23rd District PTA in March 2024!
Happy 2024 PTA and PTSA Leaders!
Happy March!
Hello to the incredible Riverside County PTA and PTSA Leaders!
There are a LOT of handouts attached to this newsletter (like always), but they are ALL designed to help you. Don't forget that you can find things on our website, too!
Keep Things Flowing Smoothly!
With more than 200 units to help in 23rd District, please remember that following unit-council-district in terms of communication and requests helps keep us organized and makes sure that everyone gets the information they need to be successful.
Out-of-Council units come directly to us at 23rd District for help, but if your unit is in a Council, that means your first stop for help is your council. The council helps support you right at your school district level. Remember - we need everyone kept in the loop to make sure things run smoothly!
June will come faster than we think! Don't forget to take care of you, too. Engage in self-care if needed, or talk to someone if it gets to be too hard to manage. Take time for family, and if you need help, reach out. You aren't alone.
We look forward to seeing you on March 14th!
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You are receiving this newsletter because as a PTA leader in Riverside County (Council or Unit), you are a part of the 23rd District PTA family, and sending this newsletter is to help support you! There is a whole chain of PTA support to help you - unit to council to district. Families support each other - and we are here to support you. You matter, and we are very glad that you are here.
Reach out to us for help: Help@23rdDistrict.org
Find support on our website: www.23rdDistrict.org
Join us on Facebook: 23rd District PTA
February Association Meeting - Rescheduled to March 14!
You're Invited! 23rd District PTA Association Meeting - Rescheduled to March 14!
We need you to make business happen!
Presidents are our delegates, and we must make quorum to vote! We will be addressing the budget, releasing funds, providing information on upcoming programs and events, and talking about convention!
When: March 14, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Convention 2024 is in Ontario!
With that in mind, we sent the special edition "Convention News" only newsletter just a couple of days ago. We want you to know:
- What you'll be voting on!
- How much it costs!
- Who can pay for it!
- How to get there! And...
- How WE can help you get there!
...and more!
Click here to access the Special Edition: Convention Newsletter!
Need information to help with budgeting and time is tight? Reach out to us at Help@23rdDistrict.org for more information!
Twenty-Third District PTA 2024 Awards Reception - Nominations and RSVP OPEN NOW!
Join us as we celebrate the work of PTA!
We will recognize new units, celebrate legacy units, recognize outstanding administrators, outstanding teachers, outstanding volunteers, leadership accomplishments, and new! this year, will be presenting the National PTA Lifetime Achievement Award to one dedicated individual!
All nominees will receive recognition, so make sure that if your unit submits a nominee, that you also RSVP for the awards reception (dinner will be served!)!
Step 1:
Submit an award nomination by clicking this link.
Step 2:
RSVP for the Twenty-Third District PTA Awards Reception by clicking this link.
Membership Incentives - Membership is Year-Round!
Twenty-Third District PTA Membership Challenges - Your Unit Could Win a Prize!
2022-2023 is coming to a close, but that doesn't people can't still join PTA! In fact, there a still a few challenges left to go - your unit could win a prize from Twenty-Third District PTA!
Remember, evidence of challenge completion must be sent to Membership@23rdDistrict.org by the fifth of the following month for your unit to be entered to win!
February Challenge
February 17th is Founders Day! Add 17 new members to your PTA in February in honor of Founders Day and let us know!
Prize: 17 Membership Posters
Deadline: March 5
Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors
High School Seniors! This One is For You!
The Twenty-Third District PTA Graduating Senior Scholarship Application is attached to this email! This application has been sent to the counseling department of all Riverside County high schools with active PTSA units in good standing, and we're excited to celebrate our students!
Applications are due to Twenty-Third District PTA by no later than April 12th, 2024, and applications and inquiries must be sent by students directly to Scholarships@23rdDistrict.org. Applications sent through channels or by other parties (not the student submitting the application) will not be accepted.
It is important to note that the Twenty-Third District PTA scholarship is a separate scholarship from other scholarship programs, and is not affiliated with any other council or unit. All inquires and submissions must come directly to Twenty-Third District, and should not be intercepted by council or unit. This helps prevent any suggestion of bias or preference with regard to the individual submissions.
Did you know that Riverside County Office of Education has free program ideas, options and support available that can help PTA and PTSA units truly reach families? Check out a few of Riverside County Office of Education Superintendent Dr. Edwin Gomez's initiatives below. Find out information on all of Dr. Gomez's initiatives by clicking this link!
Financial Literacy by 5th Grade
Did you know that families have free access to Footsteps to Brilliance thanks to RCOE? F2B is a bilingual program helps provide a strong foundation for reading! This app and more resources are available FREE through RCOE!
Check out RCOE and Community Leaders sharing stories on the RCOE page by clicking this link!
Financial Literacy
For elementary, middle, or high school students - financial literacy and making smart financial decisions can help students all through their lives!
Check out presentation videos, program idea, resources and more!
Mental Health
There is no shame is asking for help - and RCOE has free resources to help you. Taking the first step is the most important part.
Equity and Inclusive Practices Initiative
Inclusivity and equity are words that carry a lot of weight, and its only be truly seeing are we able to support every child - where they are - with one voice.
Did Your Unit Support a Program in 2023-2024 from each of the Superintendent's Initiatives?
If your unit
Apply Today: California State PTA Spotlight Awards
Celebrate your PTA unit's successes and triumphs with California State PTA! Apply now for the 2024 Spotlight Awards and showcase the incredible work your PTA unit is accomplishing. We make magic in Riverside County, and we want everyone to celebrate! Whether it's an innovative program, impactful community engagement, or exceptional advocacy - the magic you make deserves celebration!
Don't miss out on an opportunity to shine! We are making a difference every day, and you're an incredible part of it! Click this link to learn more and apply.
Apply Today: Student Board Members for California State PTA
Did you know that student leaders have an important role to play in California State PTA?
It's true! Student leaders are valuable members of the California State PTA Board of Managers, providing perspectives on issues, concerns, and collaborating to help keep the work we do relevant to all students! Applications are now open for Student Board Members for California State PTA for 2024-2025, and students would serve from July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. Interested students must be a high school Junior or Senior for the term served, and expenses for transportation, lodging, and meals is covered.
This is a fabulous opportunity for students leaders, and the application period closes March 15, 2024 so don't sleep on this awesome opportunity!
Elections Must Occur For All Units By April 15!
Unit Elections - Make Sure You're Doing It Right!
All units have one year terms of office, which means that even though two years can be served concurrently - officers have to be elected to serve in each year!
The elected officers for a PTA can be found in Article V, Section 2 of the unit bylaws, and all elections must happen no later than the end of the second week in April (at the association meeting in March or April).
Don't forget that the election meeting is a little different than other meetings, and should have 30 days' notice to the association. The nominating committee report should be sent to the association 28 days before the meeting, but nominations must still be called from the floor.
Use the attached script to run the election, and if your PTA needs assistance with elections, reach out to us at Help@23rdDistrict.org for assistance.
- Parliamentarian Troy Marks
Financial Reviews
Mid-Year Audits/Financial Reviews Should Be Happening NOW!
The first audit period for the year (July 1 - December 31) has ended, and that means it's time for the Mid-Year Audit/Financial Review!
A complete financial review includes 3 things:
- Financial Review Report
- Financial Review Checklist
- Recommendations Page (if recommendations are needed)
All three documents, plus dates of adoption by your executive board and association must be included for the audit to be considered complete.
Don't forget to have bank statements and bank reconciliations reviewed, signed, and dated by a non-check signer.
Compliant financial reviews should be completed by one of four ways, and anyone involved in the process should receive positional and financial training to ensure they are familiar with PTA practices:
- An accountant or CPA, paid by the unit, to conduct the financial review.
- An elected or appointed qualified auditor [A CPA or professional trained to conduct audits; however, does not need to be employed in that capacity at present]
- This individual may not be involved in the handling or management of PTA funds.
- This individual is elected as an officer, or appointed by the Executive Board as a whole, and not just the president.
- This individual is ratified by the General Association and included in the minutes.
- An elected or appointed* financial reviewer [unqualified]
- If the financial reviewer is unqualified, a Financial Review Committee is required to review the financial review after completion by the financial reviewer.
- Anyone completing the financial review may not handle or manage PTA funds in any capacity.
- The Financial Review Committee must include two or more people, and may include the financial reviewer; however, the majority of those serving on the committee should not be check-signers, nor should they have handled or managed PTA funds.
- The Financial Review Committee (and the financial reviewer, if appointed) is appointed by the Executive Board - not the president - then is ratified by the General Association and included in the minutes.
- An appointed financial review committee
- If the unit does not have an elected or appointed financial reviewer, a Financial Review Committee may be appointed to complete the financial review (this is different than a review committee.). In this instance, a committee of two or more is elected or appointed* to complete the financial review.
- The committee must include two or more people, none of whom may be check-signers, and none of whom have handled or managed PTA funds.
- *appointed by the Executive Board, and not the president, and then ratified by the General Association and included in the minutes.
If units chooses to pay a professional auditor, please ensure that the auditor is familiar with non-profit organizations - preferably with PTAs specifically.
Meeting minutes must reflect who will be completing the financial review, and when the financial review was adopted.
When the financial review is adopted by the Executive Board and General Association (with dates recorded), upload the documents to myPTEZ or forward to your council (or district, if OOC.).
Financial reviews are required at least annually (council requirements may vary), and should be completed within two weeks of the close of period.
Have questions? Need Help? Contact your council or 23rd District PTA. We are all here to support you!
Have questions? Reach out to your Council, or if needed, reach out to us! Help@23rdDistrict.org.
- 5 - Home Gardens Academy PTSA
- 9 - Auburndale Intermediate PTSA
- 12 - Lake Mathews Elementary PTA
- 12 - Madison Elementary PTA
- 15 - Extraordinary Explorers PTA
- 15 - Thomas Jefferson Elementary School PTA
- 22 - Arlington High PTSA
- 28 - Woodcrest Elementary PTA
Community Events/Spotlight
23rd District PTA - Contact Us Any Time!
Mailing Address
23rd District PTA38670 Sky Canyon Dr #200, Office 202
Murrieta, CA 92563
Email: Help@23rdDistrict.org
Website: www.23rdDistrict.org
Phone: (951) 266-6862
Facebook: facebook.com/23rdDistrictPTA
Twitter: @23rdDistrictPTA