CREC Impact Academy Update
June 4, 2024
Staff Contact Info
Ms. Smith - Student & Family Support Specialist (860) 462-6185 or tjohnsonsmith@crec.org
Ms. Perez - School Social Worker (860) 757-6305 or japerez@crec.org
Ms. Maccarone - School Counselor (860) 757-6351 or amaccarone@crec.org
Mrs. Estrada - Administrative Asst., Main Office (860) 757-6303 or jestrada@crec.org
Ms. Scott - School Nurse (860) 757-6422 or lscott@crec.org
Important Dates
June 7 - Senior Graduation - 12pm-2pm
June 10 - Last Day of School - Early Dismissal
Late Arrivals
- In our Impact Pledge, we say that "We hold ourselves and each other to high expectations."
- There are a number of students who are consistently arriving late to school. With our start time being later than all of the other CREC high schools, we expect that students will be here on time (8:25 a.m.).
- Students who arrive after 8:25 a.m. (without a professional note) are considered tardy and will have to wait in our Community Room until 9:10 a.m. to transition to their morning PBL class. This means that they are not earning credit for our Impact Way (SEL) class, which is a required class for graduation from Impact.
- We continue to ask for your assistance in encouraging our students to be present and to be their best selves at school and beyond.
All graduating seniors must be at school on Friday NO LATER than 11:30 a.m. Students should be ready with their cap and gowns. We will start graduation promptly at Noon at the Theater of the Performing Arts.
Please note: Balloons are not allowed inside of the theater.
If you have any questions regarding graduation, please email Ms. Smith at tjohnsonsmith@crec.org.
Monday is our last day of school. We encouraged all students to attend as we have a fun field day planned for the day. School will dismiss at 11:30 a.m.
Student Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year
Mr. B. and Ms. Smith will be reaching out to families regarding student enrollment for next school year. Impact Academy offers students a different way of learning to help them re-engage in school. Impact is a voluntary school option. We have learned that the students who find the most success at our school are those who are committed to learning and understand the need for them to also do things differently in order to be successful at school and beyond.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's enrollment at Impact for next school year, please reach out to Mr. B. at (860) 463-5107.
CREC Summer Recovery
If you are interested in your child attending summer credit recovery to catch up on unearned credits, please contact Ms. Maccarone at amaccarone@crec.org
Contact Us
Email: tjohnsonsmith@crec.org
Website: https://www.crecschools.org/for_families/impact_academy
Location: 15 Vernon Street, Hartford, CT, USA
Phone: (860) 757-6444
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083329059524