check and update our procedures on everything from forgotten lunches,no outside restaurant food, to visitors in the building. Please refer to our 2024 2025 Student Planner, our School Information or Families tabs on the OMS Website, or our Parent Reference Sheet for our How-To’s including:
Reporting an Absence
Dropping off forgotten homework, shoes,lunches, etc
No outside restaurant food
Visitors in the building
Sports eligibility
Lunch money accounts
So much more!
Repeated Social Worker Resources
Low Income Energy Assistance Program applications now open. Flyers in English and Spanish
Haga clic AQUÍ para ver el folleto en español
Angel Clothing Foundation - Angel Clothing Foundation is a non-profit that offers free Boutique style clothing sizes infant to 3XL. Clothing is distributed to low-income families in need, women leaving domestic violence situations, and the homeless. This includes clothing, shoes, and accessories for men, women, and children.
The store is currently open Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00 AM-4:00 PM at (420 S. Kansas Ave., Olathe, KS 66061) with no appointment necessary. If you are in need of immediate emergency assistance 24/7, please call or text 913-208-5209. Donations and volunteers are always welcome.
Family Support & Resources: We know there may be times when unexpected circumstances present a hardship for families in our community. Blue Valley has resources within each school available to help students through challenging times, including counselors, social workers, school psychologists and building administrators. On the District website, the Student Well-Being page provides valuable information for families who may need support outside of what the school provides. We also want to make sure you are aware of a Family Support and Resources link under the Families heading on our school website. Information submitted on this form related to a specific situation and family need will be reviewed by the building principals and the school social worker. While we cannot guarantee that we can provide the requested resources, we will do our best to identify and recommend available support.
Homework Help Program- ASK
ASK (Academically Successful Knights), our after-school homework program, is a great way for students to get work done and get help before they leave school Monday-Thursday. We talked with our students this week about starting 2nd quarter strong. ASK is a great way to help!
Durham Text Caster Notifications
Families of bus riders, please sign up for Durham Bus Services notifications. Get the information if your student’s bus is late or going to be in a different numbered bus. Click HERE for Durham’s Website and Textcaster Link
Safe Schools Reporting
Blue Valley Schools is committed to promoting and fostering a safe environment in and around all our schools. We are continuously working to prevent, mitigate, respond to and recover from a wide range of situations. Please check out available ways to report safety concerns.
Candid Photos during the School Year
OMS Families, please share any candid photos you take during the school year This is for the yearbook so:
No blurry or out of focus shots
Upload a few shots (but no duplicates please)
Please put in folder associated with your grade or event
OMS events only
.jpg or .png ONLY (no .HEIC)
Clubs & Activities
OMS has many clubs and activities before and after school. Look at our Activities page for clubs starting next week and check back often for updates. Click HERE for OMS Activities page
OMS How To’s
OMS families, every school has procedures in place for the safety of our students and to provide the best learning environment for everyone. Each year we check and update our procedures on everything from forgotten lunches to visitors in the building. Please refer to our 2024 2025 Student Planner, our School Information or Families tabs on the OMS Website for everything including:
Reporting an Absence
Dropping off forgotten homework, shoes, etc
Visitors in the building
Outside/restaurant food
Sports eligibility
Lunch money accounts
So much more!
Interested in a carpool this year?
For students who do not receive bus transportation, families may fill out this form to see if other families near them are interested in arranging a carpool. Anyone who fills the form out will want to check regularly for new additions. Families who use this form will reach out to other parents and guardians on this form to arrange any carpools.
OMS Traffic Flow- please review
Please help our OMS carline move smoothly by following the OMS traffic loop. All cars enter the parking lot through the south entrance and exit through the south entrance.
Parents/Guardians may NOT drop kids off in our south parking lot. This creates a safety hazard for staff entering and exiting the parking lot before and after school. Thank you for keeping our community safe!
For the Latest Announcements and Information
Want to keep up on the latest OMS announcements and information? Check out the NEWS section on the OMS website. NEWS is located under the About Us tab.
Contact Us! We Are Here To Help!
Attendance Number: 913-239-5505
Mrs. Domoney, Principal: cdomoney@bluevalleyk12.org
Mr. Holsapple, Assistant Principal: jholsapple03@bluevalleyk12.org