Panther Weekly Update
May 10, 2024
3-24 School Supply Kits Sales
14 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
21 K, 1st & 2nd Music Program, WMS 6:00 pm
24 Last Day of School- Noon Dismissal
Thank you!
The end of the year is an exciting time, and it's also a time to send well wishes to those who will be leaving the Panther Nation. A HUGE thank you and best wishes on all your future endeavors, Mrs. Ross, Miss Morrissey, Mrs. Frankel, Mr. Freeman, Miss Juengst and Mr. Stevens. We are grateful for your dedication to our students, families and district.
Card My Yard!
Missing Something?
Come and see what we have collected on the tables in the front hallway.
All Lost and Found items will be donated at the end of the year.
End of Year Check List
- Lunch Accounts must be PAID IN FULL. Please check your emails/spam folders and backpacks for notices.
- Lost Book Fines must be PAID IN FULL before the last day of school. 5/9 and 5/10 are the last of days of library checkout. All books must be turned in by Friday, 5/17. Remember, there is a free Little Lending Library book shelf at the front entrance of the school. Students may take any of these books home to keep and share!
Medications must be picked up by a parent or guardian on or before the last day of school or it will be disposed of; we cannot store any meds over the summer.
Yearbooks will be distributed on Thursday, May 23rd, to those students who purchased one. All other students will receive a free autograph booklet. Students will enjoy an autograph signing time that day.
Card My Yard PLCC will have Card My Yard set up from Wed. 5/22 afternoon - Thur. 5/23 8pm or 9pm. Teachers will take last day photos with each of their students and send it to their parent(s). Families are also welcome to take their own photos before and after school that day.
A Few Extra Yearbooks
Great news! Our publisher printed a few extra copies of the yearbook. If you would like to purchase one, please call the office. The price is $16.00 and books will be held for students with payment.
1st Day School Supplies
HURRY! The 1st DAY SCHOOL SUPPLY STORE is only open for a limited time!
All items are brand name and exactly what your teacher requested. These student boxes will be delivered directly to school in time for Open House in August.
As always:
- Purchasing school supplies is optional.
- Using 1st Day School Supplies is optional.
Field Day!
Prairie Lane is having our FIELD DAY on Tuesday, May 14th at Prairie Lane. We need our wonderful parent volunteers to make this afternoon a success! If you are available to help run a game or donate items for the day, please click on the Field Day Button to sign up.
If you sign up to run a game, we would need your help from 12:45 - 3:15. We will have all the materials and directions for each game ready for you. You will just have to help run the game for the students.
Thank you!
Meal Account Money
Are you receiving those pesky reminder emails about low balances? Be sure to keep your child's meal account above zero at all times. All negative balances need to be paid in full before the last day of school
Thank you!
Visitors for Lunch
If you choose to have lunch with your child, please call the office before 9:00 am so we can let the kitchen know, and to ensure that there will be enough space in our Learning Commons area for families.
Prairie Lane Community Club Welcomes You
Our next meeting is May 14th @ 6:30 PM.
Suggestions or comments can be directed to president.plcc@gmail.com
Be Safe, Respectful and Responsible !
# Full Steam Ahead!