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Chameleon Chronicle 2024
September Edition
Dear Howe Hall AIMS Families!
We are off to a fantastic start this school year! Our recent Parent Nights were a huge success, bringing together families and educators to build strong partnerships for our students' achievement. Wonderful things are happening in our classrooms as we embark on a year filled with learning, growth, and community.
As we head into the Labor Day weekend, we hope you take the time to relax and enjoy some well-deserved time with family and friends. Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a wonderful September ahead!
Better Together Quilt by our Kindergarten Chameleons!
If you attended one of the grade level parent nights please complete the survey below. We are always looking for ways to improve. Thank you for a great start to the school year.
We appreciate all of the parents that volunteered for duty free lunch on Friday.
From the Desk of Ms. Knight
Runners, take your mark, get set, GO!
This year, we are excited to announce that the students at Howe Hall AIMS will have an extra P. E. class once a week. During these classes, students will participate in team sports and running or walking laps with the goal being to have run 26 miles prior to January 25, 2025. Now you may be wondering, “What is so special about January 25, 2025?” It is the date of the Charleston Youth Marathon! Our goal is to have all students at HHA run/walk enough laps during their extra P.E. classes that they would each have gone a total of 26 miles by the time January 25 rolls around. Then they will only need to run the final two tenths of a mile in order to have completed an entire marathon, which is 26.2 miles. The teachers in charge of the P.E. class will be recording each student’s mileage while at school. We encourage all of our parents to register their children now for the Charleston Youth Marathon using the link listed below. Go to the orange box that says, “Register Today”. Under the categories tab, click Youth Marathon. The event is free and children who register will receive a free t-shirt and finisher medal. This goal of running/walking 26 miles is a great opportunity to begin to create a healthy lifestyle of physical activity in our children.
Student Behavioral Expectations
Did you know that Howe Hall AIMS uses drama as a school-wide management tool?
Focus 5’s Acting Right is an arts-based strategy that provides students with the tools to remain calm, focused, and balanced
The Actor’s Toolbox begins with students signing a silent contract that they promise to control their bodies, voices, and imaginations and to concentrate and cooperate. Then, students practice strengthening their concentration and cooperation skills through a series of challenges. Adopting a common language pinpoints areas where students are making strong vs. weak choices and provides students with a sense of ownership over their behavior. This language, and even signing the contract itself, can be done throughout the day to reinforce set expectations. It also prepares students for deeper applications of content through the use of drama and provides teachers with both a management tool as well as a way of assessing student understanding.
Students are also learning the difference between a stage voice and a speaking voice. A stage voice is one that students should use when on stage or presenting in front of their classmates. A speaking voice is one that you use when speaking to someone beside you.
The Chameleon Way
Students will be in Control of their:
Spotlight on the Arts
From the Desk of Mrs. Irimescu
Welcome back artists!!
If you don’t know me already, I am Mrs. Irimescu and I am the Art teacher here at Howe Hall AIMS. I have taught here as an art teacher for 6 years and I previously taught here as a third grade teacher for 6 years. This gives me a unique perspective when it comes to infusion lessons because I have been on the general education teacher side, as well as, the Arts teacher side. I live in Goose Creek with my husband and two daughters. I am so excited to see all of the new creations the students will make this year. I am eager to share what we will be doing in infusion lessons and during our exploratory classes. If you have any questions or need to reach me you can reach me at irimescub@bcsdschools.net or through Rooms.
From the Desk of Mrs. Steele
Hello! My name is Mrs. Kim Steele and I am the DANCE Educator here at Howe Hall AIMS. This is my 23rd year teaching and I am so honored and proud to call AIMS my home! I am very excited to share my
love of all things dance with your student(s). I am positive and know that we will all BE BETTER TOGETHER this year. Thank you parents for supporting the arts here at our fantastic school. Message me on ROOMS if you have any questions or concerns.
From the Desk of Mrs. Liebenow
Hello and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you. My name is Mrs. Liebenow and I have been teaching music for over 29 years! My family members are all musicians and we love the fact that music can be a lifelong skill. My job is to teach music to the students at Howe Hall Aims. Sometimes music is fun and easy and other times it is hard work. This year, we will be exploring a variety of exciting skills, including instruments, singing, movement, music history, shows, composing, and rhythms.
I am looking forward to a fun and engaging year ahead, filled with lots of musical adventures! Thank you for your support as we embark on this journey together.
Please send an email if you have any questions at liebenowc@bcsdschools.net.
From the Desk of Mrs. Pond and Mr. Voss
Hello, My name is Mrs. Kim Pond. I have been teaching PE for over 28 years. I love teaching PE and I know your kids will love it too! This year, we are excited to have Mr. Voss join us on Mondays. Mr. Voss has taught PE for over ten years all over Berkeley County. He is excited to join us at HHA!
We will teach the importance of fitness and exercise on Mondays for their extra PE. On their other PE day (45 minutes) we will start with a Fitness Unit. All students will jump rope for Kids Heart Challenge in February. All students will participate in Field Day in April. Kindergarten through 2nd grade will be working on kicking, throwing, tossing, locomotor, and striking skills, as well as a body management unit with mats.
Students in grades 3rd-5th will participate in the Pacer Challenge, this is part of our state Fitness Gram Assessment for PE. Students in grades 3rd-5th grade will participate in the PACER challenge starting in September. They will also participate in Hockey, soccer, basketball, volleyball, Softball/baseball, and many more game activities.
From the Desk of Mrs. Rogers
Welcome to HHA Theatre! I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you as we explore the magic of Theatre! This year we will discover key concepts in acting: movement, voice, character, and ensemble. The students will build these skills through improvisational theatre, creative writing, and dramatic play. In addition to acting, we will research the origins of theatre, study a variety of acting styles, and explore key concepts in technical theatre and video editing.
Digital Citizenship
From the Desk of Mrs. Rodriguez
Welcome back to school and back to the library! Chromebooks rolled out to our students within the first few days of school, so it’s time to kick off our digital citizenship lessons! Our school utilizes the Common Sense Media curriculum to ensure students receive high-quality, research and standards based instruction on digital citizenship throughout the school year. All lessons are grade level appropriate and will address topics such as media balance, privacy & security, digital footprint & identity, relationships & communication, and news & media literacy, depending on the grade level. One good universal focus for all of us is media balance. Common Sense Media has shared the following tips on their website for finding media balance in our families:
“Check out these 4 tips for healthy media balance"
1. Balance screen use with other activities.
Aim for a healthy balance that includes time with family and friends, outside play and exercise, and plenty of sleep. Set family rules about when, how long, and where the family can watch television, use phones and tablets, or play video games. Let your children help define the rules for themselves (and for you!).
Ask yourself: What rules does my family have for television, phones, tablets, or video games? Are they interrupting family time, such as at meals or bedtime?
2.Choose shows, videos, or apps that match your child's age and interests.
Set household rules about what TV shows, movies, apps, or games the family can use. Use sites like Common Sense Media to find high-quality content. Look for shows or games that encourage children to actively think, create, or play along. Try to avoid content with loud sounds, flashing ads, or other distracting features.
Ask yourself: Does my child seem interested, or are they bored or frustrated? What are they learning from the TV show, video, or app?
3.Make screen time social.
When your child is watching a TV show or video, or playing a video game, it's great to watch or play with them. It's important that time spent with screens doesn't replace time spent with a loving caregiver. If you can't watch with them, talk with your children about what they watched or played after the fact. Draw connections between what they saw on screen with experiences they have in the real world.
Ask yourself: When my young child is watching a TV show or video, or playing an app, is there a sibling or adult who can watch or play with them? What can I talk to my child about after they watch or play something.
4. Think about your own habits.
Research shows that having the television on in the background at home can lead to fewer interactions with your child. Try to keep the TV set off if no one is watching it, and silence your phone to reduce the distractions. Do your best to model self-control when it comes to your devices.
Ask yourself: Am I distracted by my phone or the TV when playing with my children? What are some adult "tech-free times" I can set for myself and for the family?”Mark Your Calendar
We will use Strawbridge for our school portraits this year. Photo packages will be sent home with students after photos are taken on 9/12/24. Pricing for the photos is below. If you are not interested you simply return all of the photos back to the school.
From the Desk of Mrs. Odgers
Regular attendance is necessary for students to make the desired and expected academic and social progress. However, we recognize that some absences are unavoidable. Please see the BCSD Attendance Policy for more informatiion. https://go.boarddocs.com/sc/berkeley/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=BAQ5QL10D77A
Please be sure to send in an excuse if your child is absent from school. The excuse needs to list the date of the absence, the date of the excuse, the reason for the absence, and the telephone number and signature of the parent or guardian or certified medical practitioner. Please understand that excessive tardiness and early sign-outs impact student learning outcomes.
Please email your excuses to Yolanda Odgers or send them with your child.
Lawful Absences:
Absences that are excused by a doctor or medical professional
Death in the immediate family
A recognized religious holiday
Special circumstances approved in advance by the principal
A parent sick note for illnesses may excuse up to 10 days
* Please note that Berkeley County School District does not view vacations as a lawful excuse to be out of school.
A total of three consecutive or five total unlawful absences is considered truant and may require an attendance intervention meeting.
From the Desk of Nurse Foiles
Hello everyone. I hope you all had an amazing summer and are settling into the new school year. I wanted to take a moment to review a few things regarding the nurse’s office this year.
I have given each teacher a generalized guide on when a student should see me and how soon. If any of the 9 B’s are involved (see attachment), they may send the student directly to me without delay. Any other ailments or complaints are asked to try to manage them within the classroom and/or wait 20 minutes to see if symptoms subside. If symptoms persist or increase during that time, they may send the student to me for further evaluation.
If you have something at home that arises with your child that you would like to share with me, please email me at FoilesA@bcsdschools.net or give me a call if it’s during the school day. Please refer to the DHEC exclusion criteria see button below to help determine if your child should stay home from school. Thank you all for your help in making this a great year.
From the Desk of Ms. Aymee Wilhite
If your child needs to pay for lunch, please send the money with the student or add it through My School Bucks https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action?clientKey=&requestAction=home. Contact the school if you need assistance. For information about Free and Reduced Lunch Applications please go to https://berkeleynutrition.net/?page=lunchapps.
School Improvement Council and Fine Arts Steering Committee
Are you interested in Joining the School Improvment Council or Fine Arts Steering Committee?
We are looking to fill two parent representative seats on our (SIC) School Improvement Council. We do not have any open seat for the (FASC) Fine Arts Steering Committee at this time. We will use the third person selected for the FASC if we have a seat open up during the year.
A School Improvement Council is an advisory council to the principal and school on issues related to school improvement. The Fine Arts Steering Committee helps create the strategic art plan that serves as a guide toward the development and implementation of a quality arts education program. If you are interested in in serving on this committee or if you would like to nominate someone please stop by the office to pick up a nomination form. These forms are due by September 10, 2024.
Nurse Amber would like to thank everyone that donated tissues!
Meet the 24.25 PTA Board
President Tina Wright
Vice President Lauren Thomas
Treasurer Amanda Blocker
Secretary Sarah Ekvall
Important Events
Business Sponsorship Opportunity
Do you have a business? Would you like to be a Howe Hall AIMS Business Sponsor? We are looking for some partnerships, if you are interested please email mcalista@bcsdschools.net for more information.
Calling All Publix Shoppers
Don't Forget to Order your Yearbook
Yearbooks are $25.00 if purchase before December 31st. On January 1st is will cost $30.00. Buy yours today!
Chameleon Community Outreach
Walk-N-Roll for Spina Bifida
If you are interested in supporting the Walk-N-Roll click on the photo and if you are interested in supporting one of our Chameleons please click the link below!
Resources for Parents
Welcome Back Chameleons!