Wildcat Weekly September 20, 2024
Sagewood Middle School Staff Update
Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Friday Wildcats!
I hope you had a great week and are able to get some rest! Our first parent-teacher conferences made for a late night on Thursday, but the parents who came really appreciated the attention and time you gave them regarding their children.
At our PD day today, we dove into the Instructional Framework and then had options for sessions to choose from. If you didn't yet fill out the Feedback form from the PD day, CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE FEEDBACK FORM.
Next Thursday night we have parent/teacher conferences again, so please make sure to invite the families you'd like to see as this is our last opportunity for conference nights this semester.
This morning I also shared with everyone present an update about our Assistant Principal position. We have been looking for the past 2 months for a permanent replacement and have screened and interviewed multiple rounds of candidates. Unfortunately, we haven't found who we're looking for. The good news we have a solution for the rest of this year. Liana Finn is going to come back and do a "110" as an Assistant Principal for the rest of the year! Liana will be the admin for 7th grade, taking on evaluations, helping with discipline, and supporting with AVID Site team and backup for schoolwide assessment. We are excited to have Liana back and her first day will next Friday, September 27. We will then post for our Assistant Principal position in the Spring hiring season for the 2025-2026 school year.
This weekend the D'Ardenne family is headed up to Boulder to watch my Baylor Bears hopefully beat up on the CU Buffs. Enjoy your weekend!
- Ben
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
Jamie Kirkland - September 23
Here is the schedule for the next week
Monday, September 23
- Walking Club - 3:00 pm
- 6/7th Flag Football vs. CiMS AWAY 4:00
- 8th Flag Football vs. CiMS HOME 4:00
- 6/7th Girls Volleyball- A/B AWAY vs. CiMS, C HOME 4:00
- Virtual Feeder Community Chat - Ponderosa Feeder & Supt. Kane - Zoom Link Click Here
Tuesday, September 24
- BLT Meeting 3:00 - 4:30 - Room 215
Wednesday, September 25
- 6/7th Flag Football vs. SMS AWAY 4:00
- 8th Flag Football vs. SMS HOME 4:00
Thursday, September 26
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:15 - 6:45 pm. Dinner provided by PTO starting at 2:40 pm
- Unified Kickball - Softball Field - 3:45 pm
- Ponderosa Football Feeder Night vs. Chaparral HS 7:00 pm, Echo Park
Friday, September 27
PRIDE Focus for the Week
Before PRIDE Awards, please walk your students through previewing eligibility requirements for the Q1 PRIDE activity and help them to preview the activities on the PBIS Website (a script will be ready for team meetings this week). eMail Colleen if you haven't yet decided on your activity!
Focus: PRIDE Awards this Week!
PLT Focus: Revisit your SMART goal from ELA and Math
Team Meeting Notes
PRIDE Breakfast
Every quarter, we honor a special group of people who have demonstrated PRIDE for you. Each staff member can nominate one student who, for you, has demonstrated PRIDE. At the PRIDE breakfast, administration reads the students' nominations to the entire group and kids are rewarded with a sweet treat after! Please fill out the attached form to nominate; the spreadsheet has all of the kids who are currently being nominated, so that there's not duplicates!
Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZ8a2YCOOHKFTXnxVxQfiRegmfrUMis6DhJN1tQ7xdceE8LA/viewform
AVID Spotlight
When and how did you learn to take notes??
The focused note taking process must be explicitly taught! For learning to occur most effectively, learners must revisit their notes multiple times in a variety of ways. Every phase of focused note-taking involves inquiry! Learners must constantly ask questions of themselves, their notes, and the content. Click on the tabs in this genially to learn more about this process.
Watch D.O.G.S. - Please fill out the form if you haven't
For a quick overview of the Watch D.O.G.S. program, check out this video.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out this FORM so that we can prepare for which classrooms we can allow parent volunteers to come into and what you'd like them to do.