Dolphin Splash
Jackie Robinson Academy Weekly Newsletter 2/17/24
Dear JROB Families!
One of the things I value and respect most about Jackie Robinson is our partnership with parents. The work of teaching and learning depends so much on this partnership. Teaching is hard work and parenting is hard work. Success happens when we're able to work together as a a team to support the child. As a mom of three, I know how challenging it can be to make sure our kids needs are met at home and at school. Despite all that is going on in our lives, one of the most important things that we can do as parents and educators is to keep the lines of communication open with our kids. Whether its teaching our kids about reporting versus tattle-telling or helping them notice when something is icky or not quite right, making the time to talk to your child everyday helps kids know you are always there to listen when they need you most.
Knowing how to set boundaries, being a good communicator, and trusting your gut feeling is important not only for protecting against unsafe situations, but also develops the soft skills for healthy relationships, asserting yourself when things don't feel right, and reporting it to trusted adults.
Thank you for continuing to see something and say something for our students, our school, and our community. Thank you for the partnership that we have between school and home to ensure our students success.
Happy Presidents Day Weekend!
With Dolphin Pride,
Principal Ngo
P.S. - Thank you students & families for celebrating with us at our Elementary Sweeheart Dance and Winter Formal! It was wonderful to see students enjoying themselves!
P.S. - Make sure to check out the info below and participate in our BHM Spirit Week next week!
What's Happening this week at JROB:
Monday, February 19th
- February 19th - Presidents' Holiday - No School
Tuesday, February 20th
- Black History Month Spirit Week-Pan African Colors Day
- HS Choice Application Window Opens 2/20-3/1
- 9:30-11:00 DELAC meeting
- 2:30-3:30 SSC Meeting in the Library
- 2:30-4:30 Girls' Basketball and Boys' Track & Soccer Practice
Wednesday, February 21th
- Black History Month Spirit Week-College/HBCU Day
- Band Picture Day
- 9-10am (7th grade beginning band)
- 11:40-12:30 (6th grade beginning band)
- 1:30-2:20 (Advanced Band)
- 4:45-5:45 Girls' Basketball Robinson vs Tincher @ Stanford
Thursday, February 22nd
- Black History Month Spirit Week-Throwback Thursday
- Orchestra Picture Day
- 11:40-12:30pm (beginning orchestra)
- 2:30-3:15 (advanced orchestra)
- 1:30 Early Dismissal TK-5th
- 1:30-3:30 Girls' Basketball and Boys' Track & Soccer Practice
- 5:00-6:30 DCAC Meeting
Friday, February 23rd
- Black History Month Spirit Week-Career Day Wear
- Caught Being Good Raffle
- 8:00 Panoramic Picture-front of school/8th Grade
- 3:30-7:00 AAUW Conference @ Sato High School
Saturday, February 24th
- 8:00-10:00 MS Boys Track Qualifier Meet
- 9:00-1200 Middle School Choice Fair @ Cabrillo High School
- 2:00-4:30 Black History Month Celebration/Jordan H.S.
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, February 26th- March 1st - 5th grade to Camp Oakes
- Saturday, March 2nd- Saturday School Enrichment/8:30-11:30
- Saturday, March 2nd - Boys Championship Track Meet at Wilson High School, 8:00-10:00
- Monday, March 4th - 22nd i-Ready Diagnostic 3 Window
- Thursday, March 7th - Robinson K8 Choice Site Visit/4:30-5:30
- Friday, March 8th - Semester 1 Awards Assemblies
- Saturday, March 9th- Saturday School Enrichment/8:30-11:30
- Wednesday, March 13th - Fire Drill/8:40
- Thursday, March 14th - Coffee with the Principal/8:00-9:00
- Thursday, March 14th - Kinder Coffee & Tour/8:30-9:15
- Saturday, March 16th- Saturday School Enrichment/8:30-11:30
- Tuesday, March 19th - DELAC meeting/9:30-11:00 @ King Park Community Center
- Tuesday, March 19th/Minimum Day Dismissal 1:00 - Open House
- Friday, March 22nd - Long Beach Middle School Cheer Competition @ Wilson HS/5:00-7:00
- Saturday, March 23rd- Saturday School Enrichment/8:30-11:30
- Tuesday, March 26th - Elementary & K-8 Parent Conferences-Minimum Day Dismissal-1:00
- Wednesday, March 27th - Elementary & K-8 Parent Conferences-Minimum Day Dismissal-1:00
- Thursday, March 28th - DCAC Meeting/5:00-6:30
- Friday, March 29th - April 1st- Spring Recess-No School
Saturday School Enrichment
Beginning Saturday, March 2nd, our fabulous JROB teachers will be teaching Saturday School Enrichment. Permission slips have already been sent home for students who have been invited. If your child received a permission slip, PLEASE return it ASAP if they'll be attending. If our classes are not full, we will be accepting other students. Students who attend Saturday School will receive a FREE DRESS PASS for every Saturday that they attend-YAHOO!!! The free dress pass can be used the Monday after each Saturday session.
The dates are: March 2, 9, 16, 23 & April 13, 20, 27. Please contact Julie Culling at: if you have any questions.
We are excited to partner with you for the benefit of our community.
Mrs. Culling
Parents/guardians must clear all absences within 5 school days. After this time, parents/guardians must contact the school administrator for approval.
To clear your child’s absence, contact your child’s school. A parent/guardian can also send a note with their child, email the school or clear the absence via ParentVue. The school’s parent notification system will contact you when your child is absent ( if you have requested notifications via phone or email).
The LBUSD allows parents to excuse up to three (3) consecutive days or ten (10) illness absences in the school year without verification of illness from a medical professional or school employee (School Nurse). Anytime your child has a doctor’s appointment and/or documentation requiring them to stay home from school, provide this verification immediately to the attendance office when your student returns to school. These absences will be recorded as excused. If verification is not provided, the child's absence will be recorded as unexcused until documentation is received. Per district policy, absences extending beyond the three (3) day consecutive rule or ten (10) illness absences in the school year will be considered unexcused, unless a parent/guardian provides a doctor’s verification to the school. If a student suffers from a chronic condition that may affect their attendance, a parent can submit a Certification of Chronic Medical Condition Form, so that absences related to the illness can be excused.
During the 2023-24 school year, illnesses can also be cleared through documentation of positive COVID-19 cases from a doctor’s office, health department, lab or home test. If a student is ill or is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, they should stay home and notify the school.
Sankofa Parent Village Healthy Families Workshop
Sankofa Parent Village (SPV) is a community of care and support for Parents and Caregivers of Black children. LBUSD is committed to centering the unique needs of our community members and engaging in a way that affirms their cultural identities. We recognize that our Village members play an essential role in helping students attain success in school, and as partners, we endeavor to work together to make certain that all Black children achieve excellence on purpose. We strive to provide our Village with the information, tools, and skills that will empower them to elevate academic achievement and center social-emotional wellbeing in their home, school, and community.
Check out the next event, Sankofa Parent Village Healthy Families Workshop held at Jordan High School Wednesday, February 21st, 5:30-8:00pm AND save the date for our very own JROB Sankofa Parent Village meeting on Wednesday, March 6th, 5:00-6:00pm in the cafeteria!
Understanding SBAC State Testing
In case you missed last Thursday's Coffee with the Principal, below are the slides to the presentation about our SBAC standardized state testing. This presentation includes useful links to practice tests and resources to help your child prepare for our spring assessments this coming May.
High School Choice Begins January 8th!
LBUSD pleased to offer over 30 pathways and programs at all 11 LBUSD High Schools for matriculating 8th grade students. Check out the High School Choice Website for a list of resources, information and a complete timeline of events.
Application Window Opens: February 20th
Please make sure you have access to ParentVue to ensure you are able to complete the High School of Choice application for your 8th grader!
Early Learning & Kindergarten Festivals
The last of the Long Beach Unified School District's series of Early Learning and Kindergarten Festivals, held for families of incoming 2024-25 transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten students are coming up!
The popular, free event will provide families with information on LBUSD early learning programs and registration procedures, as well as free parent workshops, dental screenings and many more fun activities. Families who attend at least two workshops will also receive a free backpack while supplies last.
Here are the upcoming festivals, which are planned for 9 a.m. to noon (registration begins at 8:45 a.m.):
· Saturday, March 2 at Roosevelt Elementary, 1574 Linden Ave., Long Beach
Parent Volunteers
Do you want to help out in the classroom or on campus? Do you like going on field trips? Apply to become a parent volunteer, and become a "VIP" by completing the application below. You will need a TB test and a form of ID.
¿Quieres ayudar en el salón de clases o en el campus? ¿Te gusta ir de excursión? Solicite convertirse en un padre voluntario y conviértase en un "VIP" completando la solicitud a continuación. Necesitará una prueba de tuberculosis y una forma de identificación.
Parent Resources
Jackie Robinson Academy
Location: Jackie Robinson Academy, Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562) 492-6003