Cav Community
January 2025
Upcoming Dates
January 14: PTO Meeting (5:00-6:00)
January 14: 6th Grade Choir Concert (7:00-8:00)
January 20: No School - MLK Day
January 21: Evening of Excellence (5:30-6:30)
January 24: No School - Semester Break
January 27: First Day of Girls Basketball
February 14th: No School (Weather Make-up)
February 17th: No School (Presidents' Day)
Evening of Excellence January 21st
Please join us from 5:30-6:30 on Tuesday, January 21st in the cafeteria, to celebrate the academic success of our students! Students will be recognized for iReady growth, content area achievement, and attendance. We will also have a musical performance from our choir and have student artwork and PLTW projects on display. We hope to see you there!
iReady Testing
To encourage students to give their best effort, we will be using "Grit Tickets" as a school-wide incentive. Grit is defined as the firmness of mind; unyielding courage in the face of hardship. We know that testing can be strenuous, so we want to reward students for their hard work and perseverance during testing. Students will have the opportunity to receive a Grit Ticket and enter it into their grade level raffle after each testing day. 10 students from each grade level will be drawn to earn prizes!
1st Semester Ends January 23rd
Winter Concerts
If your student is interested in getting some extra help in math, we are now offering math tutoring for all grade levels every Thursday from 2:30-3:30.
6th Grade: McWilliams Room 103
7th/8th Grade: King Room 204
Science Club: Thursdays 2:30-3:30 in Room 201 with Mr. Nixon and Mrs. Wilkerson
PSA Club:
We focus on making Posters that show Cascade Spirit and celebrate Accomplishments!
Mondays 2:30-3:30 in the choir room with Ms. Rodriguez
Wednesdays 1:30-4:00
Winter Sports Begin Soon!
Girls Bowling
Starts 2/4/25
Knowledge Bowl
Starts 1/27/25
Girls Basketball
Starts 1/27/25
Register your Athlete Here!
Attendance is a critical building block for student learning. If students are not present, they cannot engage in learning. Research shows that student success is maximized when they attend school 95% of the time. Students that miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely to not read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate. Parents and families, we appreciate your support in ensuring your student attends school regularly.
Standard Response Protocol
The safety and well-being of our students, staff, and families are a top priority at Longview Public Schools. We collaborate with local first responders and regional emergency management officials to stay updated on best practices for health, mental health, safety protocols, and incident responses.
In preparation for the new school year, our school district is adopting Standard Response Protocol (SRP) terms. Developed by the “I Love You Guys” Foundation in response to school violence, SRP aims to standardize vocabulary and reduce miscommunications during emergencies.
Why standard terms?
It has been brought to school leaders’ attention that there may be confusion associated with language involving emergency action. Terms like “lockdown,” and “lock-out” are a few examples of how terms can evolve and their intended meanings may become unclear. Having clear communication, especially in emergencies, is important for everyone’s safety.
Our district has teamed up with other school districts and emergency responders in our region to use standard, agreed-upon terms for emergency situations. These terms are: Hold (in your classroom area),
Secure (get inside and lock outside doors), Lockdown (locks, lights, out of sight), Evacuate (to a location), and Shelter (for chemical or other hazard). We are including a flier with SRP terms and symbols with this message so families can become familiar with the language and visuals.
Having clear and well-understood communication, especially in emergencies, is important for everyone’s safety. Thank you for partnering with us in this effort. If you have any questions, please call the school.
Educational Benefits Applications
Please support your family and our school by completing the Educational Benefits Application.
Why complete the application?
SUN Bucks Benefits: By completing the survey, your family may qualify for SUN Bucks. This program provides eligible families with $120 per child to purchase groceries over the summer months. The Educational Benefits Application is the simplest way to ensure your family receives these benefits!
Other Benefits for Families: Completing the Educational Benefits Application may qualify your household for additional assistance. Some of these programs include before and after school academic and enrichment programs, fee waivers for college applications, admission tests, and extracurricular activity fees. Others include low-cost internet, scholarships, and many other great benefits.
Additional School Funding: The information collected from the Educational Benefits Application helps our school receive important state and federal funding. This funding supports numerous educational programs and resources that benefit every student.
Each family's information is completely confidential. The data collected will only be used for determining your eligibility for assistance programs and securing essential funding for our school.
You can find the Educational Benefits Application by following this link:
Your participation will make a significant and meaningful difference for your family and for our school community. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact Nutrition Services at 360-575-7172 or ajohnson@longviw.k12.wa.us.