Mrs. Risinger's Class
3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of October 14th - October 17th, 2024
Please watch for important papers that are sent home in Monday folders.
Popcorn fundraiser forms due October 21st!
Upcoming Events
October 14th: PTO meeting 4:15pm.
October 17th: Rise-up Assembly 7:35am.
October 17th: Spirit Stamp Sale $1.00
October 21st: Popcorn Fundraiser Ends.
October 22nd: Hispanic Heritage Program 9am @ Justiss and 5:30pm @ PJH.
October 24th: Cultiv8 Field Trip!!
October 28th-31st: RED Ribbon Week.
Announcements and Reminders
School is from 7:30 until 3:45.
Please make sure you have signed up for my Remind.
Thank you to all that have sent snacks!
Weekly Lesson
Math - We will use multiplication to compare.
Science - We will measure and compare weather conditions and begin to connect how weather affects the surface of Earth.
Math: We will use multiplication to compare.
Science - We will measure and compare weather conditions and begin to connect how weather affects the surface of Earth.
Math - We will use table to record multiplicative relationships.
Science - We will measure and compare weather conditions and begin to connect how weather affects the surface of Earth.
Math - We will solve multiplicative comparison word problems.
Science - We will measure and compare weather conditions and begin to connect how weather affects the surface of Earth.
Friday: No School
Math -
Science -
Teacher Information
Phone: 903-737-7458