H-F High School Alumni Newsletter
Winter 22-23

A Message from the Alumni Director
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!
As H-F emerged from under COVID restrictions, there was a resurgence of interest in gathering in person. We saw a phenomenal 50th reunion extravaganza from the Class of 1972 and solid turn-outs from all the other classes. Alumni visits and drop-ins have returned, and we invite you to reach out to the Alumni Office if you’d like to plan one during normal school hours. As you can see by all the fun and interesting alumni updates below that Vikings are back in full force. Reach out to me at acherry@hf233.org or 708-335-5530 to schedule yours today!
2023 reunion planning has begun, so check in on the reunion page of the Homewood-Flossmoor High School website for more information on reunions for the Classes of 1965, 1973, 1976, 1993, 2003 & 2013 — these are just the ones we currently know about! The pandemic threw off normal reunion cycles, but it is abundantly clear that classmates are anxious to see each other face-to-face again.
One more thing: H-F needs the help of alumni in several ways. The first is that we’d like you to be a resource to students by volunteering to be a presenter in person at the annual Career Fair on Monday, March 13, or virtually at some time if you live out of state (click here for details). Second is to donate to the H-F Alumni Scholarship Fund. Dollars raised will be used to fund scholarships for students as they navigate the world behind the hallways of H-F. Your gift sends students off knowing that fellow H-F grads are pulling for their success — and that’s a powerful message. Thirdly, we want to hear your H-F love stories this winter, so send us those heartfelt stories about how you lovebirds met. Photos welcome! Click here to share your story; we’ll publish excerpts in the next enewsletter.
— Ann Cherry, Director of Alumni Relations & Development
Class of 1972
The Class of 1972 officially launched their Groovy Summer of Love reunion celebration this past August. Success came under the expert planning by reunion committee members: Carl Jacobson (Chair), Jim Tiernan, Rich Verson, Leslie Greene-Novinger & Brooke Thrall. Shout out to Bobbie Biolchin-Fiedler, ‘71, and Karla McKechnie Oost for the spectacular decor. Special guests at the Saturday evening dinner included retired teachers and coaches Don Laketa & Butch Diewald, along with Jim Chasey & Tom Sweeney.
The Friday night reception at the beautiful LaVoute in Homewood set the vibe. Saturday saw the group reunite on campus for a tour of the ever-impressive Homewood-Flossmoor High School. Some classmates then went on a yellow school bus tour of their beloved Homewood and Flossmoor neighborhoods, ending with a cone at — where else — Dairy Queen.
Music played a big part of Saturday’s dinner at Idlewild Country Club with attendees getting a chance to hear H-F’s Jazz Band followed by post-dinner entertainment with a group of H-F alumni including Dale Powers, Michael Delnegro & Rich Verson. The party went on into the wee hours, finally finishing up with (what else?) Aurelio’s Pizza and White Castle sliders and a dessert table to die for as a late night final goodnight snack.
Class of 1982
About 20 members from the Class of 1982 visited H-F during their alumni weekend this summer. H-F track star Lou Calloway (pictured above far left) was surprised to discover that his high jump record of 6’10” still stands in the Fieldhouse! Thanks to organizers Lisa Sampognaro, Larry Farkos, Robin Horberg Bruebach, Heather Reeves Spyra & Cathy Gilbertson Malooly, and thanks to the Class of 1982 for fundraising in support of Viking scholarships to the tune of $500!
Class of 1992
Michelle Dooley (pictured above in her H-F jacket) and her committee closed out this year’s reunion cycle by choosing Homecoming as their reunion date. Classmates enjoyed a pre-game reception and a chance to see H-F Football win a nail-biter against Bradley-Bourbonnais High School.
Class of 2002
Shout out to Beth Hackett & Angelica Willingham for all their hard work in reaching out to former classmates to bring the Class of 2002 together this September for the group's 20-Year Class Reunion!
Class of 2012
There was an amazing turnout for the Class of 2012’s first reunion! More than 100 alumni showed up on Friday night for a school tour and the fun included stops at neighborhood watering holes and a family friendly picnic. Kudos to Kaiya Brown & Eric Hewlett for all the organizing.
Due to the pandemic, some reunions were postponed and have been rescheduled so we have a few off-year reunions planned for the coming year (the more the merrier!). Here are just a few of the classes that are in the planning stages of their reunion:
- Class of 1965: Sept. 9, 2023
- Class of 1973: Sept. 29-30, 2023
- Class of 1976: April 14-15, 2023 (Learn more on Facebook)
- Class of 1993: July 28-29, 2023
- Class of 2003: TBA
- Class of 2013: TBA
Michelle Chen - Super Scientist
Michelle Chen, '87, led a team of scientists and engineers at Johns Hopkins University for the past 10 years to develop the autonomous navigation techniques for NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Tap) mission, which successfully tracked and changed the course of an asteroid — Dimorphous — on Sept. 26. The mission is one of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office's goals to protect Earth from a future asteroid disaster. For more on Michelle’s exciting role in this historic event, please click here... And see her interview on CBS News Chicago here:
Homewood-Flossmoor alum part of team that altered orbit of asteroid - CBS Chicago
Michael Calloway — New U.A. Pilot
Congratulations to Michael Calloway, ‘12, on receiving his First Officers pilots wings from United Airlines. Michael’s interest in aviation was evident at H-F when he invited members of the famed Tuskegee Airmen to visit Jon Elfner’s Social Science class back in 2011.
Donna Goldberg — Award-Winning Therapist
Donna Goldberg, ‘76, received the 2002 Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist of the Year Award from the Therapeutic Recreation Society of Colorado. Donna works at Craig Hospital, which is a neurohabilitation & research hospital located in Englewood, Colo., that specializes in spinal cord and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation and research.
New H-F State Champions!
Nov. 5, 2022, was an amazing day around Homewood-Flossmoor High School because both or this year's Special Olympics Unified Soccer teams won State Championships! Two State Championship teams in one day! H-F is also proud to be only one of two Illinois schools to be recognized twice as a National Unified Champion School by Special Olympics. Click here to read more...
Profile of a Viking
District 233 Board of Education and administrators have been hard at work developing the goals and objectives for H-F students of today. We are proud to introduce our alumni to the Profile of a Viking initiative, which outlines the goals and objectives we have for our students. We are all encouraged to strive to meet these standards. For more information on this new initiative, please click here...
Walking the Path with Wakeley
Walking the path between the North & South Buildings is a unique experience for Homewood-Flossmoor High School students and one that alumni remember well. This school year District 233 Superintendent Dr. Scott Wakeley began a video series where he literally walks the path with a member of the school community to learn about their Viking voyage and how the competencies of the Profile of a Viking initiative are evident in their lives. The episode in the Vimeo box above features D233 Board of Education President — and Class of 1985 alumnus — Gerald Pauling!
Ken Choi — One of People Magazine's 2022 Sexiest Men
People Magazine’s 2022 Sexiest Man issue features H-F’s own Ken Choi, ‘89, as part of the Fox TV show, 9-1-1, which depicts Los Angeles firecrew 118. Ken, who has been a cast member since the show debuted in 2017, plays firefighter/paramedic Howie “Chimney” Han. Ken’s numerous acting credits also include The Wolf of Wall Street, Spider-Man: Homecoming and The People vs. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story.
Mike Day — Adventure Author
Congratulations to Mike Day, ‘68, on the recent publication of his newest book, The World Has a Big Backyard, about his travels to places around the world. Mike retired in 2019 as Executive Vice-President of the Science Museum of Minnesota, where he also served as Executive Vice President on 15 IMAX documentary films.
India Anderson — Children's Author
Congratulations to young alum and new author India Anderson, '13, whose new book, Black Girl, Black Girl, What Do You See?, is out and an inspiring young children now. Look for it on Amazon or wherever books are sold.
John Wrenn — Hall of Fame Coach
Congratulations to former H-F Head Football Coach and H-F Athletic Director John Wrenn on his recent selection to the National High School Association Coaches Hall of Fame. During his 10-year career at H-F, Coach Wrenn had a 99-18 winning record, including one state championship (1994), nine conference championships, nine state playoff appearances, two state semi-finalists and two quarter finalists. He was a two-time Illinois Coach of the Year, and his overall coaching record throughout his 23-year high school coaching career was 223-46. Coach Wrenn retired as Assistant Athletics Director of Football Operations for Arizona State University. Congratulations to Coach Wrenn on this well-deserved honor. The official ceremony will take place in July 2023.
Carey Westberg & Oscar Delgado — Filmmakers
Carey Westberg, ‘77, & Oscar Delgado, ‘77, are former classmates and now filmmaking partners who’ve just completed their next film, Saint Michael Meets the Angel. Cary and Oscar are producers and co-founders of Candelaria Productions. Learn more about this documentary film at https://saintmichaelmovie.com/
In October, H-F's VTV Broadcasting students enjoyed a visit from Randy Merkin,'88! Randy is ESPN 1000's Executive Producer and he is the author of Behind the Glass: Stories from a Sports Radio Producer. He shared great stories from his days at H-F and from the sports radio industry about sports celebrities and memorable games, then he toured the updated television and radio studios with students.
Cathy Owen Meyer, ‘82, and her son, Sean Meyer, dropped by this summer. Cathy hadn’t been back on campus since graduation and her son was interested in ideas for starting an alumni program at his own Indiana high school.
Bruce Bechtel, '82, General Manager - Engineering and Manufacturing at Holland LP, hired Chris Collins, '19, to work as an intern this past summer. Collins is a senior at North Carolina A&T University, studying electrical engineering.
Dana Green, ‘99, welcomed H-F junior and Viking Orchestra member Carmella Abramczyk to a performance for the Chicago Youth Sympathy Orchestra this fall. Dana — who has a bachelor's degree in Music Education from DePaul University and an master's degree in Music Education from Northern Illinois University — is the conductor for the Chicago Youth Symphony.
We’re sad to report that longtime Special Education Teacher Mary LaBotz (at H-F from 1985 to 2016) passed away earlier this fall. Mary had a 30-year career at H-F and was known for her care and compassion.The H-F community also sadly bid a fond adieu to long-time World Language French Teacher Mary “Margo” Langley (at H-F from 1967 to 1994) this year.
Career Fair: March 13
The annual Homewood-Flossmoor Career Fair is being held on campus in the North Building Fieldhouse on Monday, March 13. If you have time to join us for all or part of the school day to meet with young Vikings & discuss your career we would be so appreciative! There are virtual opportunities that can be schedule, also, with our out-of-state alums. Click here to fill out an interest & availability form...
Valentine's Day: Feb. 14
H-F Love Birds: Send us your Viking love story by filling out this Google Form! We know that there are many wonderful stories of high school romances and even a few post high school meet-ups that have resulted in love and maybe marriage. Tell us your story and include a before and after photo if you them. Give us a few sentences on when you knew it was meant to be and we will share your stories in the weeks to come!
End-of-the-Year Giving to the Alumni Scholarship Fund
'Tis the season of giving and if you are able, please consider giving to the H-F Alumni Scholarship Fund! Dollars raised will be used to fund scholarships for students as they navigate the world beyond the halls of high school. Your gift sends students off knowing that fellow H-F graduates are pulling for their success — and that is a powerful message. For more information or to give today, please click here...
Parks Executive Director Debbie Kopas sets retirement date - HF Chronicle
Homewood Sisters Honor Tradition, Hot Chocolate Stand In 19th Year | Homewood, IL Patch
Homewood Florist closing after 62 years of weddings, funerals
Destiny Watson wins $20K award for entrepreneurial work | HF Chronicle
Brockman new Beloit Sky Carp president - Ballpark Digest
Chicago cake-in-a-jar company is in a jam | WGN Radio 720 - Chicago's Very Own
DeLuca’s Southland Reactivation Act Passes House Committee – The Southland Journal
Eileen Rohrer ending her 32-year career at the H-F racquet club | HF Chronicle
Scott Fishman - Chicago Agent Magazine Agent Snapshot
Cubs Insider's Annual Prospect List: Top 20 Arms - Cubs Insider
Warriors launch Golden State Entertainment, will release BamBam's new single
H-F High alumnus and students add graphic murals to Performing Arts Center space | HF Chronicle
Allie Mangel earns Fulbright ETA for work in Germany - HF Chronicle
4 H-F grads honored by Sox - HF Chronicle
Interview with NBC Sports Chicago's Chuck Garfein | Sox On 35th
ESPN’s Jason Benetti Hired to Be No. 2 Fox CFB Announcer - Sports Illustrated
Kyla Emory serves kids through Bank of America internship - HF Chronicle
Superb Woman: Bridgett LaDawn Washington - Texas Metro News
John Michael Schmitz is the Gophers' center of attention now
Kendric Pryor just continues to impress for Cincinnati Bengals - Cincy Jungle
Chicago native Tyler Schlaffer has a simple approach in Cubs farm system: 'Throw nasty stuff' - Chicago Cubs News
Marla Youngblood ready to step in as Homewood’s events manager - HF Chronicle
After long wait, Oregon Ducks’ Marcus Harper poised for 1st career start - oregonlive.com
A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Amanda Brown-Holler – ValpoLife
Nigerian writer Nnedi Okorafor - The Patriotic Vanguard
Ridgewood Tap closes as the owner retires - HF Chronicle
Homewood-Flossmoor alum part of team that altered orbit of asteroid - CBS Chicago
Mother of rapper Juice Wrld breaks ground on Homewood brewpub