Two Mile Tidbits
January 17th
There is no school on Monday, January 20th.
There are 2 email attachments from PTA about upcoming events. Thanks for saving these and supporting TMP!
CPS Nutrition Services sells a la carte items for students to purchase.
At TMP, we will sell Doritos or Rice Krispies on Fridays only. These items are $1 each. Your child(ren) can purchase an a la carte item if they have money in their account. If you want to add money to your child's account, you can do so with Ms. Melissa.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
January 20th: No School
January 21st: Dine to Donate-Panda Express
January 24th: Movie Field Trip
February 4th: PTA meeting, 5:30pm
February 7th: Early dismissal (12:10)
February 13th: Valentine's Day parties at 2pm
February 14th: Early dismissal (12:10)
February 17th: No School
Week of February 24-27th: Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 28th: No School
March 17-21st: TMP Reading Week
March 24-28th: Spring Break
April 11: Early dismissal (12:10)
Final reminder....
While I understand that illness and emergencies happen, TMP’s attendance rate this year is worrisome! Every day counts because every minute of instruction is valuable. Attendance also affects our funding, accreditation, and our overall rating with the school district and Department of Education. Dropping your students off late or picking them up early impacts our daily attendance rate.
As you can see in our attendance graph comparing every grade's attendance to this time last year, we need your help ensuring your child is at school! Thank you in advance.
Vocab word of the week
We have a vocab word of the week we share on morning announcements. I will keep an updated list here in the Tidbits. See if your child can use these words correctly in conversations!
Last week: (no new word this week)
Previous Weeks: