MAY 2021
Dear Herget Families...
The end of the school year is fast approaching and this will be the final news of the 2020-2021 school year. This month marks a transition for all of our students; some will be transitioning to high school, while others are transitioning to a new grade. Needless to say, they will all be continuing their educational journey and we wish them all much success.
I would like to take this opportunity to genuinely thank the parents, staff, students, and community members who helped navigate this challenging school year. Albeit challenging, nothing replaces the opportunity of having students in the building. It is my hope that in the coming months we all take some time to relax, refresh, exhale and enjoy family and friends. Have a safe and wonderful summer!
Ms. Larry, Principal
Seventh graders have been back in class and working on MLA formal argumentative writing using CER (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning) to argue a point. We have done a sequence of activities to lead them to success, from viewing a crime scene picture and identifying and discussing ‘universal truths’, defending or prosecuting SpongeBob, to arranging puzzle strips in proper paragraph order for an argumentative essay. Students have had the opportunity to work with a peer, in groups, and as a whole class with conversations of opposing views on topics like school uniforms, screen time, cell phone privileges, and video games. Our seventh graders have shown their critical thinking with the topics they chose for their independent writing process. We are excited to see them sitting in front of us again and anxious to read their great essays.
The Project Lead the Way 7th and 8th graders are finishing up the quarter by experimenting with thermal energy and heat transfer. The penguin dwellings are coming along nicely as they hypothesize about the materials that they selected to build their dwelling from. Who will have the dwelling that keeps the ice penguin the safest and prevents it from melting?
The 7th and 8th grade CTE class completed their first sewing projects, which were face masks. They did an excellent job troubleshooting any issue that arose, as they navigated the process of using a sewing machine for the first time.
Mrs. Metallo's 1st period Electives class has been hard at work doing a wide variety of projects throughout the year including woodworking in the shop. Students learned how to safely use hand saws to cut pine lumber. The project also included hand sanding, applying paint, as well as safely using hammers and nails. The effort that students put into their work was very evident in their finished projects... way to go, 1st period! You should be proud!
Thank You A+ Foundation
Avoid the Summer Slide
Reading every day is important, but it is particularly important over the summer. Many students who don’t read regularly experience the “summer slide”. These students actually lose some of the reading skills that they learned during the school year for lack of practice. Read on for tips on how to motivate your student to avoid this dreaded slide:
Neighborhood/Family Book Club – Gather a few neighbors, friends, or family to choose a book to read together. Meet once a week or every few weeks to discuss the book and socialize. You can even make treats or play games that relate to the setting, events, characters, or themes from the book you’re reading. If there is a movie version of the book, you could even have a viewing party when everyone finishes reading!
Book Project – Pair a book your student has read with a project. For example, if your student read a book about a soldier at war, you could put together a care package or write some letters to send to active troops or veterans.
Book Picnics – Grab a blanket, some snacks, and a book to read under a tree outside.
Journal/Diary – With all that free time, summer is the perfect opportunity to strengthen the reading-writing connection by having your student start their own journal or diary. They can record all the goings-on of their summer fun and reminisce about them for years to come.
Vacation Research – Have your student research any destinations you may travel to this summer to get them amped up for trips. Students can also research and plan short day trips for themselves and the family if you didn’t have any big vacations planned. Knowing about the places they’ll go and taking part in the planning makes the journey that much more enjoyable for students.
Set the Example – When your student sees you reading and enjoying a book, newspaper, or magazine, you are sending a message that reading is important and valuable. Make opportunities to show your student that you read for fun too.
Four to Six for Success – Recent research has shown that reading 4 to 6 books during the summer can keep readers from regressing altogether. Be open to taking frequent trips to your local library or bookstore and allow your student to pick books based on their interests and ability level. It’s a good idea for students to make a list of before the summer begins of all books they are interested in reading. This way they can ask for recommendations from their friends or teachers and even coordinate some of those book clubs with their peers. Students should include a few more than 6 titles on their lists in case they find one to be a bit too challenging for their current reading skill.
It should be noted that we view summer as an important opportunity to get a different kind of education. It's a time for soccer camps, theater camps, debate camps, cooking camps. It's a time for going to the pool, hanging out with kids down the block, and for vacations in far-off lands or in campgrounds in your own backyard. So don’t kill your students’ love for reading with worry over the summer slide. Instead have an open conversation about it, make a plan that you can both be happy with, and be there to support them as they attempt to follow through.
This school year there was sadly no in-person regional competition for Herget Middle School’s Mathcounts team to attend due to the pandemic. However, this did not stop a group of 10 dedicated students from Herget Middle School to attend practices together and be all the readier for in-person math competitions next year. The students are still attending practices currently as the school year ends.
These students learned how to push themselves further and made personal gains in challenging themselves and talking and listening to others about how to do higher level thinking problems. The students also got an idea of what type and level of math problems they can expect to see at middle school level and higher math competitions. Mathcounts also puts a strong focus on team working skills.
The following students are members of our Mathcounts team this year: David Alcantar, Lauren Catich, Carlos Gracia Sheets, Ainsley Jones, Nathan McGinnis, Marcus Quintana, Dylan Raskosky, Greyson Roderick, Sophia Savini, and Jacob Wadle. The Herget The Middle School math team is coached by mathematics teacher Chuck Linneman.
Support Services
Wow! What a year 2020-21 has been! It’s certainly one we never forget. As the school year ends, we want to encourage you to stay connected. Never stop learning and try new things. Here is a summer challenge for you:
1. Spend a lot of time outside! Fishing, walking, nature walks, etc.
2. Pay attention to the nature around you. If birds are singing, can you identify what type of bird? Listen to the wind and rolls of thunder
3. Enjoy summertime foods! Watermelon, popsicles, fresh vegetables, and grilled delights come to mind
4. Read…just for fun! Do a Sudoku puzzle
5. Appreciate the warm, clear nights. Go star-gazing. Read about constellations and see if you can identify as many as possible. (Try the app, SkyView Lite)
6. Spend time with your family…play cards or games!
7. Spend some time thinking about what you are thankful for and share
8. Do a Random Act of Kindness at least once a week.
9. Don’t forget how valuable and worthwhile YOU are!
10. Enjoy your summer!
Need resources for a variety of topics/needs? Check out the district webpage, Community Resources.
You did it! It is the end of the 2021 school year. We have endured transitions from virtual to in-person to virtual to in-person classrooms as we complied with the IDPH and KCHD COVID Pandemic guidelines. Please be sure to keep practicing the good habits of handwashing and social distancing and wearing your masks. Health requirements for our school community over the summer should be changing. Stay tuned to our district website for updates that might be helpful. Thank you for student and family efforts to unite and keep Herget safe by quarantining when needed. Thank you for isolating yourself during an illness until you were ready to return to school.
Our school has made history as we learn how to keep each other safe during a pandemic. Your self-checking every morning through District 129 daily health screener helped guide nursing involvement to help you. A self-check is a good health practice moving forward. Ask yourself, “Am I ready to learn? Am I ready to play? Am I rested, fed, and thinking clearly today?”. Great job Huskies!
Good Luck to all of our eighth graders. Herget health office has recently completed vision screening for this year. You should have received a notice in the mail if your child was unable to pass a vision screening. Please submit the vision exam findings to West High after the doctor completes the form. Any sixth or seventh-grade student who has an updated vision exam finding should return those forms to Herget Middle School as soon as possible. Also, May 15th is the final date for 6th-grade dental exams. Please submit your dental exams before the end of this school year.
As we head into summer this is just a reminder to enjoy, rest and play safe everyone!
Elizabeth Silva RN-CSN
Here is what is going on in Social Studies this Spring as we wrap up a year of learning and growing…
6th Grade students are currently wrapping up their study of Ancient Greece. Students compared and contrasted the ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta. Students also explored the world’s first democratic government and compared it to the form of democracy we use today.
7th Grade social studies students are taking an in-depth look at the Early American explorers. As we move on from explorers, students will take a closer look at the early American colonies and the conflicts that arose from those early American settlements. We will explore significant events that lead to the American Revolution and review evidence that supports whether or not the conflict was avoidable. The background information obtained in the American Revolution unit sets the stage for our Civics unit that will begin next school year as 8th graders.
8th graders will finish the year by looking at the effects of WWII and connecting what they have learned to the Cold War and Vietnam War eras. Students will continue to look at sourcing, contextualization, corroboration, and close reading while analyzing primary sources to get a better understanding of different experiences people had during these time periods.
It has been a very busy year in Social Studies. We have traveled the world and we will continue to challenge students to think critically about the world around them. One of the ways that we have challenged students to think critically is by asking “good” questions and having classroom dialogue with their peers. Good questions can encourage higher-level thinking and will push students to think more critically about the world all around them.
Husky Physical and Health Education remains an integral educational program that continues to drive instruction to students and reinforces how important it is to understand and participate in physical activities that can assist in developing and maintaining mental and emotional, social, and physical health throughout our changing world.
Herget PE students have been participating and will continue to participate in regular physical fitness (5) five days per week. Students will continue to achieve this as we close the 4th quarter and get ready to finish strong in the 2020-2021 academic year. Through physical activities undertaken in an active, caring, supportive, and non-threatening atmosphere, each student and staff member is challenged and will experience success.
The PE staff will continue to introduce a variety of physical fitness developmental activities such as agility and plyometric exercises, focus on flexibility utilizing weekly Yoga flows, place an emphasis on cardiovascular endurance by using cardiovascular machines in our fitness center, and build muscular endurance and muscular strength using our new resistance super band trainers.
The week of May 10-14, West High and all middle schools held inclusion week, in their physical education class. This was a week of information and activities focused on being accepting of students' mental, physical, and emotional differences.
As the weather improves, we ask that students continue to dress in athletic attire (including athletic shoes) for physical activity and always be ready to go outdoors when the weather permits. On behalf of the PE & Health Department staff, we wish all HUSKIES a safe, active, and healthy summer break and look forward to starting the 2021-2022 school year strong.
(Pictured above...students using new yoga mats!)
Herget Athletic Summer Camps
This summer Herget will be hosting free athletic summer camps for incoming 6th,7th, and 8th graders. To register please visit Herget Middle School | Home (8to18.com). Click on registration and then summer camps to begin the registration process. If you do not have an account you must create one. You will pick your summer camp on step 3 of the registration process. You can participate in more than one summer camp. If you have questions about the registration process please contact Mr. White (awhite@sd129.org or 630-301-5755).
Cross Country Camp – various locations and times, please see the attached flyer. Contact: Coach Banholzer (mbanholzer@sd129.org)
Football Camp –June 14-18 – 9 am-11 am. Located on the football field. Contact: Coach Shaw (ashaw@sd129.org)
Poms Camp – June 21-25 – 1:30pm-3pm. Located in the gym. Contact: Coach Eimer (seimer@sd129.org)
Boys Volleyball Camp – July 26-30 – 9 am-11 am. Located in the gym. Contact: Coach Banks (lbanks@sd129.org)
Girls Volleyball Camp – August 2-6 – 9 am-11 am. Located in the gym. Contact: Coach Banks (lbanks@sd129.org)
6th graders will continue their exploration of space in May. The culminating activity will be a project that they do research an object in space where they would want to build their space colony. They will research and present their findings to the class.
7th graders will be concluding their unit on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Students will end the year exploring the transfer of energy through the various food chain and food web relationships.
8th graders will design an earthquake-proof structure. Students will construct towers made out of drinking straws that must withstand simulated earthquakes and vibrations on a shake table. Students will then be given time to repair any damage before the next trial. Students will learn the basics of earthquake engineering and design, as well as team skills essential to all fields of science and engineering.Thank you Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter
On behalf of our entire school community, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Alpha Sigma Zeta Chapter for your generous donations of resources to enhance the educational opportunities students. It is truly a pleasure to collaborate with and we certainly appreciate having you as a partner in education (Pictured above are some students that were the recipients of awards)
Greetings from the LMC! It is imperative that our students find time to read over summer break. The ideal time for this is 20 minutes in the morning before playing outside, or before bed. If getting to a public library is difficult, students are encouraged to borrow books from Sora, our district’s eBook resource. In order to improve their reading scores, students should read AT LEAST 4 books over summer break. Students may reach out to Mrs. Dieken at any point if they are looking for book recommendations. Sora login: username- student ID#, password-student birthday (MMDDYYYY).
Battle of the Books will be commencing the week of May 10th! All participants should have their three to four books read prior to the 10th!
ALL library books are due May 21st. Please help remind your child of thisϑ
Level A students in 7th grade are finishing up their novel study. The novel is about a boy who has ideas on what to do instead of going to school. Students are listening to the audiobook and reading the book. We are drawing and acting out the story.
Level B students in 8th grade are finishing their unit about what to do in the city. Students are writing and speaking about what they eat, drink, buy and do at various places in the city.
Heritage Spanish classes are finishing up their food unit. They have been exploring common ingredients and traditional dishes from various Latin American countries. In addition, each student created a poster about a favorite family recipe.
On Tuesday, May 25th our 8th-grade students will participate in a promotion ceremony during the Herget school day. The event will be videotaped and shared with the public at the conclusion of the ceremony. The 8th grade students will be bringing home their promotion certificates, awards, and any other school related items they may have received for the 2020-2021 school year.
Our virtual students will receive their certificates and awards in the U.S. mail. The parade celebrating 8th grade promotion will begin at 6:30 pm and is open to both in-person and virtual 8th grade students. We look forward to seeing everyone and wishing our 8th graders continued success as they enter high school.
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Herget Middle School
Email: hergethuskies@sd129.org
Website: https://herget.sd129.org/
Location: 1550 Deerpath Road, Aurora, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 301-5006
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HergetHuskies
Twitter: @HergetSchool