All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - March 23rd, 2023
Loving God,
Give us the strength,
To be humble,
to be faithful,
to stand with our
sisters and brothers.
Give us the strength,
To be like our Brother Oscar,
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Tomorrow, we celebrate the Feast Day of Oscar Romero, Patron Saint of All Souls School. Here is the biography about the life of Saint Oscar Romero.
Yesterday we celebrated the academic awards ceremony. It was wonderful to see so many of our students receive either an Honor or a Principal award. We also recognized students who were awarded recognition in the Mercy Art show and the Mercy Science Fair, along with students who participated in the Academic Decathlon from 7th and 8th Grade. We also received honorable mentions for students who participated in the Respect for Life essay. Isaac Borneo took out the Grand Prize for Grade 1.
Honorable Mentions:
Gr. 1
Sophia Liam
Gr 2.
Jessica Avelar
Savannah Wong
Gr. 3rd
Devin Mingao
Jacob Ofrasio
Gr. 4th
Aaron Pruett Jr.
Romulo Jimenez
Josephine Ortiz
Mario Aldaz
Miguel Diaz Jr.
Valencia Tijerino
Aria Cuyugan
Aviana Gooseff
Gr. 5th
Sheryl Ouyang
Gr. 6th
Diego Teos
Mason Mineses
Matthew Nicolas
Rebecca Horne
Mila Rivera
Hudson Herrera
Lisbeth Flores
Melody Hu
Krish Patel
Gr. 8th
Angeleen Bartolome
Aryana Dizon
Brianna Hernandez
Alinah Oviedo
Nohemi Verdin
Aliyah Agbunag
Izabella Zamudio
Congratulations to all our students for these achievements.
St. Patrick’s Day Band
We are very proud of our school band who performed in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Our students were one of 6 schools who played together. It was a wonderful experience for the students performing in San Francisco on such a great day. Our band was nominated first place in the judging of the bands that participated in the parade. Many thanks to Mr. Frye our band teacher for all his inspiration and passion for the band and transferring it onto our students.
The re-enrollment window opened on March 1st and continues through to March 31st. Please ensure to follow the instructions for the re-enrollment process. Just a reminder to families that tuition remains the same as this year. There was no increase in tuition. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cierra at
Financial Aide
Deadlines for Financial Aide are soon approaching on March 31, and April 15. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Escobar at Please see below for more information and links.
Feast Day
Our feast day of St. Oscar Romero is tomorrow Friday, March 24th. We will celebrate that day with Mass at 8am, an extended recess and cookies.
Parent’s Social Evening – Molly’s Tavern
Save the date for some good social fun on Saturday April 29th. More information from the school board to come.
High School Decisions
Our 8th graders were notified of acceptances for the various high schools last Friday. All the students got into at least one of their high school choices. Some students received substantial scholarships. Well done students!!
Technology Parent Survey
As part of the Technology Plan revision, there are various surveys to the shareholders of the community. The committee is interested in hearing from the parent community. Could you take a few minutes to complete the survey. Click here to take the survey
God Bless and Stay Safe,
Vincent Riener
Advisory Board Notes
Hi All Souls families.
Change of Date for Molloy's Fundraiser:
Due to availability of Molloy's, the event has been changed to 4/29. Event starts at 7 pm.
Fun Run is on 5/12
Kick-off will happen after Easter. More to come from the school.
Just a friendly reminder, participating families need to complete 40 hours of service before the end of the year.
If you are still in need of hours....
We always need help with the following:
Yard Duty
Supervise students in the yard from 7:45 to 8:15 am. Must contact Mrs. Cierra for available days. Mrs. Cierra
Setup, serve and cleanup cafeteria lunch. Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez for hours and available days.
Mrs. Gonzalez
Help with Friday night Bingo. Please contact Derrick for available days.
Contact: Derrick Wong
Misc. hours, please contact the office or e-mail for other opportunities.
Please continue to log your hours upon completion through the MobileServe app.
The following is a list of supervisors that need to be added to approve your hours:
Matt Ayon
School Board
Mia Planas-David
Derrick Wong
Mrs. Gonzalez
AM Yard Duty
Mr. Pineda
Recess/Lunch Yard Duty
Ms. Escobar
Photocopying and Other volunteer hours
Mrs. Cierra
On behalf of the School Board, thank you in advance.
Mia Planas-David
Basic fund deadline is March 31, 2023 and for TADS is April 15, 2023.
It is important that parents follow the guidelines from these groups regarding deadlines for submissions of applications.
Please feel free to contact me if you encounter any issues or concerns.
Ms. Claudia Escobar
24 Feast Day of St. Oscar Romero
27 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20 Dismissal
31 Cesar Chavez Day - Regular School Day
3 Early Dismissal - 2:30pm - Faculty Meeting
6 9am Prayer Service (Full School Uniform)
6 Holy Thursday - 12:20 Dismissal
7 Good Friday - Holiday
9 Easter Sunday
10-14 Easter Vacation
17 School Resumes
17-21 Grade 6 Outdoor Ed
17 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20 Dismissal
18 School Assembly - 2:30pm
18 School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
27 Agape - 2pm
Cafeteria Payments
Dear All Souls Families,
You can now pay and add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account through SchoolSpeak. Your payment will be processed through PayPal with a 3% convenience fee for all transactions.
Sign-in to your SchoolSpeak account and select "Lunch Order" in the quick links menu on the left. The "Pay" tab will direct you to your payment options. You may pay the cafeteria balance through your existing PayPal account or as a guest using your credit or debit card. You may also add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account. If you wish, you may still make cash or check payments to the school office.
Please note, for the families that have a credit card on file I will no longer be charging your credit card for lunch payments. You are responsible for paying and adding credit to your cafeteria account.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ms. Escobar