Becoming a Dual Credit Adjunct
TCC Information Meeting
What does it take to become a TCC Dual Credit Adjunct teacher in BISD?
Birdville ISD and Tarrant Count College are partnering to provide information to teachers interested in becoming adjunct instructors in the BISD/TCC Dual Credit program. TCC will provide an overview of the credentialing requirements and help interested parties examine their educational transcripts and work history. You may only be a few short steps away from achieving a career goal!
Event Information
Becoming a Dual Credit Adjunct in BISD
Join us in the Omni Room at Richland Highland school for more information. We recommend that you have access to college transcripts to assist in the discussion.
If possible, please R.S.V. P. to if you plan on attending.When?
Monday, Dec 5, 2016, 04:15 PM