Week of December 8: Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
December 2024
December School Appreciation days
December 2: Special Education Day
Countdown to winter break
All students are approved to participate:
- Every Monday in December: wear holiday socks, Santa hat, or jingle bells with full school uniform
- Every Tuesday in December: wear a Christmas shirt with school uniform bottoms
- Every Wednesday in December: wear a green shirt or accessories with school uniform bottoms
- Every Thursday in December: wear a flannel or plaid shirt with school uniform bottoms
- Every Friday in December: wear a red shirt and accessories with school uniform bottoms
What's happening at the Bouch!
*please note their have been some changes from last week*
Tuesday, December 10: Home school communication folders sent home
date change- Monday, December 16: Kidz Boutique starts (an opportunity for your child to purchase items for family members at a low cost); flyer will be sent home in blue folder
Tuesday, December 17: Home school communication folders sent home
Tuesday, December 17: PreK-1st PBIS semester one reward
Wednesday, December 18: 2nd-5th PBIS semester one reward- permission slip will be sent home with eligble students
Friday, December 20: 9W2 ends
date change- Friday, December 20: Kidz Boutique ends
Monday, December 23: starts winter break; students return on January 7
AR (Accelerated Reader)/Library
9W2: ends December 19, 2024
AR reward: Pajamas and Hot Chocolate party with Mrs. Terry the librarian.
How to earn the reward: Meet all 3 goals (points, percentage, and reading levels)
NEW! The library will be open on the following dates to allow your child to checkout books and take AR test to further help them meet their nine week AR goal.
*parent must attend with the student*
Principal C.'s AR Point club- ends May 9 (data below updated weekly)
25 points- earn a book grab bag
- Basil B.
- Mallorie O.
- Khristian R.
- Mali W.
- Ava T.
- Emelie C.
- Randy B.
- Jett L.
added week of 12/1
- Demin E.
- Ava M.
added week of 12/8
- Parker H.
- Kharter N.
- Bailey L.
- Basil B.
- Mallorie O.
200 points- earn a T-shirt
400 points- Lunch off campus with Principal C. and Mrs. Terry
Counselor's Corner
New Month, New CORE Value
The CORE Value for the Month of December is SERVICE.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others."
Be on the lookout for the Core Essentials newsletter for more info!
Your input is needed!
Please take a moment to fill out our Family survey. Your feedback is so important to us and completing the survey helps us to continue receiving funding.
It only takes about five minutes to finish. Click the link below to support the Bouch!
Big Brothers, Big Sisters partnership
We are incredibly happy to have so many students sign up for the BBBS program. Their team is currently working on interviewing students to find their perfect match!
Growth, Opportunity, Safety, Culture Highlights
For the month of December, I am challenging students to meet their weekly Lexia usage goal by completing 12-15 units each week. Students who complete 24-30 units in a 10-day time frame will be placed in a drawing for a very special prize to be given on 12/20.
Attendance recovery:
If your child is absent from school, he or she is missing vital information which will prepare them to master on grade level content by the end of the school year.
Attendance recovery is offered on our campus as an opportunity for students to remain after school three days a week to work on assignments to help close learning gaps created by absences.
Mrs. Trahan, asst. principal, is the lead for attendance/truancy on our campus. Please reach out to her if you received a message from her regarding your child's attendance.