Mrs. Loder's Art Class
Swartz Creek Middle School
classroom code = ftd7m4b
Andy Rogers, Lily Thompson, Madi Bueche, Brynn Elzerman, Makenzie Sexton and Megan Ward. This one-of-a-kind Gingerbread house comes with winter wonderland friends and open skylight to enjoy the stars on the shortest day of the year.
This lovely group of 7th graders beat out Mr. Vollmar's Science activities class and won with 14 votes. Jazzbelle Foster, Amber Harr, Olivia Ritter (not pictured Ethan Yaklin)
Elements of Art Pre Test 2017-2018 S1
We use the Elements of Art to create art.
Principles of Design Pre Test 2017-2018 S1
We use the Principles of Design to describe the art we have created.
Student Gallery
Students upload their masterpieces at the end of each project
8th Grade Masks
2nd hour 2nd Semester 2018
7th graders are making some Monsters!
They will be on display in the Media Center soon!
The 8th graders created abstract art using their emotions as inspiration.
Click here to study for your Final Exam!
Elements and Principles Posters
How to Draw Trees