Band Buzz: September 29th, 2024
Falcon Band and Color Guard
We are still looking for volunteers for BOA on Saturday. The sign up links can be found below.
From the Directors
CLHS Band and Color Guard Families,
What a great weekend for the CLHS Falcon Marching Band! The band and color guard placed 1st out of 25 bands, as well as placing first in almost all captions including color guard, general effect, visual effect, and music effect at the USBands Houston Regional on Saturday. The band had two amazing performances and the judges were extremely complimentary. We are all incredibly proud of the hard work and achievement that these young performers have exhibited over the past several months!
Even more important is the way the students conducted themselves and represented the Clear Lake HS community and our band program. They were exceptionally well behaved the entire weekend, and we got many compliments about them. This is a text message received from a Clear Creek HS Band parent running concessions:
“I worked concessions all day today for Creek and I just wanted you to know that your kids were hands down the most polite out of all the other bands that came through. It wasn’t just one group of kids. Dozens and dozens! I was so impressed. Above being amazing today on the field, it was super encouraging to see them acting in a respectful and responsible way, too.”
And as if that wasn’t enough, Friday night we hosted almost 100 8th grade band students zoned to come to Clear Lake HS next year. These students represent the future of CLHS Band, and after having them spend the evening with us, we can say for certain that the future of the Falcon Band is looking bright!
Bands of America
This Saturday marks the CLHS Band’s return to BOA after many years. We are still finalizing the schedule and will send that out in a stand alone email.
**Very Important:**
Students are hit with a very quick academic eligibility turnaround this time of year. It is very important for students to maintain their grades! Thursday, October 10, is the final day for students to get in grades to remain academically eligible for the first 9 weeks report card. If students are below 70 in any of their classes on the 9 weeks progress report they will lose their academic eligibility and will not be able to go to football games or contests with us, and consequently will be removed from the Varsity Marching Band.
Dallas Trip:
For our annual Spring Trip, we will be visiting Dallas March 7-9, 2025! This is a great opportunity to travel with friends as well as a nice reward for the hard work and dedication these student exhibit throughout the year. Please see the trip letter below with details.
This Week:
Monday-Stadium Rehearsal (4:00 Depart; Rehearse 4:30-7:30; Return 8:00)
Students are encouraged to meet us there, but there will be 2 buses that depart at 4:00 and return to CLHS around 8:00
Tuesday-Thursday Full Band Rehearsal
Friday Game:
3:00-4:00 Rehearse
4:00-5:00 Load Equipment/Eat Game Meal
5:15 Depart
7:00 Kickoff
10:30ish Return
Full schedule TBD
2:10 Warm up
3:15 Perform
4:30 Prelims Awards
7:00 Finals Begins
10:30 Finals Awards
11:30 p.m. Return to CLHS
Let’s have a great week!
CLHS Band Staff
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
This week there will be two separate volunteer emails. The first email will be for volunteers for Friday's football game. The second email will be for volunteers for Saturday's BOA competition. This will be emailed on Monday.
Contest Meals
Student Contest Meals:
All marching band and color guard students need to select their contest meals according to the schedule. If no selection is made a default meal will be selected. All student meals have been paid for and no additional payment is required.
Adult Contest Volunteer Meals:
Volunteers can order a contest meal for themselves under their student's name. Meals will be delivered with the student meals. Payment is due at the time of the meal distribution. Please bring exact change (cash or check).
Contest Meal Order Form:
CLHS hosting BOA Contest
Bands of America Contest
Saturday October 5, 2024
Challenger Columbia Stadium
Students report to the school at 10:30 am
CLHS Performs at 3:15 pm (subject to change)
BOA ADULT volunteer signup:
BOA STUDENT volunteer signup:
BOA view volunteer submission:
BOA Tickets (note there are separate tickets for prelims and finals)
For questions contact Joy King at president@clhsband.org.
Marching Uniform and Color Guard Costume Care - REVISED
w that we will be wearing full uniforms at each game and contest, we want to let everyone know how to properly care for the uniforms so they stay looking great for all the upcoming performances.
Bibbers - machine wash with similar colors in cold water with regular detergent (no bleach), tumble dry on low heat, remove promptly after drying and hang back up.
Long Sleeve Tops - hand wash in cold water with regular detergent (no bleach), blot excess moisture, then lay flat to dry. If you are unable to hand wash the tops, then you may machine wash the tops with similar colors in cold water with regular detergent (no bleach) on the GENTLE/DELICATE cycle and then HANG TO DRY.
Shakos - after each performance, the shako box should be left open a few hours to air out.
Color Guard Costumes - hand wash in cool water with regular detergent (no bleach), blot excess moisture, then lay flat to dry.
The uniforms should be washed after each performance, or set of performances (i.e., Friday night game followed by Saturday contest). For the weeks we have a back-to-back game and contest, the bibbers, tops and guard costumes should be hung up in a well-ventilated area after the game on Friday night to dry out before the contest on Saturday.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Erin Harris
Uniform Chair
Football: Clear Lake vs Dickinson
Where: Sam Vitanza Stadium
Who: All band and color guard
CCISD Football Tickets and Stadium Info
Please Note: Only bus chaperones will be allowed to enter the stadium for free. All other volunteers will need to purchase a ticket.
Ticket Prices
CCISD is a NO CASH district for athletic ticket sales. Tickets must be purchased online through GOFAN only.
2024 Football Ticket Prices
Presale (until 1:59 pm on gameday)
$5 - students
$7 - adults
Gameday (starting at 2 pm)
Senior (Age 60+) Gold Card
The Clear Creek ISD Senior Gold Card is available to residents of Clear Creek ISD who are age 60 and older and all retired Clear Creek ISD employees. The Gold Card offers our senior friends free admission to all CCISD home athletic events and most fine arts student performances including plays, concerts and choir performances.
More information and the application can be found here: https://www.ccisd.net/senior-citizen-engagement
Clear Bag Policy Enforced
All CCISD Stadiums strictly enforce a Clear Bag Policy. This means no large bags or backpacks will be allowed to be brought through the gates into the stadium. Please leave all purses or bags securely locked in your vehicle or you will be turned away at the gate. No exceptions will be made.
Volunteer Application Form- REQUIRED for all Volunteers
If you plan to volunteer in any way for the band, or for any CCISD campus during the upcoming school year, please complete the volunteer application form on the below link.
Connect With Us
Website: https://www.clhsband.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clearlakehsband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clhsfalconbandofficial/
Official Band Calendar: https://www.clhsband.org/calendar.html
Photo Gallery: https://www.clhsband.org/photo-gallery.html
Buzz Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the Band Buzz, please contact the appropriate committee or board member. They can send fully edited information to the following e-mail address: VP@clhsband.org . The deadline for submissions is midnight each Wednesday night.
Thank you,
Lauren Stephens