CMES Meerkat Message
January 5, 2025
Cecil Manor Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Catrina Long (cjlong@ccps.org)
Assistant Principal: Alison Benner (cabenner@ccps.org)
Dean of Students: Lindsey Steltz (lrsteltz@ccps.org)
Website: https://cmes.ccps.org/
Location: 971 Elk Mills Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 996 - 5090
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilmanorelementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/793483676/cecil-manor-elementary/
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From Administration
Hello Cecil Manor Families!
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful break. As we begin the new year, please make sure your child is in school daily and on time. Regular attendance at school is vital to your child's educational success. We understand that sickness occurs, especially with children. If students are absent, please make sure to send a written note from a doctor, parent or guardian. You can find the attendance policy on the CCPS website (Attendance Requirements). As a school our attendance rate average from September to November is 93.5%. Let's continue with great attendance as we move forth in 2025. Again, please communicate when your child needs to be absent from school.
We are now taking nominations for Teacher of the Year. If you would like to nominate a teacher from Cecil Manor, please refer to this application.
The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee is hosting a meeting on January 16, 2025, 6pm - 7:30 pm, in the Chesapeake City Elementary School Media Center. Hannah Harvey, SLP will be providing resources on how to support your child with expanding communication. Children Welcome. Please join us!
Dates to Remember
January 6: Students Return to School
January16: PTO Meeting 6 PM (virtual option)
January 20: No School (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Observance)
January 24: PTO Movie Night 6PM
January 31: Early Dismissal 1:30 PM (No Preschool)
Second Step Unit 3: Empathy
This month, students will begin discussing empathy and kindness as we re-engage in learning for the 2025 year. We want your child to be successful in school and that means supporting and encouraging their whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, children also need skills to take on learning challenges, make good decisions, manage strong emotions, and get along with others. Within this unit children learn how to recognize kindness and act kindly, have empathy for others and take others’ perspectives, and recognize kind acts and empathy as important elements of building and maintaining relationships. I have attached a parent letter for each grade level for activities you can do at home as well with your child.
PTO Corner
Judy Center
The Cecil County Judy Center Partnership promotes school readiness and success through collaborative community partnerships to offer a full range of services for children birth to age 5 and their families. We are lucky to have the Judy Center working with Cecil Manor.