- Schools are closed next Monday, January 20th, 2025.
- Kindergarten Report Cards/Progress Reports: Please note that these documents will be available via your Parent Portal/Genesis account on Friday, January 31st.
- As Ms. Farias (Principal of Jefferson Elementary School) and I have communicated, each parent/guardian who is picking up their child(ren) at dismissal, MUST PARK in the JES/Pool parking lot, no matter the weather. This is a safety issue. Cars have been backing up onto Ashwood Avenue creating dangerous conditions for walkers/pedestrians. You may have noticed a police presence, which will continue and may lead to tickets. We hope it does not get to this point. Please be respectful of the protocols, other families, and pedestrians; this is for everyone's safety. Students will not be released if we see you parked along the driveway.
- February 10, 2025 is a Single Session Day. Please, please, please plan ahead for the following dismissal times:
- Kindergarten Classes: 8:30am-12:00pm
- Mrs. Amiel and Ms. Ciccarelli's Classes: 8:30am-12:30pm
From the Office-
Information regarding online payment for School Lunches is attached below
Please make sure to LABEL all clothing, coats, jackets, etc. with your child's name.
JPC Lost & Found
Please stop by the Main Office if your child is missing anything. We are keeping a box with collected items .
A HUGE thank you to the following families who have donated to the Stock the Lounge to support our amazing teachers and staff at JPC! Your generosity is appreciated!
Toolen, Pelaez, Kohler, Allen, Reid, Aldrich Papageorgiou, Lampis, Fuller, Holmes, Schoenberg, Guarino, & Gilman. Thank you!
Join us for Moms Night Out! Thursday, February 6 at 7:30 pm at the Albion. We look forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP here if you're planning to attend so we can give the restaurant a more accurate headcount.
The PTO sponsored today's assembly! Make sure to ask your child about the World of Dance!
The PTO Boards of Summit are sponsoring a screening of Screenagers at the high school. Check out the information below if you are interested
- Flu Basics Flyer (Eng & Span)
- Flu: A Guide for Parents (Eng & Span)
Click here for Mrs. Leslie's Kindergarten Math Folder
January 2025
January 20: No School
January 31: Singe Session Day; Kindergarten Report Cards Available
February 2025
February 10: Single Session Day
February 17-18: No School
- I observed students...
- using their letter-sound knowledge to write about their weekends
- representing numbers using tens frames and counters
- demonstrating their ability to underhand toss safely and properly
- Spanish with Senora Muldoon: In World Language we are finishing up our unit on body parts. We created and labeled our own silly monsters after reading Go Away, Big Green Monster! in Spanish. We also practiced all our words with fun songs and characters from Trolls. See if your child can tell you any words they have learned! See photos below!
From the JES PTO
Parent Portal (Genesis--Access Student attendance, report cards, etc.)
Update/Add Contact Info in Parent Portal