Steele Stallion Press
Sept. 25, 2024

February 14, 2025
Upcoming Events
Feb 14 - 18 - NO SCHOOL, President's Day
Feb 19 - Men of Steele at Kentucky Inn, 6:30pm
Feb 27 - Talent Show, 5pm
Mar 6 - Science Fair Open House
Mar 7 - Science Fair Finale
Mar 11 - CSC @ 5pm, PTA @ 6pm with Anxious Generation book club kicking off!
Mar 13 - 3rd-5th Dance Party
Mar 14 - Holi Celebration @ 2:50
Mar 24 - 31 - NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
April 10 - Spring Art Mixer (adults only)
From the Principal
Dear Steele families,
Students had a great time celebrating each other this week during their class Valentine’s Day celebrations. It was a great way to kick off the long weekend. Enjoy your 5-day weekend! We will see you back at Steele on Wednesday, February 19.
Check out this week’s Caught in the Act Winners!
School News
CMAS Testing Schedule
Steele’s 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be taking the Colorado Measure of Academic Success (CMAS) in April. Please be mindful of the testing schedule as you plan appointments and trips.
Here is the schedule and family letter.
Wash Park Home Tour - Saturday, May 10
The Wash Park Home Tour is shaping up to be another fantastic event, but we could still use a little help! We’re on the lookout for new sponsors to support this year’s tour and give some of our longtime sponsors a well-earned breather. If you know a business or individual who might be interested, please pass the word along—we’d be so grateful!
Want to get more involved or just hear what’s in store for this year? Join us for our meetings every first and third Friday of each month at 10 AM at the Starbucks by Steele Elementary. It’s the perfect chance to sip some coffee, meet great people, and chat about this amazing community event.
We’d love to have your additional involvement, whether as a sponsor, volunteer, or friendly supporter. Thanks for helping make the Wash Park Home Tour a success!
Your Wash Park Home Tour 2025 Team
DPS Interim Assessments Update for Grades 3-5
Students in grades 3-5 are preparing to take their second round of DPS interim assessments. We would like to inform you about important changes to these evaluations. This year, the interim assessments will focus on year-long standards rather than semester-specific content. Additionally, the results will be utilized internally by our teachers for instructional planning purposes, allowing us to better tailor our educational approach to student needs.
To ensure you stay well-informed about your child's academic progress, we will continue to provide regular feedback through assessments and projects following each Bridges and CKLA unit. These evaluations offer a comprehensive and accurate representation of student achievement. We encourage families to rely on these unit-based assessments, rather than the interim results, as the primary means of monitoring your child's ongoing academic growth and performance.
School Yearbooks!
The 2024-2025 yearbook ordering is now available! Head to the picture day dashboard to order a year book and find the options for student dedication yearbook ads.
The Steele Science Fair - March 7th
The Science Fair will be held on Friday, March 7 with a community open house the night before on Thursday, March 6. The deadline to sign up has been extended to 2/24/25. Sign up here!
It takes a village to pull off this event! Please sign up to volunteer. We need Science Fair judges and volunteers! No experience or science background required, just a good attitude and a few hours on a Friday morning. Volunteer to sign up here.
Getting started on your project? Find more info here or email SteeleScienceFair@gmail.com. Tri-fold poster boards are available from the office for $4.
Steele Talent Show
The talent show will be held on February 27th in the Steele Auditorium. A day-time performance for students will be held at 1:30pm with an evening performance for families at 5:00pm.
Last call to register for Girls on the Run!
Registration is currently open at GOTR website.
Practices will be held at Steele on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:30 from March 3 - May 14, with the end of season 5k taking place on May 17.
Reach out to Steele's Girls on the Run site coordinator, Elizabeth Weaver, with questions at eaweaver1@gmail.com
Steele Dance Party for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
The Steele Dance Party is back for all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students! Join us on Thursday, March 13th from 5 - 6:30 pm in the Steele Gymnasium. There will be a DJ, Photo Booth and light snacks provided. Please have students bring their water bottles.
This year The Steele Dance Party will be a DROP-OFF EVENT. If an adult would like to attend, please sign up to volunteer HERE.
Anxious Generation Book Club
Our first discussion in a series centered on some of the key themes in the Anxious Generation by Jonathon Haidt will take place after the March 11 PTA Meeting. We are lucky to have Associate Professor of Psychology at DU Jenalee Doom, PhD, join us for the discussion on themes like cell phones, social media, video games, and their effect on childhood development. Dr. Doom brings her focus on stress in children's development to the meeting.
We will have the book available for purchase in the office soon. To prepare, check out some of these podcasts and articles around the theme:
Good Inside with Dr. Becky - The Anxious Generation with Jonathon Haidt
TED Talks Daily Book Club - The Anxious Generation | Jonathon Haidt
Head Lice 101 - General Information for Parents/Caregivers
There has been an increased incidence of lice infestation in our schools and community. It is important to check your child’s hair for head lice routinely. See the below Fact Sheet and Parent Letter for information on how we can:
-Inspect for Lice
-Prevent the Spread
-Treat Cases that do arise
How Sick is Too Sick? Updated Guidance for Parents
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has updated its public guidance for routine decisions about when children and staff should stay home from school or childcare.
Please read the updated document here.
Languages at Steele
We are incredibly proud of our multilingual families and staff members at Steele. Did you know there are over 18 languages spoken in our building? They include:
- English
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Portuguese
- Croatian
- Swedish
- Haitian Creole
- Polish
- French
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- Arabic
- Czech
- Swiss German
- Ethiopian
- Korean
- French Creole
- American Sign Language
Do you speak another language that's not on this list? If so, tell me about it! Please write to Ms. Amy at amy_roberts1@dpsk12.net so we can add to our amazing list.
Community News
Help Support LA Elementary School
We are teaming up with other local elementary schools to fundraise for the Marquez Charter Elementary School in Los Angeles. On the flyer you can find both a QR Code and Venmo username (@friendsofmarquez), that can be used to donate directly to their Venmo. When donating, we encourage people to put in the memo "Love from Denver".
Shop and Support Steele
Ongoing Ways To Support Steele
King Soopers - to link your card, search Steele or EG710
Quick Links & Helpful Information
STEELE INFO: School Calendar| Lunch Menu | My School Bucks Login | Specials Rotations | Steele Directory | Year at a Glance Calendar | DONATE NOW
AFTERSCHOOL INFO: Discovery Link Login | Discovery Link Info | Spring Enrichments
PTA INFO: Sign-up to Volunteer | PTA Website | Contact PTA
COMMUNITY INFO: Merrill Middle School News | South High School Raven News
To submit information to this weekly Friday newsletter, send concise and edited content to steelecommunication@gmail.com by 12 PM on the Wednesday before publication.
Vice President of Communication: Mike Moore
Press Editors: Jamie Nicolson and Laura Bushek