Education Careers
Exploring Education & Training Careers
The educational career pathway includes careers at public and private schools at every level including elementary school, colleges and universities. Corporate training and instructional technology is also a part of this field. There are about 10 million jobs in the education and training cluster. Most careers in this cluster have an average to bright outlook over the next ten years.
Occupational Profiles Show Us:
- Projected Employment
- Typical Wages
- Education, Certifications, Licensure & Apprenticeships
- Activities, Knowledge, Abilities & Skills
- Related Occupations
I am in High School. How Do I Get Started?
- Enroll in a state-approved Career Tech Education (CTE) Program - To get started talk with your school counselor and review your school’s course guide to explore availability and enrollment requirements. These courses may be named ‘Educational Foundations,’ ‘Education Careers,’ or something similar. If you enroll in CTE course for future educators , you may work towards the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential or the Michigan Youth Development Associate (Mi-YDA) Credential
- Other High School Coursework - Consider other classes that will provide a good foundation for teaching and working with youth . Consider psychology, sociology, public speaking, communications and information technology. In addition, enrolling in courses for further exploration can offer a good foundation for teaching in that specific content area. For example, if you enjoy art, enrolling in a variety of art classes will offer opportunities for exposure, skill development, and mastery; these are all great traits for a budding art teacher.
- Enroll in a First Aid and CPR course
- Consider an Entry Level Position - Explore opportunities to work as a teacher’s aid, school bus aid, babysitter, summer camp counselor, or something related
In Michigan, teachers are required to take these courses within the first year of employment in classroom teaching on or after August 1, 2023. School districts will offer this training to staff, but getting a headstart can be helpful to learning and mastering these required skills. A local community college, recreation center, or the American Red Cross can offer opportunities for learning.
- Join a Club
Educators Rising , Young Educators Society (YES), and other school based clubs offer opportunities where future teachers come together to learn, share, and connect with educational professionals. Field trips, project-based learning, community service, and other activities related to educational careers are at their core. If your school doesn’t have a club, consider talking with a staff member about starting a club at your school.
- Attend the Educators Rising Conference and Competition at Wayne State University in March 2025
- Attend Wayne State University’s Next Gen Teacher Program during the Summer
- Explore and research other school-based careers including social worker, school counselor, school nurse, speech pathologist, school administrator, and others at CareerOneStop.
Community College Programs in Wayne County
Community colleges are a great place to start for the first two years of a program in education. Consider what age of student you'd like to work with and what content you'd like to teach when choosing a program.
University Education Programs in Michigan
Most universities offer teacher education programs. Look for majors in pre-education, elementary education, secondary education, early-childhood education, special education and other specialty programs. Here are a few university programs in Michigan to explore:
Locate additional In-State Education Programs
Applying for Financial Aid
- Obtain FSA ID
- Complete the FAFSA Form
- Add the FAFSA school code
This document includes just a sample of programs available in the Metro-Detroit area. Remember to check websites for program offerings. Your school’s career exploration tools will also highlight a variety of related careers and education and training institutions.
References: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook
Note: Inclusion of a program in our database does not indicate an endorsement by Wayne RESA. The database is for informational purposes only.
Department of Workforce Development, CTE, Adult Ed and Career Counseling