Emmaus Catholic Primary School
Term 3, Week 2 Newsletter: Friday 26 July 2024
Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new semester, make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.
Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us.
Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.
May all that we are today, all that we try to do today, may all our encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all be placed in your hands.
May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life, and courage to all we come in contact with this semester.
We thank you, Lord.
A big welcome back to all our Emmaus families and especially to the new families that have joined us this term, we hope you are ready for a wonderful experience within our community. I am sure you will be made to feel welcome and very much a part of the school community.
I hope you all had a wonderful break with your families and that you managed to get some fun times in together. It is great to see you all back to us safe and sound. I look forward to seeing you and catching up with you throughout this Term. One that promises to be very busy!!!
Have a great week and look after yourselves.
Best wishes and take care.
This morning at assembly I spoke to the children about the number of lost items that we have in the office. Between tracksuit tops, jumpers and hats there is a large number of items in the lost property box. We also do have a number of other items of clothing other than school uniforms.
I have said to the children to place names on each item of clothing and also hats. I encourage all parents to please look through their children’s uniforms, hats, bags etc., and to please add names if they are not labelled.
We know that these items of clothing are rather expensive, hence, more so the reason to have names on them so that if lost, the item can be returned to the owner.
Thank you for your cooperation.
A reminder that if your child is not well and will not be attending school, parents are required to confirm the absence in writing by emailing us before 9:00 am on the day of absence to admin@emmaus.wa.edu.au
If you know your child will be absent for longer than a day, advise us in the email of the dates and then you will not be required to make contact each day.
All parents and carers are reminded to please stick to the 10km/hour speed limit on the school grounds.
We also remind parents not to park in the areas that are for flow through traffic only. If you are unable to find a park, please delay your arrival to collect your child for 5 minutes until the traffic subsides a little.
If parking on the gravel area along the northern side of the oval, please allow enough room for others to open and close their doors so damage to people and cars does not occur.
Please be courteous to each other, we are one community.
Please be aware that I have mentioned to the students that there is to be no card swapping in the school. At the moment we have some students who collect various collectors cards, (i.e. Pokémon/Footy Cards) and then swapping with their friends. Due to previous experience, we do not allow collectors cards at school due to cards being lost, regret swapping of cards where a child wants his/her card back and the possibility of cards going missing. The time consumed by teachers on this is phenomenal, hence cards are an ‘no’ at school.
Throughout this term most of our students will be involved in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. The festival runs throughout this term at various venues. Please keep an eye open for notes from Mrs Leith/class teachers and newsletters informing you of where the children are performing.
On Tuesday of this week, we had Hugo E and Nicholas M (both Y4) represent our school at the Primary Piano Performance at Aquinas College.
We are so proud of the boy’s performances. They both received excellent and outstanding scores from the adjudicators. Congratulations boys!
Our school community participated in our NAIDOC celebrations in the first week of term. Students from across the classes were busy engaging in amazing activities such as Dreamtime story read-alouds, learning new Whadjuk Noongar language and songs, using Minecraft to research and illustrate Noongar stories, decorating yarning sticks and completing Noongar crafts, and exploring a heap of enjoyable, interactive Yulunga games. Yaankga (thank you in Noongar) to Seda College students and staff for facilitating the fun-filled Yulunga games session.
Yesterday the Year 4 class joined their friends from St Helena's and Holy Cross College to engage in their Eucharist Retreat ahead of their Holy Communion in a couple of weeks time. We pray that the Year 4s who will be having their Holy Communion will continue to walk in God's light in preparation of receiving the Blessed Sacrament.
Mary MacKillop was the first Australian to be declared a saint by the Catholic Church and throughout her life, she was known as Mother Mary of the Cross. St Mary of the Holy Cross lived by her motto: "Never see a need without doing anything about it," a special message for us all in our daily lives. On this special feast day, Thursday 8th August, our Year 1 and Year 4 classes will be preparing a Mass for all our students and we invite parents to join us in the hall, commencing at 9:30 am.
Term 3 (Weeks 1 - 5)
Families are being encouraged to focus on their own wellbeing this term, so we have set up an easy and practical challenge. See the flyer below or download the pdf attachment on some small things you can do to improve the wellbeing of yourself and your family.
JFE Uniforms will be in our library this coming Thursday 1 August from 2:30 - 3:30 pm for parents to purchase uniform items.
Yesterday afternoon was the first 'Hook into Hockey' program at the Dayton Hockey Space. Students from Kindy up to Year 6 participated in the introductory sessions facilitated by the Eastern Blades Hockey Club. We are thankful to the instructors for their commitment to training our keen students over the next 8 weeks. An additional round of applause to Mrs Bol who has organised the clinic, and teachers who have assisted in supervising students.
Term Three Focus: Emotional Regulation
“Emotion regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviour and feelings in appropriate ways to meet situational demands. This encompasses resisting or controlling highly emotional reactions like frustration or excitement appropriately, calming emotions, adjusting to change, focusing on tasks, refocusing attention on a new task and controlling impulses.” – Child Development Clinic
During their class Wellbeing Dedicated Time, the students will be participating in a range of activities to develop their emotional regulation.
Meet Cloud! Cloud is a bit moody and unpredictable just like the weather. Cloud comes with happy, sad and mad feelings and teaches the students all about patience and tolerance and helps children develop an understanding for friends who are still learning to express their emotions in a healthy way. Check out the Home Links for things you can do at home!
Please see the flyer below for the current P&F news, or alternatively download the attachment.
Are you keen for your child/children to get some extra swimming lessons in before our school lessons start in Term 4? Why not sign up to VacSwim classes during the next school holidays to get them a little ahead? See information below on how to enrol.
BUILD A STRONG, VIBRANT COMMUNITY - Dayton, Brabham, Bennett Springs & Caversham
- Year 1s hosting Memory Cafe
Thursday 1 August
- Reconciliation for Eucharist
- Eucharist Rehearsal 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm
Friday 2 August
- Year 5/6 Recorder Performance at Catholic Performing Arts Festival (Orana CPS, Willeton from 11:00 am - 12:15 pm)
- Final date for submission of Family Recipe - Emmaus Cookbook
Saturday 3 August
- Ëucharist Mass @ 6:00 pm
Sunday 4 August
- Eucharist Mass @ 9:30 am
- Emmaus P&F Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Ellenbrook
Monday 5 August
- Y5/6 Parent Information Session @ 6:00 pm
Tuesday 6 August
- Year 2 Musical Performance Catholic Performing Arts Assembly @ 9:00 am
- P&F Meeting @ 6:00 pm
Thursday 8 August
- Mary MacKillop Feast Day Mass (Y1 & 4) 9:00 am
Friday 9 August
- Assembly @ 9:00 am (Pre-Primary)
Please download the latest TERM 3 CALENDAR. Note that there are updates since the last published version:
Our next newsletter will be distributed on Friday 9 August.
Enjoy your weekend.
God bless!
Sandro Coniglio